2022年 のアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.366J 大東亜戦争への道 その5 第2章 日清戦争ー2

中村 粲

その5 第二章 第二節 日清戦争:清国軍の暴状







・その5,第2章2節 日本語原文:http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Road5.pdf

・ 〃 第2章2節 英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road5E.pdf


「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道
協力者代表:神奈川大学教授 小山和伸



Nakamura Akira, Dokkyo University Professor Emeritus

(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)

Part 5: Chapter 2: The 1st Sino-Japanese War -2

After inaugurating the Meiji Renovation, the Japanese proceeded to modernize domestic law, using Western legal systems as their models. As a result, they were able to make some progress with treaty revision. In July 1894, not long before the commencement of the 1st Sino-Japanese War, they succeeded in removing the extraterritoriality clause from their treaty with the UK.

Thus, even before the 1st Sino-Japanese War commenced, Japan had demonstrated its respect for international laws and regulations. Emperor Meiji, in his imperial rescript declaring war on China wrote that “We command each and all of our competent authorities … to carry on hostilities by sea and land against China, with all the means at their disposal, consistently with the Law of Nations.”

Ordinarily it is weak or defeated nations that advocate strict observance of international law. Powerful or victorious nations tend to blithely disregard it. But the behavior of Japanese military personnel during the 1st Sino-Japanese War was different. Throughout the conflict the Japanese won victory after victory, yet they adhered faithfully to the principles of international law, and won the praise of at least one French legal scholar, Paul Fauchille, for having done so.

Facts have demonstrated that the Japanese government knows how to apply the principles of the civilization it has embraced. (…) During the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese faithfully adhered to the principles of international law, despite the fact that their enemy did not.

On the contrary, the Chinese Army resorted to long-established sadistic acts. Two war correspondents, Messrs. Ganesco and Lalo, who wrote for the French newspapers Le Figaro and L’Illustration, respectively, wrote:

Once the Chinese capture a Japanese soldier, they will use every means available to them to punish him and cause him to suffer. They will cut off his arms and legs, or decapitate him, or slash off his genitals. Only savages could behave with such cruelty.

However, strangely enough, articles appeared in some foreign periodicals reporting that the Japanese army committed atrocities in Port Arthur. They could be described as precursors to subsequent descriptions of the Nanjing Incident. According to the New York World, the Japanese murdered approximately 60,000 noncombatants, including women and children. Considering that later, when a new city sprang up in Port Arthur, there were only about 14,000 Manchurians living there, we can assume that the 60,000 figure is simply a gross exaggeration. When Nanjing fell, there were 200,000 civilians in the Safety Zone, and the population increased to 250,000. But the so-called Nanjing Massacre mythmakers insist that 300,000 people were massacred. The contentions that massacres took place in Port Arthur and Nanjing share a common central theme.

URL:  https://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1978/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road5E.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.365J 台湾の法的地位未定論新論


国際歴史論戦研究所上席研究員 河原昌一郎








・日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Legal.pdf
・英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Legale.pdf

令和4年10月13日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道


A New View on the “Legal Status of Taiwan is Undetermined” Argument

– China Does Not Have a Legal Right of Possession of Taiwan –

Kawahara Shoichi

Senior Researcher, International Research Institute of Controversial Histories

After World War II, Japan renounced its possession of Taiwan and Pescadores Islands but only renounced its right of possession and did not specify territorial jurisdiction. Even now, determination of who holds the right of possession of Taiwan and Pescadores Island is pending, which necessitates certain procedures, such as holding an international conference to determine who bears the right of possession.

The Cairo declaration, issued on December 1, 1943, states “all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and the Pescadores, shall be restored to Republic of China” and the Potsdam Declaration, issued on July 26, 1945, in its Article 8 stated “The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine.” However this does not immediately evoke legal transfer of right of possession of Taiwan and Pescadores Islands. Transfer of a right, based on international law, does not come into effect unless a treaty is signed by government representatives and ratified by its council. Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration merely obligated Japan to carry out the obligations in it and does not evoke a legal transfer of the right of possession.

If acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration induced transfer of the right of possession, the relevant provision in the San Francisco Peace Treaty would have been pointless and the provision should not have been made.

The San Francisco Peace Treaty Article 2 Section b provided that Japan renounces the right of possession of Taiwan and Pescadores Island and the land of which the right of possession was renounced becomes terra nullius. The principle of law based on international law concerning terra nullius is occupatio, which means that a nation can acquire ownership of terra nullius as its territory by exercising control over it before other nations do. What “exercising control” means is arguable but let us say that it refers to the state in which sovereignty is peacefully and continuously exercised over terra nullius without objection from other nations.

These lands were occupied by the Republic of China (the Government of Taiwan) when they became terra nullius. However, the People’s Republic of China (the Government of China) claims to possesses the lands. The current situation can hardly be said to be peaceful “exercising of control” and there is doubt of whether the Government of Taiwan possesses Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands.

At the same time, the Government of China does not even occupy Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands; the Government of China is not “exercising control” over Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands. Based on occupatio, the Government of China has no legal right of possession of Taiwan.

URL: https://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1973/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Legale.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

台湾の法的地位未定論新論 (河原昌一郎)

A New View on the “Legal Status of Taiwan is Undetermined” Argument




9/5,M.F.様 10,000 個人会員
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9/8,N.N.様 10,000 個人会員
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9/8,T.H.様 10,000 寄付
9/9,H.M.様 1,000 寄付
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9/9,I.C.様 20,000 寄付
9/9,T.S.様 5,000 寄付
9/9,D.S.様 5,000 寄付
9/9,N.Y.様 10,000 寄付
9/12,N.K.様 10,000 個人会員
9/12,O.S.様 1,000 寄付
9/12,F.S.様 10,000 寄付
9/13,K.I.様 10,000 個人会員
9/13,S.K.様 10,000 個人会員
9/13,K.A.様 10,000 個人会員
9/13,T.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
9/13,S.M.様 10,000 寄付
9/13,S.T.様 5,000 寄付
9/13,M.M.様 5,000 寄付
9/13,K.M.様 3,000 寄付
9/14,M.T.様 10,000 寄付
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9/14,S.M.様 10,000 寄付
9/14,F.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
9/15,H.K.様 99,450 賛助会員
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9/15,H.T.様 10,000 個人会員
9/15,M.K.様 10,000 個人会員
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9/15,K.H.様 30,000 寄付
9/15,O.K.様 10,000 寄付
9/16,S.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
9/16,H.K.様 2,000 寄付
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9/20,O.T.様 10,000 個人会員
9/20,O.A.様 10,000 個人会員
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9/21,K.I.様 20,000 寄付
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9/22,S.T.様 10,000 個人会員
9/22,N.M.様 3,000 寄付
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9/27,H.M.様 10,000 個人会員
9/27,S.J.様 10,000 個人会員
9/27,M.I.様 20,000 寄付
9/28,O.M.様 10,000 個人会員
9/29,K.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
9/29,F.G.様 30,000 個人会員
9/30,W.K.様 10,000 個人会員

合計 658,450 円

SDHF Newsletter No.363J 大東亜戦争への道 その3 第1章 近代日韓関係の始まり

中村 粲

その3 第一章 近代日韓関係の始まり







この事変の後、伊藤博文と李鴻章との間で、天津条約が結ばれ、両軍の撤退と、将来出兵する場合は互いに通告し合うことが決められました。しかし、清 が朝鮮の実効支配を強める中、今度はロシアという勢力が朝鮮に進出してきます。


・その3,第1章 日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Road3.pdf
・ 〃 第1章 英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road3E.pdf


「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道

協力者代表:神奈川大学教授 小山和伸


Nakamura Akira, Professor Emeritus of Dokkyo University

(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)

Part 3: Chapter 1 Beginnings of Modern Japan-Korean Relation

Japan started Meiji-Renovation for opening up policy and modernization in 1872. To resume a new formal relation with Qing China and Korea was of utmost importance.

