2020年 のアーカイブ


Response from Japan National Archives (3)



SDHF Newsletter No.276J WGIPと「歴史戦」その2序章

高橋 史朗 著
その2 序章 在外文書調査研究の旅へ

WGIP の本格研究が開始されます。アメリカ、イギリスなどの在外文書を求めて夫妻での研究旅行が始まります。

英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/WGIPe2.pdf

令和2年5月5日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

War Guilt Information Program (WGIP) and “History Warfare”
By Takahashi Shiro
Published by The Institute of Moralogy
Series No. 2: Prologue: A trip to visit overseas archives

In this prologue, Professor Takahasi Shiro traces his involvement in research of postwar education history, the core of which was the War Guilt Information Program (WGIP) conducted by the US occupation force (GHQ). His route was not a straightforward one.
He visited the United States in 1980 with a firm determination to study the history of Japanese postwar education by reading as many GHQ-related papers as possible. His three years of research was not smooth but on the final leg he finally came across very important papers concerning the “Shinto Directive”, which formed the kernel of Allied occupation policy against Japan, which “would destroy the enemy’s philosophy itself” as President Roosevelt stated.
After he returned to Japan, Professor Takahashi was heavily involved in educational reform projects, an expert on the Government’s ad hoc educational reform committee, a lecturer and entrance examination examiner for Matsushita Seikei Jyuku, chairman of a committee for research and study on sound growth and development for youths for the Ministry of Home Affairs, and so on. So, his ongoing study on the WGIP did not make significant progress.
On his sixty-second birthday, November 20, 2012, he made up his mind to return to his “beginning”, the study of postwar Japanese education history. His trip to visit overseas archives started December 2012. From these trips, he collected 16 important papers, which are listed in the notes on page 18:

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1528/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/WGIPe2.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Phone: +81-3-3519-4366
Fax: +81-3-3519-4367
Email moteki@sdh-fact.com
URL http://www.sdh-fact.com
Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.



4/1,H.M.様 1,000 寄付
4/1,S.H.様 3,000 寄付
4/1,K.S.様 10,000 個人会員
4/1,M.A.様 5,000 寄付
4/2,M.T.様 100,000 寄付
4/2,N.M.様 3,000 寄付
4/3,K.T.様 10,000 個人会員
4/3,T.H.様 5,000 寄付
4/3,K.S.様 10,000 寄付
4/3,O.S.様 2,000 寄付
4/6,M.M.様 5,000 寄付
4/6,S.M.様 10,000 寄付
4/6,S.T.様 10,000 寄付
4/6,F.K.様 10,000 個人会員
4/6,N.K.様 10,000 個人会員
4/7,T.T.様 2,000 寄付
4/7,Y.F.様 10,000 個人会員
4/8,M.J.様 10,000 寄付
4/8,I.A.様 5,000 寄付
4/8,M.K.様 2,000 寄付
4/9,S.K.様 10,000 個人会員
4/9,S.H.様 10,000 寄付
4/10,S.S.様 30,000 寄付
4/10,T.K.様 10,000 寄付
4/10,T.T.様 15,000 寄付
4/13,K.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
4/13,T.K.様 10,000 個人会員
4/13,Y.K.様 10,000 個人会員
4/13,I.J.様 10,000 個人会員
4/13,O.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
4/13,I.K.様 10,000 寄付
4/14,K.K.様 10,000 個人会員
4/14,T.M.様 10,000 個人会員
4/14,O.K.様 10,000 個人会員
4/14,M.J.様 10,000 個人会員
4/14,A.T.様 10,000 個人会員
4/15,A.T.様 10,000 寄付
4/15,M.A.様 10,000 個人会員
4/16,F.M.様 10,000 個人会員
4/16,O.M.様 10,000 個人会員
4/16,I.T.様 10,000 個人会員
4/17,U.S.様 20,000 個人会員
4/17,K.M.様 10,000 個人会員
4/20,M.T.様 10,000 個人会員
4/21,T.S.様 10,000 個人会員
4/21,M.T.様 10,000 個人会員
4/21,N.T.様 10,000 個人会員
4/21,T.T.様 2,000 寄付
4/21,T.K.様 5,000 寄付
4/21,O.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
4/23,Y.S.様 10,000 個人会員
4/23,K.I.様 20,000 寄付
4/23,T.M.様 10,000 個人会員
4/23,O.H.様 10,000 寄付
4/27,N.T.様 10,000 個人会員
4/28,H.T.様 10,000 個人会員
4/28,O.K.様 10,000 個人会員
4/28,O.K.様 10,000 寄付
4/28,M.T.様 100,000 寄付

