SDHF Newsletter No.413J 日米韓合同シンポ その2

その2―「第二部 研究報告」

① 柳錫春氏 「延世大講義 名誉棄損 刑事事件第2審の争点」
② 福井義高氏 「慰安婦をめぐる事実と価値判断の間:経済分析の視点から」
③ 金柄憲氏 「2023年日本国を相手とした慰安婦訴訟判決文と教科書記述」
④ 李宇衍氏 「韓国メディアの慰安婦問題に関する報道動向:朴裕河事件とラムアイヤー事件を中心に」
⑤ 松木國俊氏 『慰安婦訴訟~日韓関係を破壊する個人請求権復活の危険』
⑥ ジェイソン・モーガン氏 「The Comfort Women Hoax~慰安婦問題という詐欺の終焉とこれからの課題」
・北朝鮮大好きの元コロンビア大学の弟子のソ連研究家Chatani Sayaka.
・元コロンビア大学のBruce Cumings.日本学担当の共産主義者。
・Luise Young ウィスコンシン大教授。モーガンをアメリカ学会から追い出した左翼。
・Nevillw Roy Singham という米国籍を持つマルクス主義活動家で中共が資金バック。
令和6年10月1日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道

“Japan, US, South Korea Joint Symposium” to condemn the Comfort women issue held – Part II: Study Report
By Matsuki Kunitoshi, fellow, International Research Institute of Controversial Histories

After the keynote lectures, six researchers from Japan, South Korea and the United States reported issues regarding comfort women from their respective standpoints.
1. Mr. Lew Seok-choon: “Lecture at Yonse University and defamatory criminal charge”
Following a lecture I gave on the comfort women issue, I was indicted by a prosecutor who demanded a year and a half of imprisonment for my “crime”. In January 2024, the original verdict was overturned at the first court, and I won the case with the exception of the conviction for defamation against the Korean Council for the Women Drafted. As of this judgement, I have appealed it to a higher court.
2. Mr. Fukui Yoshitaka: “The problem of the facts and value judgement about the comfort women; from a viewpoint of economic analysis”
Economics, especially economics in the United States, is close to natural science and from that point of view, researchers should not make subjective evaluations but are required to understand the facts correctly and interpret rationally why things turned out the way they did. Ramseyer papers indicate: 1) The comfort women system was an extension of the domestic prostitution system at that time, and 2) Actions taken by those concerned were objective and reasonable.
3. Mr. Kim Byeong-heon: “Judgement document for the comfort women lawsuit against Japan in 2023 and descriptions of the comfort women issue in school textbooks”
1) The comfort women lawsuit judgement is based on totally false documents.
2) Korean school textbooks imbue the Korean children’s minds with hatred against Japan using totally false facts concerning the comfort women issue.
4. Mr. Lee Wooyoun: “Reporting trend of Korean media about the comfort women issue; focus on the Park Yu-ha’s case and the academic riot against Ramseyer”
Ms. Park Yu-ha was exposed to massive bashing by many reporting media over her book. However, unlike other researchers, she luckily had several occasions to express herself through the media.
In addition to the attacks against Professor Ramseyer’s papers, distorted reporting that “he confessed the absence of comfort women’s prostitution contracts” appeared.
5. Mr. Matsuki Kunitoshi: “Lawsuit against Japan on the comfort women issue; danger of revivals of the individual right for claim which destroy the Japan-Korea relationship”
The Seoul Central District Court and the Seoul High Court ruled that Japanese Government should pay each of the three plaintiffs 100 million won, 300 million won in respectively. Both judgements deny the “principle of sovereign immunity” and assume the alleged illegal colonial rule by Japan. No countries in the world argued that Japan’s Annexation of Korea was illegal at that time. If such groundless thought is accepted as reality, the Japan-Korea relations will reach a critical point where no international rules are valid.
6. Mr. Jason M. Morgan: “The Comfort Women Hoax—its end and the future issue”
The comfort women issue is simply a hoax set up by leftist groups. In the end of last year, The Comfort Women Hoax co-authored by Professor Ramseyer and me was published. For thirty years before the publication of this book, there have been many leftists “in charge” of the “fraud.” I’ll briefly introduce who and what sort of groups are engaged in this fabrication campaign.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
