‘ニュースレター’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.123J 戦争を仕掛けた中国になぜ謝らなければならないのだ 3

2016年5月20日 金曜日

― 「日中戦争」は中国が起こした ―

第3回: <本編> 盧溝橋事件・上海事変(南京事件) 

英訳文:URL http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/697/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Second-Sino-Japanese-War-Part-2.pdf

平成28年5月20日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

How China Started the Second Sino-Japanese War:
Why Should Japan Apologize to China?
By Moteki Hiromichi, Acting Chairman;
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Part 2 – The Marco Polo Bridge Incident and
the Battles of Shanghai and Nanking

The Marco Polo Bridge Incident was caused by the Chinese, as this was clearly noted in the opening article of a local ceasefire agreement signed four days after the clash on July 11 by Qin Dechun, Deputy Commander of China’s 29th Route Army, and Matsui Kyutaro, Chief of the Japanese Army Beijing Special Service Agency. The article reads: “The representative of the 29th Route Army expresses regret and will punish those responsible. He affirms his intention to take responsibility for preventing further such incidents in the future.”
The Shanghai Incident was the start of full-scale war initiated by Chiang Kai-shek’s China. The New York Times reported on August 31, 1937:

Foreigners Support Japan – Official foreign observers and officials of various foreign governments who participated in various conferences here in seeking to avoid the outbreak of local hostilities, agree that the Japanese exhibited the utmost restraint under provocation, even for several days keeping all of the Japanese landed force off the streets and strictly within their own barracks, although the move somewhat endangered Japanese lives and properties. ‘Opinions may differ regarding the responsibility for the opening of hostilities in the vicinity of Peiping early in July,’ said one foreign official who was a participant in the conferences held here before Aug. 13, ‘but concerning the Shanghai hostilities the records will justify only one decision. The Japanese did not want a repetition of the fighting here and exhibited forbearance and patience and did everything possible to avoid aggravating the situation. But they were literally pushed into the clash by the Chinese, who seemed intent on involving the foreign area and foreign interests in this clash.’

Careful examination of the historical facts shows that full responsibility for the Second Sino-Japanese War rests with China and not Japan.

Part 2 – The Marco Polo Bridge Incident and the Battles of Shanghai and Nanking
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/697/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Second-Sino-Japanese-War-Part-2.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.122J 戦争を仕掛けた中国になぜ謝らなければならないのだ 2

2016年5月13日 金曜日

― 「日中戦争」は中国が起こした ―

第2回:<前編> 満州事変





 日本語原文; http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/China2.pdf
 英訳文:URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/694/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Second-Sino-Japanese-War-Part-1.pdf


平成28年5月13日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

How China Started the Second Sino-Japanese War:
Why Should Japan Apologize to China?
By Moteki Hiromichi, Acting Chairman;
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Part 1 – The Manchurian Incident

After the 10,000-strong Japanese Kwantung Army defeated Zhang Xueliang’s Army of 250,000, many local committees within Manchuria declared independence. Zhang Jinghui, former Mayor of Harbin, established the Haribin Special Administrative District Peace Preservation Committee and later became the second prime minister of Manchuquo.
As a representative of Manchuquo, he gave the following speech on November 5, 1943 at the Greater East Asia Conference in Tokyo:

“Now I am looking back over the foundation of the country of Manchuria, ten years ago, as the first country ever founded which is confident of being Asian in the true sense of the word. Deeply excited, I feel proud of our new country. Luckily, I too took part in the foundation with irresistible passion. I am reminded that what was missing in Manchuria at that time was a political system based on moral justice. That is why the public has not been organized toward any idealistic goal. The land was devastated and the people were randomly and lawlessly exploited. The military clique played feudal politics and imposed heavy, unjust taxes. In fact, such a situation was nothing but a symbol of ill-treated Asia, which was without any freedom or creativity. It was the militaristic clique of Zhang Xueliang that practically assumed control of the district of Manchuria, cruelly squeezing the people. The dictator was inspired by Americans and Britons with their policy to disturb Asia, which led him to be hostile to Japan. Japan decisively launched a counterattack until, at last, the Zhang government broke down. As a result, it was no wonder that thirty million people got together to give support to the new country of morality and autonomy. They knew the new government had a doubtless and firm intention of making much of the welfare of the people and the development of the land.”