Qing refused Japanese request for the first time, but because of recognition of some progressive bureaucrats of the court, the Sino-Japanese Friendship and trade Treaty was concluded in 1871.

An important aspect of the 1871 treaty was the acknowledgement of mutual extraterritoriality and consular jurisdiction, which made it in an equal treaty.

Then, how did the relation with Korea progress? In January 1868 the new government sent notifications to some nations announcing the restoration of imperial rule. However, Koreans received to accept the message. The reason given for their refusal was that the message from So contained several Chinese characters that did not appear in previous missives of that sort. They were the characters representing Imperial House of Japan, imperial decree, and imperial court. Since Korea was a tributary state of China, in the minds of the Koreans, the Chinese characters to which they took offense could be used only when referring to China. This was the start of Japan Korea modern relations.

Even if Japan changed the expression characters, Korean stance did not change but became more arrogant. So, advocate of sending a punitive expedition against Korea intensified in Japan. Councillor Saigo Takamori volunteered himself as envoy plenipotentiary, and said that he would not be accompanied by military personnel, not even one soldier. However, Saigo’s proposal to launch a punitive expedition against Korea was declined; “Dispatching an emissary to Korea would be premature, there are frequent disputes with Russia over Karafuto (Sakhalin).

Even though the Sino-Japanese Friendship and trade Treaty was concluded in 1871, Korea continued to stick to old tradition until 187, when Japan-Korea Treaty was concluded by the effect of

The Ganghwa Island Incident.

In December 1884, the Enlightenment Party, Kim-Ok-gyn and Pak Yong-hyo as leader, made a coup d’état with the support of from Japan. The Conservative Party asked China to send Troops to Korea. The coup was reversed. Kim Ok-gyun, Pak Yong-hyo, and other key members of the Enlightenment Party sought refuge in Japan.

After this incident, the Convention of Tsientsin was concluded between Japan and Korea agreeing that both military in Kore be withdrawn and if Japan or China were to send troops due to unrest in Korea, the nation sending troops was obliged to notify the other before the fact. China dominated its position in Korea but Russia increased its control in Korea.

Under such circumstances, Fukuzawa Yukichi, who made efforts to modernize Korea, wrote an article in Jiji shinpo: “Argument in Favor of Abandoning Asia”

When our thoughts turn to Japan’s foreign policy, we must realize that Japan does not have the time to wait for China and Korea to acquire modern civilization to the extent where Japan can join with them in encouraging the growth of Asia. Instead, Japan should separate itself from its declining neighbors and cast its fate with the enlightened nations of the West. …

URL:  https://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1963/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road3E.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


8/2,K.T.様,10,000 個人会員
8/2,S.M.様,20,000 寄付
8/2,O.T.様,10,000 寄付
8/2,M.T.様,100,000 賛助会員
8/5,O.Y.様,100,000 寄付
8/5,H.K.様,10,000 寄付
8/9,H.R.様,20,000 個人会員
8/9,Y.J.様,10,000 個人会員
8/9,H.M.様,10,000 個人会員
8/9,T.Y.様,10,000 寄付
8/9,S.K.様,10,000 個人会員
8/10,S.K.様,10,000 個人会員
8/10,T.T.様,10,000 個人会員
8/12,T.H.様,20,000 個人会員
8/12,H.T.様,10,000 個人会員
8/12,F.K.様,10,000 寄付
8/12,N.N.様,10,000 個人会員
8/12,T.T.様,5,000 寄付
8/12,S.H.様,10,000 個人会員
8/12,N.T.様,10,000 個人会員
8/16,H.H.様,10,000 個人会員
8/19,O.Y.様,100,000 賛助会員
8/19,K.I.様,20,000 寄付
8/22,I.T.様,100,000 賛助会員
8/22,M.S.様,10,000 個人会員
8/25,Y.M.様,10,000 寄付
8/26,S.T.様,10,000 個人会員
8/26,K.M.様,10,000 個人会員

合計 675,000 円

SDHF Newsletter No.362J アイヌ問題を放置していると北海道は第二のウクライナになる




・自由権規約委員会への意見書:  https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/JPN/INT_CCPR_CSS_JPN_49219_E.pdf








