2020年 のアーカイブ


Press Conference by KIM Byung-heon, Director of the Korean History Textbook Research Institute, at Demonstration for Removal of the Comfort Woman Statue





SDHF Newsletter No.284J 書評「ハワイの主権:事実が問題?」

<書 評>
グッデイル出版 1998

書評英語原文:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Hawaiian_e.pdf
日本語訳:  http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Hawaiian.pdf

令和2年8月19日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

Hawaiian Sovereignty: Do the Facts Matter?
Thurston Twigg-Smith
Goodale Publishing, 1998
Reviewed by Tadashi Hama

One notes from the current rioting in America not only how rapidly American racial minorities escalate to raw violence in response to alleged injustice but how tightly enveloped they are in victimhood culture. “Victimhood culture” is belief in externalities beyond one’s control are responsible for one’s failings. In the US, the White majority ruling class “oppresses” non-Whites via “institutional racism”. Thus, tearing down White institutions and overthrowing the White ruling class will lead to a brighter future for non-Whites—so it is hoped.
Native Hawaiians, specifically, the race that existed in the islands prior to the arrival of European explorers, have also called for secession from the US and restoration of the Kingdom of Hawaii, which ceased to exist with the abdication of the last sovereign, Queen Liliuokalani, on January 17, 1893. As with other racial minorities, Hawaiian sovereigntists aim to replace White American institutions with “traditional Hawaiian culture”.
However, Thurston Twigg-Smith’s book tells a different tale. Former publisher of the Honolulu Advertiser, Twigg-Smith was the great-great-grandson of one of the first missionaries to arrive in Hawaii and grandson of a former cabinet member chosen to serve the Hawaiian monarchy, who later took part in the Hawaii “revolution” of 1893 which led to the end of the Hawaiian monarchy. Few visitors, as well as locals, know anything of the true history of Hawaii and Twigg-Smith gives reads an unflinching look at the real past.
It should be noted that the Constitution of 1887 had the following stipulation for voters: “every male resident… of Hawaiian, American or European birth or descent” and “he shall be able to read and comprehend an ordinary newspaper in either the Hawaiian, English or some European language…” Thus, Asians were excluded from voting—Japanese immigrants consisted of the largest population group at that time.
Behind the story of Hawaii’s final days as a monarchy is an interaction of numerous Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian personalities and competing agendas. Numerous non-Hawaiians were in fact loyal to the Kingdom and worked with the monarchy to preserve and continue Hawaii’s independence in the face of encroaching European powers. When the rulers failed their subjects, non-Hawaiians, as well as Hawaiians, put interests of the people of Hawaii first.
The Hawaiian monarchs were shewed politicians by any standard—today’s sovereigntists consider them dupes of foreign influence, but on reading Twigg-Smith’s account, this is patently false. Twigg-Smith’s book is an island of measured and calm facts in a sea of emotional propaganda.
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/review-article/1574/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Hawaiian_e.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

ハワイの主権:事実が問題? サーストン・トゥイッグ・スミス 書評

Hawaiian Sovereignty: Do the Facts Matter?

Amazon (英語版)本購入はこちらから





7/1,S.H.様 100,000 賛助会員
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7/6,N.K.様 20,000 個人会員
7/6,K.T.様 10,000 個人会員
7/6,K.S.様 10,000 個人会員
7/6,N.F.様 100,000 寄付
7/7,H.N.様 10,000 個人会員
7/7,C.S.様 30,000 個人会員
7/7,M.K.様 5,000 寄付
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7/7,I.M.様 10,000 個人会員
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7/7,W.T.様 10,000 寄付
7/7,E.K.様 10,000 個人会員
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7/8,K.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/8,M.S.様 20,000 個人会員
7/8,O.H.様 5,000 寄付
7/8,T.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/9,S.M.様 10,000 個人会員
7/9,Y.Y.様 10,000 寄付
7/9,H.T.様 10,000 個人会員
7/10,S.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/10,Y.J.様 10,000 個人会員
7/10,K.S.様 10,000 個人会員
7/13,Y.M.様 100,000 寄付
7/15,K.I.様 20,000 寄付
7/15,I.S.様 10,000 寄付
7/15,N.K.様 10,000 寄付
7/16,Y.M.様 10,000 個人会員
7/18,T.H.様 20,000 個人会員
7/20,S.F.様 10,000 個人会員
7/20,I.N.様 10,000 個人会員
7/21,N.T.様 50,000 寄付
7/27,I.K.様 10,000 寄付
7/27,S.N.様 5,000 寄付
7/28,S.J.様 10,000 寄付
7/30,H.R.様 10,000 寄付

合計  968,000円

SDHF Newsletter No.283J 書評「知的劣化」

<書 評>
インプリント・アカデミック 2018


書評英語原文:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Whye.pdf
日本語訳:  http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Why.pdf