Zhang’s statement captures the essence of the Manchurian Incident.

Part 1. The Manchurian Incident:
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/694/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Second-Sino-Japanese-War-Part-1.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.121J 戦争を仕掛けた中国になぜ謝らなければならないのだ 1

2016年5月10日 火曜日

― 「日中戦争」は中国が起こした ―



 英訳文:URL http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/690/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/How-China-Started-the-Second-1-intro.-TOC.pdf


平成28年5月10日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

How China Started the Second Sino-Japanese War:
Why Should Japan Apologize to China?
By Moteki Hiromichi, Acting Chairman;
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Introduction & Table of Contents

The conventional wisdom, even in Japan, is that Japan is guilty of waging an “aggressive” war against China. Many people will state: “Is that not common knowledge? The Japanese Army invaded continental China and waged war. Surely that constitutes a war of aggression.”
Let’s imagine the following scenario. What if the Japan Self-Defense Forces launched an unprovoked attack on American military units, which are stationed in Japan in accordance with the provisions of the US-Japan Security Treaty, and a war broke out as a result on Japanese territory? Since the fighting takes place in Japan, does that mean that the US Army is undeniably the aggressor? No matter how distasteful a person might find the US military presence to be, under international law, in this scenario, Japan would be deemed the aggressor.
Therefore, the most important question we ought to be asking is not “Where did the Second Sino-Japanese War take place,” but rather “Who started the Second Sino-Japanese War?” The present work shall attempt to answer that question, and I hope to demonstrate to the reader that the reality is utterly contrary to the conventional wisdom.
After this “Introduction & Table of Contents,” I will present three parts: Part 1- The Manchurian Incident, Part 2- The Marco Polo Bridge Incident and the Battles of Shanghai and Nanking and Part 3 – Japan’s Policies Toward China.

Here is “Introduction and Table of Contents”:
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/690/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/How-China-Started-the-Second-1-intro.-TOC.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.119J 20人のアメリカ人歴史家に対する挑戦

2016年4月18日 月曜日


 山下英次氏(大阪市立大学名誉教授)と50人の日本人学者が、「20人のアメリカの歴史家の声明」に対する反論を昨年9月に発表し、世界に発信したことは、Newsletter 100Jにてご案内しました。
 この反論文は、アメリカ歴史学会(AHA)の機関誌『歴史展望』(Perspectives on History)の昨年12月号に掲載され、さらに『ジャパン・タイムズ』紙の12月12日付けで報道され、ワシントンD.C.をベースとした教育関連の電子雑誌『高等教育の内情』(Inside Higher Ed)の12月号でも取り上げらました。




平成28年4月18日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

Challenging the ’20 American Historians’
By YAMASHITA Eiji, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University

As reported in SDHF Newsletter No.100, Prof. YAMASHITA and 50 Japanese academics issued a rebuttal to the statement by the “20 American Historians,” concerning McGraw-Hill’s textbook, which was published in the March 2015 issue of Perspective on History, a monthly bulletin of the AHA (American Historical Association).
The rebuttal was published in the December 2015 issue of Perspective on History. It was also reported in the December issue of Inside Higher Ed, an e-magazine on education based in Washington, DC.
In order to clarify the main aim of the rebuttal, Prof. YAMASHITA contributed an article to the “Opinion” section of The Japan Times, March 10 edition:

Paper edition: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/2016-03-10-JT-paper.pdf

Full text: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/682/

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.120J 大東亜戦争で日本はいかに世界を変えたか 10

2016年4月13日 水曜日

第十章 日本人が成し遂げたこと




英文は、下記の通り、英文Newsletter で海外に発信しました。

平成28年4月13日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed The World
By Kase Hideaki
(Published by KK Bestseller in Japanese, 2015)
Chapter 10 – What the Japanese People Accomplished

