2022年 のアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.372J 「慰安婦」と「挺身隊」の区別ができていなかった「挺対協」


金柄憲 韓国国史教科書研究所長 ソウル慰安婦像前での演説




・日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Kim.pdf
・英訳文: https://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Kime.pdf

令和4年12月29日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道


The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (The Korean Council) were not able to distinguish “comfort women” from “Volunteer Corps”

Speech made in front of the Comfort Woman Statue in Seoul

by Byeong Heon Kim, Representative, Korean History Textbook Research Institute,

Author of Red Wednesday—Lies of Comfort Women Campaign Alive for 30 Years

(Hangul version published by Miresa, 2021)

(Japanese version translation by Bungei Shunju-sha, 2022)

The point of Byeong Heon Kim’s speech is that The Korean Council, which led the campaign accusing Japan for enslaving comfort women and regularly gathered in front of the comfort girl statute in downtown Seoul for 30 years, is so ignorant in not being able to distinguish “comfort women” from members of the “volunteer corps.”

The Council changed its name to the “Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issue of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan,” perhaps because it finally realized its mistake.

However, Dr. Kim, Representative of the Korean History Textbook Research Institute, asks “What is ‘justice’”? “Justice” is in fact teaching children actual history and to recognize actual history, but the “Council for Justice” teaches children a completely false history of the comfort women.

URL: https://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/2004/
PDF: https://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Kime.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

「慰安婦」と「挺身隊」の区別ができていなかった「挺対協」 (金柄憲)

The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (The Korean Council) were not able to distinguish “comfort women” from “Volunteer Corps”



SDHF Newsletter No.371J 大東亜戦争への道 その8 第3章 日露戦争ー1

中村 粲
その8 第三章 第一節 日露戦争:三国干渉の高いツケ


・その8,第3章1節 日本語原文:http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Road8.pdf
・ 〃  第3章1節 英訳文:http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road8E.pdf

「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道
協力者代表:神奈川大学教授 小山和伸

Nakamura Akira, Dokkyo University Professor Emeritus
(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)
Part 8: Chapter 3: The Russo-Japanese War-1

The author writes that the primary cause of the turmoil in the Far East that commenced with the
Russo-Japanese War and culminated in the Manchurian Incident was monumentally foolish policy
decisions made by the Chinese. When the Japanese retroceded the Liaodong peninsula to China via
the Triple Intervention, instigated by China, the Chinese were now obligated to disburse huge sums
of money.
Russia was the first creditor to demand payment. About one year after the 1st Sino-Japanese War,
Russia approached Li Hongzhang; he agreed to sign the Li-Lobanov secret treaty. According to the treaty, China granted permission for the construction of a railroad crossing Manchuria, with Vladivostok as its terminal, to facilitate the transport of Russian troops.
Once Russia had reaped the rewards of the Triple Intervention, other powers followed suit.
Germany was the first to act; it sent a battleship to Jiaozhou Bay, using the murder of two German
missionaries in Shandong province as a pretext. In the following year Germany extracted a 99-year
lease on Jiazhou Bay from the Chinese, as well as railroad-construction and mining rights in
Shandong. Russia had kept abreast of German activities and, wasting no time, sent troops to the
Liaodong peninsula, occupying Port Arthur and Dalian Bay.
France joined Russia in the scramble for Chinese spoils. It obtained a 99-year lease on Guangzhou Bay in South China. The UK entered the competition, acquiring a 99-year lease on the Kowloon Peninsula; it also acquired a lease on Weihaiwei to counter Russia’s lease on Dalian.
Then, in 1898, the UK extracted a promise from the Chinese not to cede land on the coast of the
Yangzi River, and France agreed to do the same with respect to Hainan Island, Guangxi and Yunnan
provinces, as did Japan with respect to Fujian province, located across from Taiwan, thus embracing
them in the various spheres of influence. An American historian referred to these ghastly usurpations
as the “vivisection of China.”
The Triple Intervention, whereby China had asked Russia and its cohorts to restrain Japan, came at a very high price to China. Additionally, it ended up enmeshing the entire Far East, including Japan, in utter turmoil.