合計  745,000 円

SDHF Newsletter No.275J 書評「無能と犯罪のはざまで」

<書 評>
杉原 誠四郎

本書の日本語版のタイトルは、『日米開戦以降の日本外交の研究』で、1997年に亜紀書房から出ています。本書は英訳、中国語訳、韓国語訳になっていまして、今回の書評は、英訳版(University Press of America 社)をもとに書かれたもので、その日本語訳を下記に載せております。(日本語版をもとにした書評はニュースレター57号にジャーナリストの伊達国重氏が書かれたものが掲載されています。)

日本語訳: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Between.pdf

令和2年4月21日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

Between Incompetence and Culpability: Assessing the Diplomacy of Japan’s Foreign Ministry from Pearl Harbor to Potsdam.
By Seishiro Sugihara
University Press of America, 1997
Reviewed by Tadashi Hama

This book was first published in the Japanese language and later translated into English, Chinese and Korean. The English edition was published by University Press of America in 1997.
It is actually a rare case for a Japanese language book to be translated into three languages. The book is also unique in that it revealed, for the first time ever to the Japanese people, that before the war, Japan decrypted US diplomatic cables. The Americans heard about this through a leak from Tomihiko Ushiba, Prime Minister Fumimoro Konoe’s personal secretary. Rather than change its codes, the US quietly feed Japan disinformation, with the goal of misleading the Japanese leadership.
In spite of its uniqueness and deep delving into Japanese foreign policy from the start of the war against the US and thereafter, his book was not included as reference material for the special Internet exhibit, “Diplomatic Negotiation between Japan and the United States,” organized by the National Archives of Japan. Professor Sugihara protested by writing letters to the National Archives. The exchange between Prof. Sugihara and the National Archives has been previously noted in SDHF Newsletter Numbers 262, 267 and 272.
Professor Sugihara’s research reveals serious problems within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on how it conducts foreign policy. It appears that the National Archives excluded Professor Sugihara’s findings in order to protect the Foreign Ministry. This bias and obvious partisanship needs to be corrected.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/review-article/1521/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Between-Incompetence-and-Culpability-Reviewd-by-Hama.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

書評 杉原誠四郎『日米開戦以降の日本外交の研究』(亜紀書房1997年)

Between Incompetence and Culpability: Assessing the Diplomacy of Japan’s Foreign Ministry from Pearl Harbor to Potsdam.

Amazon 本購入はこちらから



SDHF Newsletter No.274J WGIPと「歴史戦」その1はじめに、目次

高橋 史朗 著
その1 はじめに、目次


日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/WGIPJ1.pdf
英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/WGIPe1.pdf

令和2年4月15日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

War Guilt Information Program (WGIP) and “History Warfare”
By Takahashi Shiro
Published by The Institute of Moralogy
Series No. 1: Introduction and TOC

A new book by renowned historian Shiro Takahashi shows that the American government, and in particular the General Headquarters under the control of Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, carried out a massive campaign of censorship, disinformation, and brainwashing against the Japanese public in the years following the end of World War II.

The name of this psychological warfare operation is the “War Guilt Information Program,” or WGIP. It was designed to spread false information and instill in the Japanese people a view of history and politics in alignment with the needs of Washington, DC. And it succeeded brilliantly.

The WGIP was a wartime and postwar program, but it began in practice long before it was given an official name. For example, during the run-up to America’s involvement in the Pacific War, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt was, by his own admission, maneuvering Japan into firing the first shot in the conflict that Roosevelt badly wanted, American academics worked hand-in-hand with the U.S. government to produce blatantly false propaganda about Japan.