This link is to Chapter 10 and the Conclusion.
Mr. Kase’s father, Toshikazu, participated in the surrender proceedings, accompanying plenipotentiary Shigemitsu Mamoru, held in Tokyo Bay aboard the American battleship USS Missouri. When Mr. Kase was in middle school, he asked his father what was going through his mind while he was on board the USS Missouri. His reply was:

“Although Japan had been defeated in battle, we had liberated the people of Asia from hundreds of years of oppression and enslavement. As I stood on the deck of the USS Missouri, I knew in my heart with pride that Japan had actually won the war, insofar as we had led Asia into a great new era of history. Shigemitsu felt the same way.”

From the Conclusion: “For humankind, the greatest event of the twentieth century was the disappearance of the “color line,” which measured the worth of humans and divided them based on the color of their skin.”
It is unbelievable that there are many in the world today who deny this historical fact. Americans claim that the US-Japan war was a battle of “democracy vs totalitarianism.” It is beyond belief that a racist country such as the US can claim to be a democratic country and, furthermore, condemns egalitarian countries to be “non-democratic”. It is also silly that Europe and America, which colonized Asia, calls the Japanese “invasion” of their colonies as “imperialistic aggression”. Japan actually made the Philippines and Burma independent in 1943 and promised Indonesia its independence. Moreover, Japan fostered the volunteer army “Defenders of the Homeland” (Indonesian acronym PETA), which became the core force for independence in the struggle against British and Dutch armies.
I hope many, including Japanese, come to realize how Japan changed the world through the Greater East Asian War by reading Mr. Kase’s book.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/675/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater10.pdf
Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/kase-hideaki/

*For your reference; Chapter 1. Up to the Day Japan Surrendered
          Chapter 2. The Trap Laid by the United States
Chapter 3. The Greater East Asia Conference and the Dream of Racial Equality
Chapter 4. The Noble Spirit Which Inspired the People of Asia
Chapter 5. Freedom From Racial Discrimination
           Chapter 6. Japanese Army’s “Spirit-First Policy”
Chapter 7. Why Do We Praise The Kamikaze?
Chapter 8. The United States and the Atomic Bombings of Japan
       Chapter 9. A Nation with a Fabricated History

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.118J 大東亜戦争で日本はいかに世界を変えたか 第9章

2016年4月13日 水曜日

第九章 歴史を歪められた国





英文は、下記の通り、英文Newsletter で海外に発信しました。

平成28年4月13日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed The World
By Kase Hideaki
(Published by KK Bestseller in Japanese, 2015)
Chapter 9 – A Nation with a Fabricated History

This link is to Chapter 9.
On October 2, 1945, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), issued General Orders No. 4 which read, “Make clear to all levels of the Japanese public the true facts of their defeat, their war guilt, the responsibility of the militarists for present and future Japanese suffering and privation, and the reasons for and objectives of the military occupation by the Allied Powers,” and launched the War Guilt Information Program (WGIP).
The WGIP was highlighted by extensive suppression of “freedom of speech” and “freedom of thought,” such as severe censorship of newspapers, magazines, broadcast content, opening of private correspondence and burning of about 7,000 different kinds of books. This was a clear violation of the Potsdam Declaration’s Article 10, which stated that “Freedom of speech, of religion, and of thought, as well as respect for the fundamental human rights shall be established.”
The International Military Tribunal for the Far East, also known as the “Tokyo War Crimes Trial,” was the central mechanism through which a war guilt complex was implanted in the Japanese mind. The Trial was plainly fraudulent—not at all worthy of being called a “trial”. Only crimes alleged to have been committed by the Japanese were raised, while no mention was made of war crimes committed by the Allies. Justice Radhabinod Pal of India concluded in his dissenting judgment that “a trial which is carried out on this basis of law is nothing more than a pretense to make it look as if proper legal procedures have been taken, in order to satisfy one’s desire of revenge.”
Heramba Lal Gupta, one of the leaders of the Indian Independence Movement, gave the following speech in 1964:

