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「ザ・コールデスト・ウインター 朝鮮戦争」(上)(下)デイヴィッド・ハルバースタム著、山田耕介・山田侑平訳、文芸春秋、2009年10月発行、¥1,900+税

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「増補新版 よくわかる慰安婦問題」西岡力著、草思社、2012年12月、¥800(+税)

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慰安婦問題の最初は、1983年に吉田清治(日本人、共産主義者)が「私の戦争犯罪 慰安婦の強制連行」(三一書房)という作り話を出版したことに始まる。この話は地元紙「済州新聞」(1989年8月14日付け)の許栄繕記者の現地調査に基づく署名記事で捏造であることが判明し、後に吉田本人も事実ではないことを認めている。その後、朝日新聞の植村隆記者(妻は韓国の被害者団体の幹部の娘)が貧しさのためキーセンに売られた朝鮮人を、日本軍が強制連行したとの悪意ある捏造記事を掲載し、戦時中の勤労奉仕(工場労働など)のための「女子挺身隊」を慰安婦だと詐称することにより問題を大きくした。さらには、高木健一弁護士、千田夏光(作家)、吉見義明(大学教授)、戸塚悦郎弁護士らの反日左翼と思われる人士がフィクションを拡散し続け、特に戸塚悦郎弁護士はたびたび国連にまで働きかけ、国連やアメリカを始めとする欧米諸国にフィクションを拡散させてしまった。
秦教授は吉田清治を職業的詐話師(professional liar)と呼んでいるが、彼は共産主義者である(1947年4月、下関市議に共産党から出馬して落選している)。1992年に現地調査に訪れた済州島で、秦教授に対して元「済州新聞」の許栄善女史は「何が目的でこんな作り話を書くんでしょうか」と問いかけている。この問題の番組を企画して調査していたNHK山口放送局に対して、当の出版社から「あれは小説ですよ」(つまり作り話)という話が入り、NHKは企画を中止した。国連のクマラスワミ報告書は、吉田清治の作り話が事実であるとの前提で書かれている。この報告書は左翼反日日本人が代筆したのではないかとの噂があるそうです。詳しくは本書を読んでいただくとして、秦教授がさまざまな観点から合理的に推測している統計データを以下に示しておきます。
・人種別比率-日本内地人:現地人(支那人など):朝鮮人:その他=4:3:2:1 (多数は内地の日本人と支那人などの現地人である)
・生還率  -90%以上(参考:日赤従軍看護婦は、動員26,295人に対して95.8%が生還-敗戦が濃厚になるに従い、日本軍は女性を早め早めに帰還させていた)
March 15, 1996
Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy
Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

Dear Ms. Coomaraswamy:

I have received your report on your mission to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea and Japan on the issue of military sexual slavery in wartime (E/CN.4/1996/53/Add.1). However, I have found with much regret that what I explained to you at our meeting held on July 23, 1995, in Tokyo, was not precisely reflected at all in paragraph 40 in the Addendum to your report. I would like to ask you to duly rectify the following points so that my opinion is more correctly recorded in your report.

1. Line 14 to line 17 in paragraph 40, means almost the opposite of what I explained. I explained that those comfort women were not under contract with the Japanese military but with private brothel masters, and that the contractual status (i.e., terms of employment, income distribution, condition of daily lives, etc.) are clear with the inquiry records of the twenty Korean comfort women and masters who were prisoners of war detained by the U.S. Army. I wish to ask you to check once again my resume on “comfort women” issue and a copy of inquiry records by the U.S. Army which I have handed over to you. A copy of the resume is attached to this letter.
2. The purpose of my visiting Saishu Island in March, 1992, was to examine whether there was a fact that some women were abducted with violence, as described in Seiji Yoshida’s book. As a result of the research, with the evidence including newspaper articles and testimony, I was firmly convinced that the description by Yoshida was a mere fiction which is completely groundless. I remind you that I informed that Yoshida was a “professional liar,” judging from his behavior in other fields as well.
3. Line 9 to line 14 is not the result of my research in Saishu Island, but the conclusion which I reached after studying various materials, records and having interviews with a number of people. Moreover, although I classified the types os recruitment into type A and type B in II(2) in my resume, I told you that most cases were of type A, and that no evidence for type B has been discovered. Accordingly, I pointed out just the possibility of cases where village chiefs acted as collaborators.
In addition to this misinterpretation of my explanation, I am quite dissatisfied with the fact that the above mentioned U.S. inquiry records are not quoted in your report. It is also regrettable that most of the factual information in your report are cited from “The Comfort Women” by George Hicks (1995). Hicks’ book has such problems as follows:
(A) Hicks, at “Acknowledgement ” in his book, confesses that he is not capable of collecting and analyzing literature written in Japanese, and that he relied on Ms. Yumi Lee, a Korean national living in Japan, to collect them (and probably translate them into English).
(B) This seems to have resulted in the extremely primitive and substantive mistakes in dealing with important information and translation. For example, in paragraph 24 which describes the first comfort station, you write that a number of “Korean women” from a Korean community in Japan were sent to Shanghai by the Governor of Nagasaki prefecture, citing the description of Mr. Hicks’ book. The information source of his book is “Marriage between the Japanese and Korean Comfort women (tentative translation: there is no English issue)” written by Ms. Yuko Suzuki according to its footnote. Ms. Suzuki’s book is written based upon “Records by General Yasuji Okamura (tentative translation: there is no English issue) ”. But there is no mentioning to “Korean women” in both books.
(C) I cannot detect the source of the information because there are not footnotes in his book.
(D) The bibliography mentioned in his book does not contain several important Japanese documents on “comfort women,” such as Hata’s “Mystery of Showa History” containing my two articles written in 1992.

I sincerely hope that you have the kindness to pay due regard to my opinion. I am always available to help you in accomplishing your task on violence against women.

Sincerely yours,

Ikuhiko HATA
Professor, Chibe University

P.S. I have sent a copy of this letter to Mr. Ayala Lasso, High Commissioner of Human Rights, and asked him to distribute it to the member States at the coming Human Rights Committee.

On “Comfort Women” (Ianfu)
1995/7/23 HATA
1937 Sino-J. war
1941 – 45 War with US.GB.
1965 J-K treaty
1978 Senda’s books 3 vols. (500,000 copies)
1983 Yoshida Seiji’s book (trans. to Korean 1989)
1991/12 9 ex-Ianfu suit
1992/3 Hata to S. Korea for research
1992/7 J. govt report and K. govt report
1995/8 Ianfu NGO fund start

I Peacetime
(1) Licensed prostitution (1958 abolished) – Brothels area was under police control – registration, health check – crime investigation woman – (parent) – broker – brothel owner 170,000 women (J) + 12,000 women (K) in 1941
(2)Unlicensed prostitution – about same number
II Wartime (1937 – 45)
(1) Military units received their home town brothel owners and women and opened comfort house in 1937 in China
(2) In Korea – recruit system
Type A
woman (K) – (Parent=K) – broker (K) – brothel owner (house master, J or K) –
military unit (J)
Type B
woman (K) – parent=K – village chief and police (K) – viceroy of Korea (J) – brothel
owner – military unit (J)
(3) Total figure 60,000 ~ 90,000 (70% = Korean, 30% = Japanese) Survived the war – more than 90%(Note: These numbers would be those of whole servicing trade including comfort women. Professor HATA’s estimate of comfort women in his survey report – book – shows 10,000 ~ 20,000 and the ratio of Koreans is around 20% , though 40% is Japanese.)
(4) Contractual Status (see attached US Army Rpt)
parent (woman) – broker (master)
advance money (debt) \300 – \1,000
income distribution 40 – 60%
income of woman \1,000 – \2,000 (month)
soldier’s salary \15 – \25 (month)
(5) Compulsory or not ?
(a) Yoshida’s book – woman hunting – (only source) (professional liar)
(b) J govt invest (1992/7) – no hunting out of 127 documents
(c) Korean brokers are best eye-witness
III WWII Period-other nations
US, UK – Use of private brothels in the Pacific, use of RAA in Japan. Succeeded German brothels at Sicily island.
Germany – 500 military brothels, similar to Japanese system
ref. Frantz Seidler, Prostitution Homosexualitat selbstverstummelung-Probleme
der deutschen Sanitatfyhrung 1935 – 45 (Neckergemund, 1977)
USSR – raping in Manchuria and Berlin
US – comfort women supplied by S. Korean govt.
Korea – Korean Ianfu at the Korean War. Use of brothels at Vietnam War and 5,000 – 10,000 Vietnam – born children
Thai, P.I. – gangsters involved
Title: I expect that US will stand by historical facts !

Dear mass media and the Citizens of US,

I am astonished to know that Glendale City Council (in California) approved for the installation of a Korean Sister City “Comfort Women” Peace Monument on the 9th July. I wonder what is the purpose of the installation and what benefit the Glendale City and US will receive from the shameless monument grounded on the fictions which tricky Japanese group (communists and their sympathizers) originated and have been propagated by U.N. to be utilized by anti-Japan Korean and Chinese.

You can easily meet and recognize general Japanese, Korean, and Chinese people today. The characteristic of nations are NOT so easily changed that you may be able to judge which is true of what general Japanese are saying or tricky Japanese and Koreans are saying. Because of language barrier, serious survey reports and historical facts for this subject have NOT been propagated to the world yet, although fictions were propagated with their whole heart by tricky Japanese and Koreans. Probably because of that reason and unnecessary apology by Japanese government and its laziness to inform the historical facts to the world, you may believe the fictions. US government will never accept the fictions if they are used for the purpose of attacking to US, even if it will be by an allied power. But Japanese government is so weak to claim the facts by taking the relationship with South-Korea into the consideration. Moreover most of
Japanese do not like conflicts with others in general. That is cultural difference.

