‘ニュースレター’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.152J 国連が世界に広めた「慰安婦=性奴隷」の嘘14

2016年12月15日 木曜日

第14回:第六章 露わになった「国連の正体」と今後の展望
第六章 2.国連の仕組みと今後のスケジュール
細谷 清

PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-6.-B.-How-UN-Human-Rights-Committees-Operate.pdf
平成28年12月15日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

“Sex-Slave” Report: The UN’s Global Hoax (Jiyū-sha)
― Report from the Japanese Delegations to the UN in Geneva ―
Written and edited by Fujioka Nobukatsu,
Visiting Professor, Takushoku University
No.14 Chapter 6: True Nature of the UN Revealed;
Outlook for the Future
B. How UN Human Rights Committees Operate;
Anticipated Future Activities
By Hosoya Kiyoshi
How do UN human rights committees operate? How do UN committees that concern themselves with human rights go about issuing their recommendations?
In this chapter, the structure, system and operational methods of UN human rights committees and councils and their drawbacks are explained in detail.
There is no system in place to either monitor or punish members for violations of regulations. It seems to be the nature of sessional committees to entirely trust the “high moral standing” of their members. This leads to committee collusion with certain NGOs.
The UN Human Rights Committee should concentrate on addressing human rights violations that are occurring today. This is no time for the UN Human Rights Committee to shirk its duties and torment Japan (for more than 20 years!) about the comfort women controversy. In fact, the Committee is vilifying and infringing upon the human rights of the Japanese people.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/872/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-6.-B.-How-UN-Human-Rights-Committees-Operate.pdf
MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.151J 『外務省の罪を問う』書評と英訳版

2016年12月8日 木曜日


平成28年12月8日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

Question of Guilt: Japan’s Foreign Ministry & Its War Responsibility
By SUGIHARA Seishiro

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor. The attack occurred 50 minutes before Japanese Ambassador Nomura handed a final message to Secretary of State Hull. Because of this, the American government accused Japan of committing a “sneak attack”.
However, the delay in the delivery of the notice was not intentional. Rather, the delay was due to the incompetence of the Japanese diplomatic representatives in Washington. They had been ordered by Minister of Foreign Affairs to deliver the message at 1:00 p.m. Instead, the message was delivered at 2:20 p.m.—a delay of an hour and 20 minutes.
Japan’s Foreign Ministry did not take responsibility for this huge blunder during the war—and has yet to take official responsibility. Thus, many Americans still believe that Japan intentionally attacked Pearl Harbor without warning.
This is but one case of serious drawbacks of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign. The author goes deep into this “dark” world.

Question of Guilt: Japan’s Foreign Ministry & Its War Responsibility
By SUGIHARA Seishiro, Translated by Norman Hu
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/875/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/SugiharaQuestionofGuilt-.pdf

Book review: By Norman Hu
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/review-article/877/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Book-Review-by-Translator.pdf
Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.149J 国連が世界に広めた「慰安婦=性奴隷」の嘘13

2016年11月11日 金曜日

第13回:第六章 露わになった「国連の正体」と今後の展望
第六章 1.国連人権理事会に乗り込んでわかったこと
藤木 俊一


PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-6-A-True-Nature-of-the-UN-Revealed-.pdf


平成28年11月11日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

“Sex-Slave” Report: The UN’s Global Hoax (Jiyu-sha)
― Report from the Japanese Delegations to the UN in Geneva ―
Written and edited by Fujioka Nobukatsu,
Visiting Professor, Takushoku University
No.13: Chapter 6: True Nature of the UN Revealed;
Outlook for the Future
A. What we learned by visiting the Human Rights Council
By Fujiki Shunichi

Mr. Fujiki, member of the Alliance for Truth about the Comfort Women, attended a UN Human Rights Council held on March 11, 2016, alone, and spoke up against Professor Maeda Akira of Tokyo Zokei University, who is a colleague of Mr. Totsuka Etsuro.
He made a two-minute speech at the council meeting, stressing that Mr. Sugiyama, Japanese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs addressed crucial three points;
・ After a full scale investigation, they could not find any evidence that the Japanese authorities forced Korean women into sexual slavery;
・ The figure “200,000 women,” widely reported as such, has no concrete basis;
・ The term “sex slave” is contrary to the facts, because the women were in fact well-paid prostitutes, according to a US written Prisoners of War interrogation Report No. 49 issued in 1944 and many others.
He further pointed out that the self-proclaimed former comfort women travel to various places, including Europe, the US, and Japan, and make very strange claims, such as, “I was dragged into a jeep by Japanese soldiers, we were especially busy during Christmas time, and I could not communicate with the driver because I could not speak English, [etc.]”
1) Japan did not have jeeps at that time;
2) Japan was/is not a Christian nation so there was/is no holiday for soldiers during “Christmas time”;
3) Japanese soldiers did not speak English.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/864/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-6-A-True-Nature-of-the-UN-Revealed-.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.148J 大東亜会議70周年記念シリーズ9

2016年11月4日 金曜日


・渡部昇一教授 私の記憶する大東亜会議、その意義
    http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/WangChing.pdf  ・張景恵(満洲国総理)の演説
平成28年11月4日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道

70th Conference Series (9)
Address of Prime Minister Ba Maw, Representative of Burma,
Given at The Greater East Asian Conference held on November 5, 1943

After a long interval, I would like to resume this series with Representative of Burma Prime Minister Ba Maw’s address to the Greater East Asian Conference.
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/857/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/ADDRESS-OF-Dr.-Ba-Maw.pdf
He spoke enthusiastically:

“In the past, which now seems to be a very long time ago, it was inconceivable that the Asiatic peoples should meet together as we are meeting here today. Well, the impossible has happened. It has happened in a way which outstrips the boldest fantasy or dream of the boldest dreamer among us.
Today, an East Asiatic Assembly is sitting in the capital of East Asia. Thus, a new world has come into existence, a new order, a new citizenship. For the first time in history, the East-Asiatic peoples are meeting together as members of a free and equal brotherhood which is founded upon and consecrated to the truth that East Asia is one and indivisible.”

For your reference, the series of 7 addresses:
Mr. Surya Bose (grandson of the brother of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose)
Mr. Kase Hideaki: The Greater East Asia Conference Paved the Way to Universal Human Equality http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/104_S4.pdf
Mr. Henry Stokes: Japan was the Light of Hope in Asia
Mr. Watanabe (Professor Emeritus at Sophia University): Greater East Asian
Conference which I remember http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/129_S4.pdf
Wang Chin-wei’s Address http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Wang-Ching-wei-address.pdf
Chang Ching-hui’s Address http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chang-Ching-hui-address.pdf
Wan Waithayakon’s address http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/ADDRESS-OF-Wan-Waithayakon.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.147J ユネスコ記憶遺産に登録申請した「通州事件」から 8

2016年11月2日 水曜日


 佐々木さんの証言の部分を藤岡信勝教授が、解説を加えて『通州事件 目撃者の証言』(自由社)という本にまとめております。その証言部分です。

英訳文:URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/854/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Testimony-of-Ms.-Sasaki-Ten.pdf


平成28年11月2日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

“Tongzhou Massacre” Series 8
Testimonial record of survivors (4)
4) The Testimony of Ms. SASAKI Ten

This is the eighth of a series of articles pertaining to the Tongzhou Massacre, which has been submitted for inclusion in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register.
Ms. SASAKI Ten, from Ooita Prefecture, married a Chinese named Chen (沈) and moved to China. She lived in Tongzhou at the time of the Incident. On the morning of July 29, being drawn by murmuring (“Something odd is going on in Japanese residential district”), hiding behind the shadow of her husband, she witnessed the crime. Returning to Japan after a divorce, she was fearful of mentioning the Incident to anyone or that she had even lived in Tongzhou
After speaking with a senior monk, Shirabe Kanga, at a Buddhist Temple, she was able to open up and speak about her experience. A chronicle of her statements was published and authored by Shirabe, “The Emperor is Crying” (l997, published by Kyoiku-sha), with nearly 50 pages of commentary.
Compared to other testimonies, Ms. Sasaki’s testimony is that of a witness, watching the atrocities as they occurred, and so, by its nature, very precious source material.
From Ms. Sasaki’s statement:
“From the house a young [Japanese] woman was dragged out. She looked like someone’s young daughter and appeared to be about 15 or 16 with fair skin. It was a [Chinese] student who dragged her out. And he stated found her hiding and dragged her out. The face of the young lady was hard with fear. Her body was violently shaking. The student who dragged her out had a smile on his face, as if he had just pulled out a kitten out from hiding… [annotated 8 lines] The student suddenly threw the girl down to the pavement, then ripped off her undergarments. The young lady screamed ‘Please help me!’ It was at that moment, one Japanese man jumped out. And as if to cover her body he threw himself onto her. He was probably her father. Then a [Chinese] militia man struck the head of this man with the butt of a rifle. A crushing sound was heard. The man’s head split open…”

Gruesome atrocities committed during the Tongzhou Massacre appear to be endless in Ms. Sasaki’s testimony. While horrifying, Ms. Sasaki’s testimony vividly conveys heinous acts of Chinese barbarism.

English translation: URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/854/

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.146J 国連が世界に広めた「慰安婦=性奴隷」の嘘12

2016年10月25日 火曜日

第12回:第五章 日本外務省に20年遅れの「罪状否認」をさせる
杉田 水脈


PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/UN-Sex-Slave-Report-Chapter-5.2.pdf


平成28年10月25日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

“Sex-Slave” Report: The UN’s Global Hoax (Jiyu-sha)
― Report from the Japanese Delegations to the UN in Geneva ―
written and edited by Fujioka Nobukatsu,
visiting Professor, Takushoku University
No.12: Chapter 5: Forcing the Japanese Foreign Ministry
to Deny Accusations 20 Years Too Late
Third delegation (February 2016)
B. Battle over Japanese Government’s Response to UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
By Sugita Mio

The second delegation’s two members, Sugita Mio, former Diet Member and Yamamoto Yumiko, Japanese Women for Justice and Peace, spoke at the pre-session in the capacity as NGO of CEDAW. In response to Ms. Sugita’s account, the Committee chairman stated that he learned for the first time that the comfort woman issue has another perspective and that the matter shall be further investigated.
Ms. Sugita examines the Japanese Government’s responses to the Committee’s questions. However, at the end of the year, the Japanese and South Korean Foreign Ministers announced, from their own vantages, the contents of an agreement that they had reached. Ms. Sugita was concerned in particular with the following:

“In addition, together with the Government of the ROK, the Government of Japan will refrain from accusing or criticizing each other regarding this issue in the international community, including at the United Nations.”
But what happened at the 63rd Session of CEDAW on February 16, 2016, eliminated Ms. Sugita’s apprehension. Deputy Foreign Minister Sugiyama delivered a statement clearly elaborating the truth about the comfort women, pointing out that: 1) “forced abduction” of women by the military and government authorities for the purpose of them to be “comfort women“ ”cannot not be established in any historical documents”; 2) The basis for the widespread belief that “comfort women” were ‘forcefully taken away’ is the entirely discredited story fabricated by the late Seiji Yoshida in his book, My War Crimes, published in 1983; 3) At the time, the contents of his book was widely reported as the truth by the Asahi Shimbun, a major Japanese daily newspaper; 4) The Asahi Shimbun admitted that the ‘200,000’ “comfort women” figure it reported was entirely mistaken with the “Women Volunteer Corps,” who were mobilized as a war-time labor force, and had nothing to do at all with the “comfort women”.
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/851/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/UN-Sex-Slave-Report-Chapter-5.2.pdf
Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.145J ユネスコ記憶遺産に登録申請した「通州事件」から 7

2016年10月16日 日曜日

3)通州惨劇とその前後 東京日日新聞 橘善守


  英訳文:URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/845/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Testimonial-record-of-suvivors-Tachibana-Moriyoshi.pdf


平成28年10月16日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

“Tongzhou Massacre” Series 7
Testimonial record of survivors (4)
3) On-site report by a newspaper reporter
Background and aftermath of the Tōngzhōu Mutiny
By Yoshimori Tachibana, Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun Press
This is the seventh of a series of articles pertaining to the Tongzhou Massacre, which has been submitted for inclusion in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register.
Yoshimori Tachibana was a reporter to Tianjin Brach of Tokyo Nichi Nichi Newspaper and reported on the incident at the time. The detailed care to the overall coverage is evident; The fact that Tongzhou Security Force were colluding with the Kuomintang 29thArmy, and on July 28th, the day prior to the incident, and Song Zheyuan of the 29th Army secretly orders the Public Security Department and Militia issues to mount a comprehensive attack on the Japanese starting 2am on the 29th , were precisely reported. “Bungei Shunju” extra publication “Story” July l938 issue, pp. 52-58.

English translation:
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/845/

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.144J 国連が世界に広めた「慰安婦=性奴隷」の嘘11

2016年10月12日 水曜日

第11回:第五章 日本外務省に20年遅れの「罪状否認」をさせる


PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-5.-A-Japan-Korea-Agreement-and-its-Aftermath.pdf


平成28年9月27日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

“Sex-Slave” Report: The UN’s Global Hoax (Jiyu-sha)
― Report from the Japanese Delegations to the UN in Geneva ―
written and edited by Fujioka Nobukatsu,
visiting Professor, Takushoku University
No.11: Chapter 5: Forcing the Japanese Foreign Ministry
to Deny Accusations 20 Years Too Late
Third delegation (February 2016)

A. Japan-Korea Agreement and its Aftermath ….
By Fujioka Nobukatsu

As mentioned in Chapter 4, the second delegation’s two members, Sugita Mio, former Diet Member and Yamamoto Yumiko, Japanese Women for Justice and Peace, spoke at the pre-session in the capacity as NGO of CEDAW. In response to Ms. Sugita’s account, the Committee chairman stated that he learned for the first time that the comfort woman issue has another perspective and that the matter shall be further investigated.
However, at the end of the same year, the foreign ministers of Japan and South Korea announced, from their own perspectives, the contents of an agreement they had reached. The Japan-Korea Agreement was praised not only by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party but the opposition parties as well.
However, Ms. Nakayama Kyoko, president of the Party for Japanese Kokoro, opposed the agreement, stating that “We believe this will become the greatest stain on Prime Minister Abe’s diplomacy and we express our strong disappointment.”
What this great stain is will be fully analyzed and revealed by Prof. Fujioka in this section.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/841/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-5.-A-Japan-Korea-Agreement-and-its-Aftermath.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.143J ユネスコ記憶遺産に登録申請した「通州事件」から 6

2016年10月6日 木曜日

2)死の通州脱出記―同盟通信社 安藤利男


    英訳文:URL:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/837/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Testimonial-record-of-survivors-Ando-Toshio.pdf


平成28年10月16日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

“Tongzhou Massacre” Series 6
Testimonial record of survivors (4)
2) My Escape from Tongzhou(Tungchow), the City of Death
By Ando Toshio, Domei News Agency / North China correspondent

This is the sixth of a series of articles pertaining to the Tongzhou Massacre, which has been submitted for inclusion in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register.
Luckily, there were survivors of the furious Chinese Peace Preservation Corps attack. The testimonies of four survivors have been included in documents submitted to UNESCO.
The second one was written by Mr. Ando Toshio, Domei News Agency/ North China correspondent. He entered Tongzhou City on July 27, 1937. He interviewed Yin Rugeng, the leader of Jidong Government. He witnessed the uprising which began before the daybreak of 29th from his lodge, the Kinsuiro. He tried to hide in the attic but was discovered and dragged out to the grounds where the Chinese were executing the Japanese. But, with quick judgment, he untied himself from the ropes, escaped and miraculously survived. He has written about his experience in several magazines, one of which was an article titled “Escape from Death in Tongzhou,” published in the September 1937 issue of Evaluation Japan.

English translation: URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/837/

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.142J 国連が世界に広めた「慰安婦=性奴隷」の嘘10

2016年9月27日 火曜日

第10回:第四章 初めての委員会発言で国連に風穴を開ける

 第4章は、2015年7月に第2国連次派遣代表団が、「女子差別撤廃委員会」に参加し、二人の女性代表がNGO正式メンバーとして発言し、それが委員長に「慰安婦問題で、もう一つの見方があるとは初めて知った」「精査する」という発言を引き出したことを扱っております。この結果日本政府が、翌年4年3月のいわゆる杉山発言を国連で行うことになったわけで、大変な成果となりました。 http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/sugiyama.pdf
  日本語原文;4章 1.http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Chapter-4.pdf
        4章 2.
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-4.-A-Breakthrough-at-the-UN.pdf
4章.2.URL http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/825/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-4.-B-Breakthrough-at-the-UN.pdf

平成28年9月27日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

“Sex-Slave” Report: The UN’s Global Hoax (Jiyu-sha)
― Report from Japanese Delegations to the UN in Geneva ―
written and edited by Fujioka Nobukatsu,
visiting Professor, Takushoku University
No.10: Chapter 4: Breakthrough at the UN
Second mission (July 2015)

Chapter 4 reports on the second mission from the Alliance for Truth about the Comfort Women. This time, the purpose of the mission was to attend the pre-session for the 63rd session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
Two women from the delegation, Ms. Sugita Mio (former Diet representative from Jisedai no To or “The Next-Generation Party”) and Yamamoto Yumiko (President of Japanese Women for Justice and Peace) spoke at the pre-session in the capacity as NGO. In response to Ms. Sugita’s account, the Committee chairman stated that he learned for the first time that the comfort woman issue has another perspective and that the matter shall be further investigated. This brought about an opportunity for the Japanese government representative to make an epical statement at the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on February 16, 2016. (Sugiyama statement)*. * http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Remarks-by-Mr.-Sugiyama-.pdf
The Chapter 4 is composed of two parts.

A. Japanese rally begins at the UN By Fujiki Shunichi
URL:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/820/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-4.-A-Breakthrough-at-the-UN.pdf
B. An anxious speech in French By Sugita Mio
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/825/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-4.-B-Breakthrough-at-the-UN.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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