I think that the International Military Tribunal for the Far East will surely be re-evaluated by the nations of Asia by the time we enter the twenty-first century, and then, a second Tokyo Trial will be held where Asia and all the world will regain its good sense and will judge all deeds in a fair, equal, and truthful manner. … The Japanese who were accused of serious crimes by the IMTFE, especially the seven killed as Class A war criminals, will be rehabilitated, and the day may come when they shall be worshipped like gods as the saviors of Asia. That is what should rightfully happen.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/673/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater9.pdf
Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/kase-hideaki/

*For your reference; Chapter 1. Up to the Day Japan Surrendered
          Chapter 2. The Trap Laid by the United States
Chapter 3. The Greater East Asia Conference and the Dream of Racial Equality
Chapter 4. The Noble Spirit Which Inspired the People of Asia
Chapter 5. Freedom From Racial Discrimination
          Chapter 6. Japanese Army’s “Spirit-First Policy”
Chapter 7. Why Do We Praise The Kamikaze?
Chapter 8. The United States and the Atomic Bombings of Japan

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.117J 大東亜戦争で日本はいかに世界を変えたか 第8章

2016年4月8日 金曜日

第八章 アメリカと日本の原爆
 原爆投下は必要なく、投下したことはアメリカの歴史において未曾有の残虐行為だったと第三一代アメリカ大統領のフーバーはその大著『Freedom Betrayed』の中で述べています。




英文は、下記の通り、英文Newsletter で海外に発信しました。

平成28年4月8日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed The World
By Kase Hideaki
(Published by KK Bestseller in Japanese, 2015)
Chapter 8 – The United States and the Atomic Bombings of Japan

This link is to Chapter 8.
Roosevelt’s predecessor as president, Herbert Hoover strongly denounced the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in his memoir, Freedom Betrayed;

Nearly two weeks before [the atomic bombings], the positive proposal of Japan was made to Russia of which Truman, Byrnes and Stimson had full information from intercepted telegrams. (p. 560)
Truman’s immoral order to drop the atomic bomb on the Japanese …Not only had Japan been repeatedly suing for peace but it was the act of unparalleled brutality in all American history. It will forever weigh heavily on the American conscience. (p.882)

However, majority of American people believe that Japan was saved thanks to the atomic bombing. In August 1990, Mr. Kase made a speech at the final reunion of the veterans of the United States Army Air Forces’ 509th Composite Group held in the town of Wendover. The 509 Composite Group was formed as the atomic bombing team, which was trained in the secret base in this town. He spoke to about 500 attendee that Japan would have surrendered even without the atomic bombings and thus there was never any need to drop the bombs. He concluded the speech by saying that, while the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atrocious acts contrary to both international law and basic humanity, they took place in the madness of war, and for that reason, Japanese people have already forgiven it and bear no resentment against the United States.
During his speech, people rose from their seats one by one and finally only forty or so people remained. However, Brigadier General Tibbets was among those who stayed behind. After Mr. Kse had left the stage and Tibbets had exited into the hallway, more than thirty people line up to shake his hand. They thanked him personally and told him things like, “That was a good speech” and “I truly understand the Japanese viewpoint.”
Mr. Kase was once invited to a luncheon party held by Mrs. Iphigene Sulzberger owner of The New York Times Company. There he met Mr. John McCloy, who had been Assistant Secretary of War during the final year of World War II. Since he knew that McCloy was a participant in the conference where the decision to drop the atomic bomb had been made, he asked him, If Japan was in possession of even a single atomic bomb at that time, and had the capacity to drop it anywhere in America, would the United States still have subjected Japan to a nuclear attack?” Mr. James Reston of New York Times, who happened to be there immediately interjected, “Why would you ask something so obvious? You should know the answer without having to ask.” McCloy said, “Naturally, you too know the answer. If Japan also had had an atomic bomb, then making a nuclear attack on Japan would have been unthinkable.”