This book illustrates the entire picture of the WGIP based on primary source materials archived at the University of Maryland, the Hoover Institute, Stanford University, the Hoover Institute, Stanford University, etc.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1519/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/WGIPe1.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

WGIP と「歴史戦」 (高橋史朗)

War Guilt Information Program (WGIP) and “History Warfare”
–Recover morals of the Japanese people

Amazon 本購入はこちらから





SDHF Newsletter No.273J 鯨は国を助く2

小泉 武夫 著
その2 第1章 クジラは日本人を助けた



令和2年4月9日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

Counting the Blessing of Whales:
Insights from a Chopsticks-Wielding Patriot
Koizumi Takeo
Series No.2: Chapter 1 Whales Saved the Japanese

Unearthed relics of the Jomon period clearly demonstrate that Japanese ate whales about 8,000 to 9000 years ago. Japanese have nurtured a peculiar whale-related culture through a long history tied to whales.
Many whale cookbooks were published during the Edo era. Geiniku Chomikata explains how to prepare and cook virtually all, or 67, different parts of the whale including internal organs and skin (with different ways of cooking the various parts including the skin of the head, side and back, breasts, uterus, eyeballs and penis, not to mention red whale meat and the tail meat. Japanese ate every part of the whale and utilized even the bones, teeth, and baleen.
In other words, the Japanese wasted nothing and expressed their gratitude to the whales in various ways. There are many grave mounds and tumulus for whales. A posthumous name was given to each whale and memorial tablets were made. Sometimes towers were erected for their souls. These acts reflect a unique, whale-related Japanese culture.
In June 1853, American Naval officer Matthew Perry led the East India Squadron to Uraga and demanded that trade with the U.S. be opened. In those days, American whalers frequently caught whales off the Sanriku coast, Hakodate coast and Izu Peninsula. The main purpose behind the demand was to build supply bases for whalers. American whalers harvested only the fat for candles and lamps, dumping everything else. When oil was struck in America, the need for whaling declined. Today, Americans see the Japanese as “barbaric” for killing whales and demand that whaling be banned. The American view on whaling is really racist and self-centered.
By the way, the Japanese owed much to whales immediately after the World War II. In those days, Japan was short of food and everybody was poor. During the postwar period, around 1947 to 1948, about 46 to 47% of each person’s source of meat was whale meat. Without whales, Japanese would have been severely malnourished and the miraculous postwar Japanese recovery would not have been possible.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1511/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Counting-1e.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact



3/2,I.T.様 10,000 個人会員
3/2,N.T.様 10,000 個人会員
3/4,S.T.様 10,000 個人会員
3/4,M.K.様 10,000 寄付
3/4,I.A.様 10,000 寄付
3/5,K.M.様 10,000 個人会員
3/5,E.Y.様 10,000 寄付
3/9,W.M.様 10,000 個人会員
3/9,K.S.様 10,000 寄付
3/9,A.M.様 10,000 個人会員
3/9,T.S.様 10,000 個人会員
3/9,N.S.様 10,000 個人会員
3/9,M.K.様 15,000 個人会員
3/10,K.H.様 30,000 寄付
3/10,H.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
3/10,U.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
3/10,S.S.様 10,000 個人会員
3/10,K.T.様 10,000 個人会員
3/11,T.M.様 10,000 個人会員
3/11,K.I.様 20,000 寄付
3/11,T.E.様 10,000 個人会員
3/12,Y.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
3/12,A.K.様 10,000 個人会員
3/12,Y.M.様 10,000 個人会員
3/13,K.S.様 10,000 寄付
3/13,O.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
3/16,I.T.様 20,000 寄付
3/16,H.Y.様 10,000 寄付
3/18,Y.I.様 5,000 寄付
3/19,T.T.様 10,000 個人会員
3/24,S.K.様 10,000 個人会員
3/24,O.H.様 10,000 個人会員
3/25,K.N.様 10,000 個人会員
3/26,S.E.様 5,000 寄付
2/26,I.S.様 10,000 寄付
3/26,K.A.様 10,000 寄付
3/26,K.M.様 10,000 個人会員
3/26,N.S.様 2,000 寄付
3/27,F.T.様 2,000 寄付
3/27,S.T.様 10,000 個人会員
3/27,I.T.様 5,000 寄付
3/27,M.H.様 10,000 個人会員
3/27,S.T.様 3,000 寄付
3/27,S.H.様 30,000 寄付
3/27,W.M.様 10,000 個人会員
3/30,K.S.様 20,000 寄付
3/30,S.T.様 3,000 寄付
3/30,T.S.様 10,000 個人会員
3/30,M.I.様 3,000 寄付
3/30,S.T.様 10,000 個人会員
3/30,S.H.様 10,000 個人会員
3/31,I.T.様 10,000 個人会員
3/31,S.Y.様 10,000 寄付
3/31,N.Y.様 10,000 寄付
3/31,S.T.様 3,000 寄付
3/31,T.K.様 7,000 寄付
3/31,H.M.様 3,000 寄付

合計  576,000円


Open letter to Japan National Archives (3)



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