SDHF Newsletter No.392J 日本がアジアを目覚めさせた その10 おわりに

その10 おわりに

田中さんはムジブル・ラーマンの死後出会ったベンガル人はあなただけだと言って、寝室に飾ってある二人の写真を見せてくれました。さらに田中さんは「あなたはこれから、南京事件のことを研究した方がいいですよ」と言って著書の『南京事件の総括―虐殺否定の15の論拠』をシャーカーさんに下さいました。これが縁となって、シャーカーさんの日本研究が進み、『知ってる、知らない日本」シリーズ3巻を発刊することになりました。ちなみに、小生は田中正明先生のこの著書の、「虐殺否定の15の論拠」の部分を英訳し、”What Really Happened in Nanking” という本を発刊し、アメリカの大学などに紹介したところ、いくつかの大学でサブ・テキストに使ってくれました。
・〃   英訳文:
「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道

Japan Awakened Asia―A Miracle of the 20th Century
The Road to the Independence of India
―A Story to Be Passed Down to the Next Generation
Probir Bikash Sarker
Part 10, Conclusion

In 1984, Mr. Sarker came to Japan as a foreign student to learn the Japanese language and culture under the program “foster 100,000 foreign students” during the Prime Minister Nakasone’s administration. As many Bangladesh people did, he intended to study in the United States, but he was somewhat hesitant to carry it out. He learned that Japan, a Buddist country, was accepting foreign students and he decided to go to Japan against his father’s wishes. His father advised him to learn about Justice Pal when he was about leave for Japan.
He met Professor Wagatsuma Kazuo of Tsukuba University, who was eminent researcher of Tagore and culture exchange between Tagore and Japanese people. He was felt fascinated by the history of exchange between Tagore and the Japanese. He wanted to convey his fascination to other Bengalese. In 1991, he published an informative magazine in Bengalese titled Machitro. He found a book titled Pal’s Theory of Non-guilty Japan written by Mr. Tanaka Masaaki on the bookshelf of the printing company he worked for. It was about Justice Pal his father told him just leaving for Japan. He called Tanaka and was suggested to visit his home.
Mr. Tanaka welcome him, saying, “You are the only Bengali I met after Mujibur Rahman.” Mr. Tanak said he liked Mujibur Rahman and took him to his bedroom to show picture of Mujibur Rahman and Tanaka shaking hands on occasion Mr. Tanaka visited Bangladesh in 1972. Mr. Tanaka hinted that mar Saker study about the Nanking Incident showing his book titled Summary of the Nanking Incident: 15 proofs for denying the massacre.
His acquaintance wit Mr. Tanaka advanced his study on Japan. He published three-volume series titled We Know and We do not Know (in Bengalese). As to Mr. Tanak’s book Summary of the Nanking Incident: 15 proofs for denying the massacre, I translated a part “15 proofs for denying the massacre” into English and published a book What Really Happened in Nanking. I introduced it to American universities, some of which used it for subtext for the class.
I strongly hope that this Mr. Sarker’s book as well as books introducing that it was Japan that paved the way for Asia, including India, to become independent and that Japan achieved the feat at an enormous cost on her part.
