SDHF Newsletter No.246J 軍艦島2

松木 國俊
その2 第1部:第1章、第2章

これほどのウソを根拠に執拗に反対する韓国に対して、日本の外務省はまたしても禍根を残す対応をしてしまいました。韓国の主張を受け入れて、登録時に「forced to work」という言葉を世界文化委員会遺産委員会で表明してしまったのです。これはどう見ても「徴用工の強制連行」を認めたと解釈されてしまいます。韓国は自らの立場が認められたと確信して、「強制労働」非難のキャンペーンを進めてきました。


令和元年7月26日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

Gunkanjima (Battleship Island): A World Heritage Site Soiled by Korea
–Another distortion of history, akin to the “comfort women”
By Matsuki Kunitoshi
Series No.2: Part 1: Chapter 1, Chapter 2

In July 2015, the former coal mining facility of Gunkanjima (Battleship Island), located southwest of the Port of Nagasaki, was inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Property.
When it was made known that Gunkanjima’s facilities were included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Korea opposed this, arguing that Korean workers were forced to work in an inhumane environment. Their opposition was strident and persistent. They produced much propaganda that allegedly showed Korean workers in misery. Included was a photo that allegedly demonstrated abused Korean workers at Gunkanjima. However, an expert examined the photo and found that it was a photo from the Asahikawa Newspaper, dated September 9, 1926. The photo was of Japanese workers at a construction site.
Regrettably, as always, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs took a very compromising attitude towards Korean pressure. To appease Korea, Japan’s Foreign Ministry acknowledged the use of “forced labor” to the Committee on World Cultural Heritage at the time of Gunkanjima’s inscription. Koreans were no less appeased by these words. Rather, they were further encouraged to attack Japan, on the ground that the Japanese government acknowledged the use of “forced labor”.
The Koreans turned up their propaganda campaign. As introduced in No.1 of this series, they produced a film Gunkanjima (Battleship Island), which is nothing but lies and fabrications. Towards the end of the film, Korean “mobilized workers” and “comfort women” take up arms and overcome the Japanese soldiers. The Koreans then escape to freedom from Gunkanjima by boat. This is really laughable, as at the time there were only two police officers in one koban on the entire island—there were no Japanese military personnel.
The film was not only promoted in Korea but worldwide. The film was advertised in the US, for a week, with the help of the Times Square billboard in New York City.


Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