令和4年8月3日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道

Leaving the Ainu Issue Unaddressed Will Make Another Ukraine
Sawada Kenichi,

Japan Society for Ainu Studies

Mr. Sawada Kenichi sent the above-mentioned statement to the CCPR-International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, whose 136 Session is scheduled 10 October 2022 – 04 November 2022. His statement is uploaded on the official site as stated bellow:

Mr. Sawada’s statement: https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/JPN/INT_CCPR_CSS_JPN_49219_E.pdf

As mentioned in his statement, the Russian Federation is beginning to express its

territorial ambitions toward Hokkaido through the Ainu issue. A written request that Russia should establish an Ainu autonomous province to place part of Hokkaido under its control has been submitted to President Putin from within Japan. Claims such as “Ainu are of the Russian origin” and “Russia has all rights to Hokkaido” are completely wrong. These claims made in Japan and overseas that encourage the division of Hokkaido are caused by the obscure document of the Japanese government that recognized the Ainu. Leaving such a situation unaddressed is very dangerous. We should not give Russia a pretext for invading Hokkaido.

However, recent scientific DNA research shows that the Ainu are undoubtedly descendants of the Jomon Japanese people. On May 13, 2019, Japan’s leading research institutions, including the National Museum of Nature and Science, National Institution of Genetics and the University of Tokyo, announced the joint research result that the Ainu inherit 70% of the DNA of the Jomon people. The Ainu continuously inhabited Hokkaido at least since the Jomon period (more than 10,000 years ago).

Furthermore, the “Research content” of the article “Ancient Jomon genome sequence analysis sheds light on migration patterns of early East Asian populations” by the University of Tokyo, the University of Tokyo Graduate School and Kanazawa University, released on August 25, 2020, says that ‘IK002 (note: bone of a Jomon individual excavated from the Ikawazu shell-mound site in Aichi Prefecture), a mainland Jomon individual, was found to cluster with the Ainu.’ This result coincides with the whole-genome sequencing of the Hokkaido Jomon people, which indicates that the Ainu people are the oldest lineage of inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago, and, at the same time, they are likely to be one of the direct descendants of the founding population of East Eurasians.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


7/1,T.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/4,K.H.様 15,000 寄付
7/5,I.H.様 2,000 寄付
7/5,Y.H.様 50,000 個人会員
7/5,M.G.様 10,000 寄付
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7/5,N.Y.様 10,000 寄付
7/5,N.K.様 10,000 寄付
7/5,O.S.様 10,000 個人会員
7/5,F.T.様 2,000 寄付
7/5,T.M.様 5,000 寄付
7/6,I.S.様 10,000 寄付
7/6,Y.Y.様 5,000 寄付
7/6,A.Y.様 10,000 寄付
7/6,I.Y.様 5,000 寄付
7/7,U.H.様 10,000 寄付
7/7,N.M.様 10,000 寄付
7/7,T.M.様 10,000 寄付
7/8,H.K.様 2,000 寄付
7/8,A.K.様 10,000 寄付
7/11,Y.F.様 10,000 個人会員
7/11,N.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/11,N.K.様 10,000 寄付
7/11,F.Y.様 10,000 寄付
7/11,O.S.様 1,000 寄付
7/11,H.M.様 1,000 寄付
7/12,T.S.様 20,000 個人会員
7/12,K.A.様 10,000 寄付
7/12,O.T.様 10,000 個人会員
7/12,S.N.様 10,000 寄付
7/13,Y.K.様 10,000 寄付
7/13,T.K.様 10,000 個人会員
7/13,M.F.様 5,000 寄付
7/14,O.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/14,Y.M.様 10,000 個人会員
7/14,I.H.様 100,000 個人会員
7/14,M.S.様 10,000 個人会員
7/14,H.H.様 10,000 寄付
7/14,I.A.様 5,000 寄付
7/15,O.M.様 10,000 個人会員
7/15,M.S.様 10,000 個人会員
7/15,S.F.様 10,000 個人会員
7/15,M.J.様 10,000 個人会員
7/15,N.K.様 20,000 個人会員
7/15,K.I.様 20,000 寄付
7/19,E.Y.様 10,000 寄付
7/19,A.H.様 10,000 個人会員
7/20,H.N.様 10,000 個人会員
7/20,M.M.様 10,000 寄付
7/21,S.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/21,G.M.様 15,000 個人会員
7/21,N.M.様 20,000 寄付
7/21,S.H.様 10,000 寄付
7/22,U.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/25,N.K.様 10,000 寄付
7/25,E.K.様 10,000 個人会員
7/27,Y.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
7/28,K.S.様 10,000 寄付