令和2年7月27日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

At Our Wit’s End: Why We’re Becoming Less Intelligent
and What it Means for the Future
Edward Dutton and Michael Woodley of Menie
Imprint Academic, 2018
Reviewed by Tadashi Hama

A previous book by Woodley of Menie, Rhythm of the West (Council for Social and Economic Studies, 2017), outlined the rise and fall of general intelligence in the West, extrapolating from historical, behavioral, psychological and phenotypic data obtained from Britannics (meaning the British and those descended mainly from British colonists overseas). The current book, co-authored with Edward Dutton, reiterates the observation that general intelligence is currently declining and demonstrates the decline with data that did not appear in Rhythm of the West. The current book goes further than the previous book, addressing the source of the decline, lucidly spelling out what is in store for western civilization if current trends continue unabated and suggests what could be done to halt or at least retard the decline.
The authors demonstrates that general intelligence is decreasing and has been in decline since the Industrial Revolution, particularly in the number of “macro-innovation” or elite geniuses who are responsible for the “significant innovations” in science and technology that have led to fundamental changes in our lives.
The book’s overall message, that the West will fail due to its own success, should be remembered upon reviewing current events, particularly the political turmoil in the US. As intelligence in post-industrial humans is in decline, as suggested by recent studies in European countries, there appears to be greater adoption of “anti-rational ideologies”. The more intelligent, the cognitive elite, are most affected. They are caught by the foolish and highly divisive idea that everyone is equally capable were it not for “racism” and “sexism”, which need to be suppressed using old-fashioned totalitarian methods pioneered by the likes of Hitler and Stalin.
In any event, it seems that some but not all East Asian countries understand the root of the problem as outlined by the current book.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/review-article/1569/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Whye.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

困ったことだ: なぜ我々は知的に劣化してきているのか、その将来に対する意味は? 書評

At Our Wit’s End: Why We’re Becoming Less Intelligent and What it Means for the Future

Amazon (英語版)本購入はこちらから





前期繰越金     516,413円
会費・寄付金収入 8,413,000円
特別寄付 1,500,000円
振込手数料 △62,601円
利息 16円
収入合計 10,366,828円

翻訳費用 7,116,945円
事務用品・切手送料 651,416円
HP管理料      227,448円
外国特派員協会費 84,000円
事務委託費 619,600円
特別費・本冊子印刷代 644,906円
支出合計 9,344,315円

【次期繰越金】  1,022,513円


SDHF Newsletter No.282J 大東亜戦争 日本は「勝利の方程式」を持っていた!5

大東亜戦争 日本は「勝利の方程式」を持っていた!(ハート出版)
茂木 弘道
その5 第4章 なぜ勝利の戦略が実現できなかったのか

日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Greater05.pdf
英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater-East-Asian-War-No.5.pdf

令和2年7月9日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道拝

By Moteki Hiromichi
Heart Publishers, Tokyo, 2018
Series No.5, Chapter 4: Why Japan Could Not Implement Master Plan

As I described in Chapter 3, had Japan adhered to the “the Master Plan,” Japan would have had a good chance of winning the war. I showed Churchill’s letter of April 15, 1942 addressed to Roosevelt in which he pointed out that the UK was facing a critical situation with Japan’s advance to Ceylon and India.
However, Japan took a very different course; starting with Pearl Harbor, followed by Midway, New Guinea, and Guadalcanal. The Pearl Harbor attack itself was a deviation from the Master Plan. But the dramatic success at Pearl Harbor spawned a “victory contagion”, which greatly affected not only the Navy but also the Army.
In February and March of 1942, a time when Phase 1 operations were proceeding smoothly, a heated debate was exchanged between Army and Navy staff officers concerning Phase 2 operations.
• The Army’s viewpoint: Bring about the downfall of England, which was the objective of operations in Western Asia. Use political strategy to achieve the surrender of China without outside help. Avoid launching major operations in outlying areas; instead, concentrate on strengthening occupied areas.
• The Navy’s viewpoint: Launch aggressive operations aimed at crushing the main strength of the US Navy and attacking the enemy’s advance bases. Attack Australia, an advance base.
On March 7, 1942, a liaison conference between Imperial General Headquarters and the Japanese government was held to adopt Phase 2 operation guidelines. The guidelines were a compromise between the Army and the Navy, but more along the lines of the Navy’s thinking. Consequently the Navy’s offensive operations in the Pacific were carried out. Both the Navy and the Army were bogged down at Guadalcanal.
Operations 5 and 11, key operations for victory, as Churchill so feared, were cancelled just before commencement.
I conclude that the basic reason for Japanese wartime failure was the split in supreme command authority between the Army and the Navy. In Japan, there was no overall commander of operations, but the Army and Navy chiefs of staff executed their respective operations anyway.
It is widely believed that the Emperor was a dictator, but this is not true at all. While the Emperor was the ultimate authority, he was not a director of operations, as Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, and so on were.
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1564/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater-East-Asian-War-No.5.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact



6/1,K.S.様 10,000 寄付
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6/2,T.K.様 10,000 個人会員
6/2,Y.T.様 10,000 個人会員
6/3,K.M.様 10,000 寄付
6/3,N.T.様 10,000 個人会員
6/3,N.M.様 20,000 寄付
6/3,O.K.様 3,000 寄付
6/3,I.S.様 10,000 個人会員
6/4,M.T.様 100,000 賛助会員
6/4,T.H.様 10,000 個人会員
6/4,H.S.様 10,000 個人会員
6/4,H.S.様 10,000 寄付
6/4,H.M.様 1,000 寄付
6/4,S.T.様 10,000 個人会員
6/5,A.H.様 10,000 個人会員
6/5,A.K.様 10,000 個人会員
6/5,O.A.様 10,000 個人会員
6/5,O.N.様 10,000 個人会員
6/5,M.N.様 10,000 個人会員
6/5,I.A.様 10,000 寄付
6/8,H.Y.様 50,000 個人会員
6/8,Y.Y.様 100,000 賛助会員
6/8,T.M.様 10,000 個人会員
6/8,N.S.様 2,000 寄付
6/9,N.H.様 20,000 個人会員
6/9,K.A.様 100,000 賛助会員
6/10,K.T.様 10,000 個人会員
6/10,Y.K.様 10,000 個人会員
6/10,I.D.様 3,000 寄付
6/11,O.T.様 50,000 寄付
6/11,K.I.様 20,000 寄付
6/11,S.J.様 10,000 寄付
6/12,K.K.様 10,000 個人会員
6/12,N.H.様 10,000 個人会員
6/12,K.K.様 10,000 個人会員
6/14,T.N.様 10,000 個人会員
6/15,M.M.様 3,000 寄付
6/15,K.S.様 10,000 個人会員
6/16,M.K.様 10,000 個人会員
6/16,I.H.様 10,000 個人会員
6/16,S.K.様 10,000 寄付
6/17,K.S.様 10,000 寄付
6/17,F.Y.様 10,000 寄付
6/18,K.N.様 3,000 寄付
6/22,K.I.様 10,000 寄付
6/22,S.T.様 3,000 寄付
6/22,S.T.様 3,000 寄付
6/23,O.M.様 10,000 個人会員
6/24,K.M.様 5,000 寄付
6/25,Y.H.様 50,000 寄付
6/27,S.T.様 10,000 寄付

合計  893,000円

SDHF Newsletter No.281J 韓国の詐欺的なNGOによって提起された慰安婦問題


1) 挺対協(現在正義連)は集めた寄付金をほとんど慰安婦のために使っていず、その代表者(尹美香)の私的目的のために使われている。
2) 自分の慰安婦時代の経験についての証言は、尹美香(ユン・ミヒャン)から言われたとおりにしたものである。
3) 自分は「性奴隷」ではない。尹美香に「私が性奴隷ではない」といったが、尹美香は「こう表現してこそ米国が怖がる」といって使わされた。

意見書日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Deceitful.pdf


令和2年6月23日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

A Deceitful Korean Citizens’ Group (NGO) and Comfort Women Issue

On May 7, 2020, Ms. LEE Yong-soo, spokesperson for the former comfort women stated the following at a press conference in Daegu, South Korea.
1) The donations collected by The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (KCWDMS) (now The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (KCJR)) were not used for former comfort women. Instead, the money was used primarily for Ms. YOON Mi-hyang’s personal expenses. Ms. YOON was the head of the group until this past March 2020.
2) Ms. YOON gave Ms. LEE instructions regarding her statements on her comfort woman days.
3) Ms. LEE was not a “sex slave.” Ms. LEE asked Ms. YOON Mi-hyang to not use the phrase “sex slave” but Ms. YOON made it a point of using the phrase at the UN because “the expression was effective in scaring America.”
This statement was made by the very symbol of former comfort women—Ms. LEE stated her experience as the comfort woman in the US House of Representatives. YOON Mi-hyang forced Ms. LEE to use the phrase “sex slave”. The comfort women story we have all heard of is in fact “fake news”.
The Japan Society for History Textbook, which has repeatedly demonstrated that the stories of the comfort women are not true, and the International Research Institute of Controversial Histories jointly submitted a statement to the UN Human Rights Council:

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/opinion-article/1555/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Deceitfule.pdf

The groups demanded the following:
・The matter of the KCJR (the former KCWDMS) must be vigorously investigated and resolved by the ROK Government and the findings reported to the UN Human Rights Council. The UN Human Rights Council must demand immediate action by the ROK Government.
・The accusations made by six human rights treaties-based bodies against Japan were based on the KCWDMS’s falsehoods and deceit. These bodies repeatedly issued misinformed recommendations to the Japanese government concerning the comfort women issue. We demand that the human rights treaties-based bodies thoroughly investigate the facts without reliance on the victims’ so-called testimonies and report their findings. A fact based investigation on this issue is most desirable.

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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