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/671/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater8.pdf
Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/kase-hideaki/

*For your reference; Chapter 1. Up to the Day Japan Surrendered
          Chapter 2. The Trap Laid by the United States
Chapter 3. The Greater East Asia Conference and the Dream of Racial Equality
Chapter 4. The Noble Spirit Which Inspired the People of Asia
Chapter 5. Freedom From Racial Discrimination
          Chapter 6. Japanese Army’s “Spirit-First Policy”
Chapter 7. Why Do We Praise The Kamikaze?
Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.116J 慰安婦国民運動政府に申入書を提出

2016年4月6日 水曜日







平生28年4月6日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝


Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women has presented an appeal to the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in response to the final report of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

On March 8, Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women visited the Cabinet Office and Foreign Ministry of Japan to present a written appeal, and subsequently held a press conference at the Japan National Press Club. We are a liaison group working with such organizations as the Society for History Textbook Reform in order to resolve the comfort women problem.

This appeal to the government and press conference were undertaken in response to the final report of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women concerning the comfort women problem, which was presented to the Japanese government on March 7. The Alliance’s coordinators attended the meeting, including Chief Secretary Okano Toshiaki and Fujioka Nobukatsu, vice-chairmen of the Society for History Textbook Reform, Nishimura Koyu, a journalist, Fujiki Shunichi, Executive Director of the Secretariat in Japan for the Texas Daddy, and Fujii Mitsuhiko, representative of the Rom-pa Project.

Topics of discussion at the press conference included the true nature of the UN Committee, the historical development of the comfort women problem, and the current international situation.

The full text of our written appeal is as follows.

 Appeal: URL http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/666/
PDF http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Alliance-for-Truth-about-Comfort-Women.pdf


In the appeal, Mr. Sugiyama’s remarks at Geneva UN Committee is referred.
His remarks on this part is as follows.

Mr. Sugiyama’s Remarks:
URL http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/668/
PDF http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Remarks-by-Mr.-Sugiyama-.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.115J 大東亜戦争で日本がいかに世界を変えたか 第七章

2016年4月4日 月曜日

第七章 特攻隊はなぜ讃えられるのか
 著者は特攻隊につい手の造詣が深く、アメリカの戦史作家のアルバート・アクセルと共著で Kamikaze Japan’s Suicide Gods (神風・日本の特攻神)をイギリス最大の出版社であるロングマン社から出版しています。この本はアメリカでもよく売れ、スペイン語・デンマーク語、フィンランド語、エストニア語にも翻訳されて出版されています。発信する会の会員の方で貿易会社をされている斎藤征人さんという方が、エストニアに行った時に偶然古本屋のショーウインドウに並んでいたので買ってきた、といってエストニア語版をみせてくださったことがあります。



英文は、下記の通り、英文Newsletter で海外に発信しました。

平成28年4月4日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed The World
By Kase Hideaki
(Published by KK Bestseller in Japanese, 2015)
Chapter 7 – Why Do We Praise The Kamikaze?

This link is to Chapter 7.
Mr. Kase wrote a book Kamikaze: Japan’s Suicide Gods in English and had it published through Longman, the United Kingdom’s largest publishing firm. The book was co-authored with Mr. Albert Axell, famous American military history writer.
The book sold well in the United States, and was subsequently translated into Spanish, Danish, Finnish, and Estonian.
During the battle of Okinawa, the Japanese Navy sent 1,005 planes and the Japanese Army sent 886 planes on kamikaze missions. 1,986 members of the Navy and 1,201 members of the Army were killed during these missions. The US Navy lost 5,000 servicemen, most of whom were killed in kamikaze attacks.
Maurice Pinguet was a French philosopher. He was a professor at the University of Paris, and then, by invitation, at the University of Tokyo. In his book, Voluntary Death in Japan, Pinguet praises the young Japanese pilots who perished in kamikaze attacks:

