に発信しました。 史実を世界に発信する会 茂木
The Tokyo Trials and the Truth of “Pal’s Judgment”
Of the eleven judges at the Tokyo Trials, only Radhabinod Pal had specialized
in international law. Basing his position strictly on the law and rules of evidence,
he maintained that the Tokyo Trials were in error. He wrote a dissidenting
judgment, in which he concluded that “each and everyone of the accused must
be found tnot guilty of each and every one of the charges in the indictment and
should be acquitted of those charges.”
Prof. Watanabe introduces the major points of the 700 page “Judgment” by
directly quoting Pal’s words in his book “The Tokyo Trials and the Truth of
the Pal’s Judgment.”
You can read summary and the whole text at our site:
Summary: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/63_S2.pdf
The whole text: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/63_S4.pdf
Any questions are welcome.
MOTEKI Hiromichi
Deputy Chairman and Secretary General
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact