SDHF Newsletter No.98J -2 韓国の米軍慰安婦はなぜ生まれたのか-2

崔 吉城(広島大学名誉教授・東亜大学教授)
(2)第一章 私が体験した朝鮮戦争

 国連軍がやってきた 朝鮮軍、そして中共軍の占領下にあった作者の村(ソウルの北40キロ)へ航空機による反撃から始まり、米軍が進駐してきた。最初村人たちはみんなてをふって、背の高いスマートな兵士たちを歓迎した。彼らはチョコレートやドロップ、ビスケットをばらまくものだから、村人の兵士に対する好感度は日に日に高まった・
 国連軍の性暴行 しかしそういう期間は非常に短かった。彼らはまもなく女性達を略奪し始めた。昼間目をつけた女性を夕方になるとジープを走らせてきて強奪する。女性達が隠れるようになるとシェパードを連れてきて探すなど、暴虐が広がっていった。
 歓迎された売春婦 こうした危機は2ヶ月ぐらいで収まった。それは村に売春婦がソウルから大量に入ってきたからであった。売春婦が村に安全と活気をもたらした様子が語られていく。


平成27年7月6日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Origins of the US Army’s Korean Comfort Women ( HEART PRESS) 
By Choi Kilsung,
Professor at Dong-a University, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University
(2) Chapter 1 The Korean War As I Experienced It

In this Chapter, the author vividly illustrates memories of what he experienced at the age of ten during the Korean War.
The arrival of the UN Army In summer of 1951, fighter planes came to attack the Chinese army which occupied the village the author lived and then UN army entered the village. Villagers welcomed its tall, smartly dressed soldiers. They waved at them as they passed by. Soldiers liberally distributed chocolates, candy drops, and cookies to the villagers. Villagers liked them more and more with each passing day.
Sexual violence by the UN Army Unfortunately, the uneasy peace did not last long and soon enough, just as the villagers had feared, the soldiers began attacking women. Unfortunately, the uneasy peace did not last long and soon enough, just as the villagers had feared, the soldiers began attacking women. The soldier even brought shepherd dogs to sniff out hided women.
Embracing prostitution The crisis actually only lasted about two months, at most. After many prostitutes were brought into the village from Seoul, sexual violence by UN Army disappeared. It is illustrated that the prostitutes returned peace and also loveliness to the village.
Details are here;

*Chapter 1
*Author profile:

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