“Their sacrifice was all the more poignant for being devoid of pessimism and bitterness. When they looked back on the brief time which had been allowed them, they were grateful for it… Pilot Officer Nagatsuka had the gentle, but now for ever unrealizable, ambition of reading the whole of George Sand’s The Master Bell Ringers. He thought of his mother and sisters, who must be protected from invasion. A good son, a good student, a good soldier, the young pilot of the Special Units was martyr less to his faith than to his good will. He was no daredevil and no boaster: he was serious, industrious… But what reaches us [about the kamikaze pilots] is their sense, their calm, their lucidity. From the outside they looked like raving madmen, or robots, those eager hearts too aware of the ills of their time to cling to their own lives. No one could understand what they were doing, but for them it was simple and spontaneous. People believed they were forced, inveigled, brainwashed, fed on promises, illusions and drugs; people’s eyes went through the crystal clarity of their self-denial, so clear it was impossible to perceive. It is this purity which is so unbearably moving. These young men, learning to die well at an age when life might have been so fair, were misunderstood. It is for us to give them the tribute of admiration and compassion which they deserve. They died for Japan, but we do not need to be Japanese to understand them.”

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/663/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater7.pdf
Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/kase-hideaki/

*For your reference; Chapter 1. Up to the Day Japan Surrendered
          Chapter 2. The Trap Laid by the United States
Chapter 3. The Greater East Asia Conference and the Dream of Racial Equality
Chapter 4. The Noble Spirit Which Inspired the People of Asia
Chapter 5. Freedom From Racial Discrimination
          Chapter 6. Japanese Army’s “Spirit-First Policy”
Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.114J 大東亜戦争で日本がいかに世界を変えたか 第六章

2016年3月29日 火曜日

第六章 日本軍の精神第一主義
 「諸国から訪れる旅人たちよ この島を守るために、日本国人がいかに勇敢な愛国心を以って戦い、そして玉砕したかを伝えられよ。
  アメリカ太平洋艦隊司令長官 C.W. ニミッツ   」


英文は、下記の通り、英文Newsletter で海外に発信しました。

平成28年3月29日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed The World
By Kase Hideaki
(Published by KK Bestseller in Japanese, 2015)
Chapter 6 – The Japanese Army’s “Spirit-First Policy”

This link is to Chapter 6.
On a stone monument on the island of Peleliu are engraved the words of Fleet Admiral Nimitz out of admiration of the bravery of Japan’s soldiers:

“Tourists from every country who visit this island should be told how courageous and patriotic were the Japanese soldiers who all died defending this island.” Pacific Fleet Command Chief (USA) C.W. Nimitz”

A garrison of about 10,000 Japanese fought an American landing forces five times their size for seventy-three days. Chester Nimitz, the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet who led the operation to capture Peleliu, commented in his memoirs that, “overcoming the intricate defenses of Peleliu cost the attackers the highest combat casualty rate (nearly 40 per cent) of any amphibious assault in American history.”
The US Army could not possibly have understood the state of mind of Japanese soldiers. Because American soldiers fought in order to survive, but, as unbelievable as it was to the Americans, Japanese soldiers fought in order to die.

Professor Donald Keene wrote in his book, Meeting with Japan:

As I read the diaries of men who were suffering such hardships, it was impossible not to be moved. By contrast, the letters of the American sailors I had to censor once a week revealed no ideals, and certainly no suffering, but only their reiterated desire to return to their former lives… Throughout the war this contrast haunted me – the consecration of the Japanese to their cause and the total indifference of most Americans to anything except returning home… I could not help but feel admiration for the ordinary Japanese soldiers, and in the end I came to believe that the Japanese really deserved to win the war.”

Such a spirit, mind and way of thinking gave rise to the “Kamikaze Special Attack Units,” which will be detailed in Chapter 7.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/661/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater6.pdf
Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/kase-hideaki/

*For your reference; Chapter 1. Up to the Day Japan Surrendered
          Chapter 2. The Trap Laid by the United States
Chapter 3. The Greater East Asia Conference and the Dream of Racial Equality
Chapter 4. The Noble Spirit Which Inspired the People of Asia
Chapter 5. Freedom From Racial Discrimination

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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