SDHF Newsletter No.407J 書評 ラムザイヤー論文集日韓同時出版の意義

< 書 評 >
ジョン・マーク・ラムザイヤー(John Mark Ramseyer)著、李宇衍(Lee woo-youn)・柳錫春(Lew Seok-choon)訳『ハーバード大学教授が教えてくれる慰安婦問題の真実(副題:太平洋戦争における売春契約)(Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War)』(メディアウォッチ社 2024年)
上席研究員 松木國俊

ハーバード大学ラムザイヤー教授が、慰安婦性奴隷説を論破した論文の数々を一冊にまとめた本『慰安婦性奴隷説をハーバード大学ラムザイヤー教授が完全論破』(ハート出版 2023年)が、2023年12月13日に日本で刊行され、続いて2024年1月3日、韓国でも同様の書籍が出版されました。韓国語版のタイトルは『ハーバード大学教授が教えてくれる慰安婦問題の真実(副題:太平洋戦争における売春契約)』です。
〃 (英訳):
*本書評は国際歴史論戦研究所のサイト( )に初出。
「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道

<Book Review>
Harvard Professor Tells Us the Truth about the Comfort Women Issue (Subtitle: Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War), written by John Mark Ramseyer, translated by Lee Woo-youn and Lew Seok-choon, published by Media Watch Company
The significance of the concurrent publications of Professor Ramseyer’s papers in Japan and South Korea
By Matsuki Kunitoshi, Fellow, International Research Institute of Controversial Histories

The book titled Harvard Professor Ramseyer’s Complete Refutation of Comfort Women Being Sexual Slaves published by Heart Publishers, Seoul in 2013, contains the professor’s papers that completely refuted the theory of comfort women being sexual slaves. It was published on December 13, 2023, in Japan and the publication of the same book translated into the Korean language followed on January 3, 2024. The title of the Korean version of the book is Harvard Professor Tells Us the Truth about the Comfort Women Issue with the subtitle Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War.
The structure and contents of the book are nearly identical to Japanese version and the only difference is that in the last chapter of the Korean version, a paper entitled “Connection with North Korea”, co-authored by Professor Ramseyer and the former Waseda University Professor Arima Tetsuo is added.
The translation into the Korean language of Prof. Ramseyer’s papers was done by Mr. Lee woo-youn, researcher at Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research and Mr. Lew Seok-choon of Yonsei University. Mr. Lee woo-youn is one of the authors of the book Anti-Japanese Ethnicism published in Korea in 2019 and as an economist, he objectively analyzes the development stages of the Korean economy and highly praises the governance by Japan. From December 2019 onward, he has been single-handedly conducting regular demonstrations asking for “the removal of the comfort woman statue, the suspension of the anti-Japan Wednesday meeting and the dissolution of the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance (The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan). He is truly a man of action.
The other translator, Mr. Lew Seok-choon, is a sociology doctor. He studies the period of Japan’s rule of the Korean Peninsula from the perspective of “developmental sociology” while maintaining a balanced and impartial viewpoint. During his lecture at Yonsei University, he talked about the “truth about the Japanese rule,” and as a result, he was expelled from his teaching job, indicted by the anti-Japan forces and is now fighting his case in the court.
The successful publication at this time of The Truth about the Comfort Women Issue owes much to both translators for their passion and sense of duty. The significance of what Ramseyer papers say in refutation of the comfort women-related lies being known to the general Korean public is enormous. The publication of this book will be epoch-making and a significant step toward the complete resolution of the comfort women issue.
*This book review was first published in International Research Institute of Controversial Histories site (
MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