URL:  https://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/2001/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road8E.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.370J ウクライナ戦争考


茂木弘道(「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長)











・日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Ukraine.pdf
・英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Ukrainee.pdf

令和4年12月9日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道

ウクライナ戦争考 (茂木弘道)

On the Ukraine War



SDHF Newsletter No.369J 大東亜戦争への道 その7 第2章 日清戦争ー4

中村 粲

その7 第二章 第四節 日清戦争:日清戦争と朝鮮










・その7,第2章4節 日本語原文:http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Road7.pdf
・ 〃 第2章4節 英訳文: https://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road7E.pdf


「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道
協力者代表:神奈川大学教授 小山和伸


Nakamura Akira, Dokkyo University Professor Emeritus
(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)

Part 7: Chapter 2: The 1st Sino-Japanese War-4

Korean domestic reforms proposed by Japan (the Gabo Reforms) were undertaken during the 1st Sino-Japanese War. The 208 reforms decided upon represented Korea’s first attempt at modernization; they included the following:

1. The Chinese calendar was replaced with a Korean calendar that begins in 1392, the year the Joseon dynasty was established
2. Hiring was to be done without regard to social class or lineage
3. Slave trade was banned
4. Common people could now express their opinions to the Deliberative Council; those with significant talent could be hired as government officials
5. Arrest and punishment unsupported by judicial authority were prohibited
6. Torture was prohibited

However, internecine strife in Korea presented a serious obstacle to the reforms. The conflict between the progressives and the conservatives continued to worsen, and ultimately became one between the pro-Japanese and pro-Russian factions.

On June 4 Japan’s Diet passed a resolution concerning Korea policy. Japan would, in the future, avoid interfering in Korean affairs, and allow Korea to achieve autonomy on its own. This would be the best opportunity for Korea to realize true independence and become a modern nation. However,

this policy change was interpreted by Queen Min as a manifestation of Japan’s fear of Russia. She began to attempt to rein Japan in through pro-Russian policies, and to acquire more strength for her faction.

Russia took full advantage of the discord between the progressives and conservatives. Russian Ambassador Weber made overtures to Queen Min and her followers, boasting about Russia’s might.

“Bury the queen!” became the war cry not only of Japanese idealists in Korea, but also of Korean politicians who opposed the queen’s faction. On October 7, 1895 the Korean government announced that the Military Training Division would be disbanded and its weapons confiscated. Early the next morning, the Military Training Division and Japanese and Korean partisans, under orders from Japanese Ambassador Miura Gorō, who had pledged to do away with Queen Min, entered the palace with the Daewongun. During this incident Queen Ming was killed.

Afterwards Kim Hong-jip formed a new pro-Japanese cabinet, and once again began implementing reforms. But some of them, e.g., the Short Hair Act, alienated the Korean people, and in 1896 uprisings cropped up all over the nation. Russian Ambassador Weber took advantage of that situation by bringing 100 Russian sailors into Korea supposedly to protect the Russian legation. Conspiring with pro-Russian Koreans, Weber kidnapped the king on February 11 and escorted him to the Russian legation. The king’s sojourn there is referred to as Gojong’s internal exile. It meant that Korean policy was drafted at the Russian legation, an extraordinary circumstance.

But high-pressure Russian diplomatic tactics backfired when they incurred the enmity of the Korean people. On March 23, 1898, Russian military and financial advisors departed from Korea. The Russians shifted their focus to a new target – a southward advance to Manchuria. On March 27, only four days after its military and financial advisers left Korea, Russia leased Port Arthur and Dalian from China.

URL:  https://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1989/
PDF:  https://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road7E.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


11/1,T.O.様 10,000 個人会員
11/2,K.T.様 10,000 寄付
11/9,N.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
11/10,S.K.様 10,000 個人会員
11/11,N.T.様 10,000 個人会員
11/11,S.K.様 10,000 個人会員
11/14,K.I.様 20,000 寄付
11/18,I.T.様 10,000 個人会員
11/24,K.T.様 10,000 個人会員
11/24,T.A.様 10,000 個人会員
11/24,M.M.様 3,000 寄付
11/24,T.H.様 3,000 寄付
11/25,C.S.様 10,000 寄付
11/25,T.Y.様 10,000 寄付
11/25,M.S.様 10,000 個人会員
11/25,S.T.様 3,000 寄付
11/25,D.S.様 5,000 寄付
11/28,T.K.様 10,000 寄付
11/28,S.M.様 10,000 寄付
11/28,T.様 10,000 寄付
11/28,T.T.様 10,000 寄付
11/28,M.M.様 10,000 寄付
11/29,A.T.様 10,000 寄付
11/29,Y.S.様 10,000 個人会員
11/29,Y.F.様 5,000 寄付
11/30,K.H.様 100,000 寄付
11/30,N.M.様 20,000 寄付
11/30,Y.S.様 3,000 寄付
11/30,N.S.様 3,000 寄付
11/30,U.K.様 10,000 個人会員
11/30,M.T.様 100,000 寄付