So-called “comfort women” problem were originated by a tricky Japanese Seiji Yoshida (communist, professional liar) who wrote fictions in his book in 1983. Then, fictions were brought into U.N. by also tricky Japanese. Korea and red China have been utilizing that movement for their anti-Japan campaign. A big Korean protesting group for this subject is connected with North-Korea. The publisher of Yoshida’s book explained that the book is a novel (this means fictions) for the survey group of N.H.K. (Japan Broadcasting Association).
There are NO firm evidence for the Korean prostitutes’ self-statements that they were abducted by systematic military power, instead most of them were sold by their parents to the brothel owners because of poverty. In those days, some of them were cheated by Korean brokers to become prostitutes. Those were sad stories, but such stories were common in the islands of Japan and in Korean peninsula (and also in other countries). The authorities controlled rigidly such crimes (we can see many news in the newspapers in those days). Similar affairs have been happening in today’s red China. Some of them became to be prostitutes because of high salary (Korea is a big country to export prostitutes to the world even today, many of whom are working in US, Canada, Japan and in Australia. 23.5% of foreign prostitutes in US are Koreans – Report of the U.S. Department of State for a counterplan for extermination of human traffic – and about one by fifth of prostitutes in Australia are Koreans).
There is NO evidence for Japanese authorities to abduct young Korean girls to be prostitutes systematically. I believe there was NO need for abduction since there were so many candidates to become prostitutes in those days, since Japan including Korea and Taiwan were further poorer than today. Individual crimes in South Asia, for example, were exposed by Japanese military police or at war courts after WWII to be punished. Those affairs were NOT also systematic abductions by the authorities.

Korean protesting group for this subject is intentionally mixing “Jyoshi-Teishin-Tai” (mobilized young girls to work in factories for manufacturing) and “Ianfu” (comfort women) as the same, but that is NOT true. If there were really 200,000 prostitutes, NO soldiers could have time to fight the war on the ground, and brothel owners could NOT justify their cost. The work of the prostitutes were NOT so easy, but they (and their parents) could survive in those days with fighting with Japanese soldiers (including Koreans and Taiwanese) to protect Japan against your invasion (apparently the undeclared war was generated by FDR and its group – your scholars proved). I believe that it will be an insult for the ladies of prostitutes NOT to respect their human rights to call them as “military sex slaves”.

You should hear first the real voices of the people who lived in those days, which were recorded in the following documents, before believing absurd fictions:
– UNITED STATES OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION Psychological Warfare Team Attached to U.S.Army Forces India-Burma Theator APO 689 Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49
– Composite Report on three Korean Navy Civilians List No.78, dated 28 March 1945, “Special Questions on Koreans” [U.S. National Archives]
– Article on the “Saishu (=Chejyu) Newspaper” dated August 14, 1989 in Korea (sorry that this article is written in Korean)
Some of historical facts are also explained in the web site of the Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact (http://www.sdh-fact.com/).

According to the survey reports by professor HATA, reasonable estimate of the number of prostitutes are around 10,000 to 20,000 and the ratio of race would be Japanese: On-site people (e.g., Chinese): Korean: Others = 4: 3: 2: 1 (majority were Japanese). He estimated more than 90% of them could return to their countries, because Japanese army tried to send females back to their countries first when the situation of war declined worse (ref. return ratio of Japan Red Cross nurses to follow Japanese army was 95.8% of total number 26,295 nurses).
A rumor says that the Coomaraswamy Report in U.N. was written by tricky Japanese by intentionally neglecting the facts written in the reports by professor HATA. That Coomaraswamy Report spreaded evil fictions into the world. Professor HATA sent a Statement to Ms. Coomaraswamy dated March 15 in 1996, but he have received no response from her, that means she does not deny the professor HATA’s Statement.
So-called comfort women were mere prostitutes same as in Germany , US, UK , France , and so on. If you would like to use the evil phrase of “military sex slavery”, Korean comfort women for American troops after WWII would be more appropriate.

It seems for me that lots of Americans are fond of communists and liars and so very weak for their propaganda. You should NOT be so ignorant and hypocritical, which will surely hurt the honor and long-term benefit of your country.
I would like to expect you to survey the issue in more precisely and NOT to lose your cultural level by the Monument in your country.

(Name and Address)
註: 上記抗議文中に引用した“UNITED STATES OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION Psychological Warfare Team Attached to U.S.Army Forces India-Burma Theator APO 689 Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49” の全文は、以下のWebSiteからDownloadできます。
http://nadesiko-action.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Japanese-Prisoner-of-War-Interrogation.pdf (なでしこアクションのホームページ)
http://www.awf.or.jp/pdf/0051_5.pdf (アジア女性基金のデジタル資料)
http://sns.mynippon.jp/?m=pc&a=page_fh_diary&target_c_diary_id=503641&from=weeklynews (または http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIPmPYn2gRY)には、同文書を入手したアメリカ人によるアメリカ国内の慰安婦像設置を非難するメッセージが掲載されています。

「台湾、朝鮮、満州 日本の植民地の真実」黄文雄著、扶桑社、2003年10月発行、¥2,476+税

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「韓国は日本人がつくった」(徳間書店、2002年4月。改訂版、WAC BUNKO、2010年8月)

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「やっかいな隣人 韓国の正体」井沢元彦、呉善花共著、祥伝社、2006年9月発行、¥1,600+税

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