合計 703,000 円

SDHF Newsletter No.361J 大東亜戦争への道 その2 序章 歴史問題

中村 粲

その2 序章 歴史問題





・ 〃 英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road2E.pdf
・著者プロフィール: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Naka.pdf

「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道
協力者代表:神奈川大学教授 小山和伸


Nakamura Akira, Professor Emeritus of Dokkyo University
(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)

Part 2: Introduction

The author says that historical controversies are the most nagging problems confronting Japan during the postwar era. Because Just as an ex-convict, forever branded, must live out his days as a pariah, Japan has seen its history reviled. Encumbered with the aggressor stigma, our country has yet to resume its rightful status in the international community.

Especially, Chinese maintains the notion of Japan as the malefactor and China as its victim. Based on this notion Chinese employ arrogant, intrusive language to describe Japanese textbooks or pilgrimages to Yasukuni Shrine. Unfortunately, Japanese government has acquiesced to the Chinese demand.

By performing a structural analysis of Greater East Asian War, and retracting its process, the author came to discover two main themes, i.e., negotiation between Japan and US in connection with the Open Door Policy, and the battle against communism. That discovery enabled him to position the Greater East Asian War at the climactic point where those two themes met and expanded.

Since author’s position to emphasize the historical back ground of the war he begins with relationship between Meiji Japan and China Korea, both of which were on the verge of modernization. So, Chapter 1 is titled Beginnings of Modern Japan-Korea Relations.”

URL:  https://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1952/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road2E.pdf
Author Profile:  https://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/nakamura-akira/

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.360J 大東亜戦争への道 その1 緒言・目次

中村 粲

その1 緒言・目次






・  〃 英訳文:http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road1E.pdf
・ 著者プロフィール:http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Naka.pdf


「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道

協力者代表:神奈川大学教授 小山和伸


Nakamura Akira, Dokkyo University Professor Emeritus

(English translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)

Part 1: Preface and Table of Contents

The Greater East Asian War has prompted the publication of a great many works seeking to analyze the conflict. Among them, The Road to the Greater East Asian War, which devotes 660 pages to the topic, has won high praise for its author’s exhaustive research.

The analysis begins in the modern era, and explores the events that led up to the Greater East Asian War. It includes the background behind actions taken by Japan and the reasons for Japan’s choices.

As the Preface states, most wars are caused by a variety of complex factors, among them historical events. According to what is referred to as the IMTFE (International Military Tribune for the Far East) historical perception, Japan and only Japan bears the responsibility for the outbreak of the Greater East Asian War. That perception, which prevails in historical circles abroad, and even in Japan, is now embraced as an unassailable truth. The Road to the Greater East Asia War confronts that viewpoint head-on with the results of masterful research supported by fact.

It is our hope that the young people of Japan will read this book for a fresh look at an important phase in our nation’s history. We would also encourage scholars, politicians, journalists, and students in the world at large to become acquainted with this valuable resource; to that end, we have decided to prepare an English translation.

As a perusal of the Table of Contents will reveal, Chapter 1 deals with the beginnings of Japan-Korea relations in the modern era, and Chapter 20 with Japan’s strenuous but unsuccessful efforts to achieve peace. If we count the Introduction and Epilogue, there are 22 chapters in all. We hope you will read each installment when it appears. Your questions are always welcome.

URL: https://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1949/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road1E.pdf
Author Profile: https://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/nakamura-akira/

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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