合計 465,000 円

SDHF Newsletter No.367J 『鯨は国を助ける)Kindle, オンデマンド

史実を世界に発信する会」 英訳書を

『鯨(けい)は国を助く』(小泉武夫)(小学館)の英訳書、”Counting the Blessing of Wales”をこのほどKindle、オンデマンド(ペーパーバック)でAmazon より刊行しました。


令和4年10月21日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道



Counting the Blessings of Whales:Insights from a Chopsticks-wielding Patriot(English Edition) | Takeo Koizumi |本 | 通販 | Amazon


Amazon.co.jp: Counting the Blessings of Whales: Insights from a Chopsticks-wielding Patriot (English Edition) 電子書籍: Koizumi , Takeo: 洋書

SDHF Newsletter No.368J 大東亜戦争への道 その6 第2章 日清戦争ー3

中村 粲

その6 第二章 第三節 日清戦争:下関条約と三国干渉




・その6,第2章3節 日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Road6.pdf
・ 〃 第2章3節 英訳文: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road6E.pdf


「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道
協力者代表:神奈川大学教授 小山和伸


Nakamura Akira, Dokkyo University Professor Emeritus

(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)

Part 6: Chapter 2: The 1st Sino-Japanese War-3
Defying the world’s expectations, the Japanese handed China a resounding defeat. The Chinese petitioned for peace talks, which took place at the Shunpanro, a hotel in Shimonoseki. The resulting agreement was signed on April 17, 1895. The framework of what became the treaty of Shimonoseki follows:

1. China recognizes the full and complete independence and autonomy of Korea.
2. China cedes to Japan in perpetuity the Liaodong peninsula, Formosa (Taiwan) and all appertaining islands, and the Pescadores Islands.
3. China agrees to pay to Japan as a war indemnity 200 million taels (ca. \300 million).

Unfortunately, no sooner had the treaty been concluded than Japan was confronted by a bolt from the blue in the form of interference from Western powers. There is a traditional Chinese diplomatic stratagem that involves pitting one barbarian tribe or state against another to gain the upper hand. In employing this maneuver, the Chinese sought Russian cooperation. Since Russia was eager to acquire territory on the Manchuria-Korea border and the Liaodong peninsula, it readily agreed, joined by France and Germany.
The Triple Intervention took place on April 23. Russia, France and Germany “advised” Japan to retrocede the Liaodong peninsula, which Japan had rightfully won.
In China Zhang Zhidong, then the viceroy of Hubei and Hunan provinces, conveyed a mind- boggling opinion to the Qing court: “Waste no time in requesting assistance from the UK, Russia, and Germany, offering concessions in return.” He went so far as to suggest, “After we have intimidated the barbarians by abrogating the treaty, we should cede Xinjiang or the Southern (or Northern) Silk Road to Russia, and Tibet to the UK.” This type of thinking on the part of the Chinese triggered the tribulations that plagued East Asia for the next 50 years.
The Japanese people could not possibly accept the shameful Triple Intervention. Emperor Meiji issued a rescript in which he counseled his subjects to exercise patience and restraint.
But some Lower-House Diet members, among them Ozaki Yukio and Inugai Tsuyoshi, launched a campaign in June 1896 seeking an extraordinary Diet session to discuss the following three points.

(1) Expand the military immediately to restore Japan’s honor
(2) Compel the government to accept responsibility for the retrocession of Liaodong
(3) Maintain Japanese authority and status in Korea
It is important to realize that it was not only Diet representatives and journalists who called for military expansion, but also the citizens of Japan.

URL:  https://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1984/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Road6E.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


10/3,Y.A.様 10,000 個人会員
10/6,K.T.様 10,000 個人会員
10/3,M.T.様 100,000 寄付
10/7,K.F.様 10,000 個人会員
10/7,S.K.様 10,000 個人会員
10/8,N.J.様 10,000 個人会員
10/9,Y.K.様 10,000 寄付
10/12,I.H.様 10,000 個人会員
10/12,A.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
10/14,T.Y.様 10,000 個人会員
10/20,M.M.様 10,000 個人会員
10/24,N.M.様 10,000 個人会員
10/26,K.I.様 20,000 寄付
10/26,I.K.様 10,000 寄付
10/27,O.T.様 20,000 個人会員
10/31,K.T.様 10,000 個人会員

合計 270,000 円

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