‘ニュースレター’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.98-6J 韓国の米軍慰安婦はなぜ生まれたのか(6)

2015年9月28日 月曜日

崔 吉城(広島大学名誉教授・東亜大学教授)
(6)第五章 『日本軍慰安所管理人の日記』


平成27年9月28日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Origins of the US Army’s Korean Comfort Women (HEART PRESS) 
By Choi Kilsung,
Professor at University of East-Asia, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University
(6) Chapter 5 Diary of a Japanese Military Brothel Manager

In August 2013, the publication of the book, Diary of a Japanese Military Brothel Manager, caused a major sensation in South Korea. In South Korea, it was widely regarded as being “definitive evidence” of the forced recruitment of Korean comfort women by the Japanese Army. However, if we read through this diary objectively, we reach an entirely different impression—the army comfort stations were run by private dealers and the comfort women were employed by them, even if orderly running of the brothels was per army regulations because of their location near battle zones.
The brothel manager was not merely a manager but under some conditions he was the proprietor. He sent home ¥500, 600 or even 2,000. This shows that his earnings was quite high, considering that a Japanese private first class soldier’s monthly pay was ¥10.
Prof. Choi included major parts of the Diary in Chapter 5 since he assumed that it would be better to for the reader to judge for themselves concerning the nature of the comfort stations and comfort women, to read the Diary rather than just discussing the matter.
In grasping the real nature of the comfort women, I think that the Diary is valuable as primary source material.

*Chapter 5 content; http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-51.pdf
*Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/choi-kilsung

*Introduction & Contents: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Introduction-TOC-.pdf
*Chapter 1: The Korean War as I Experienced It
*Chapter 2: From Rape to Prostitution
*Chapter 3: The Spread of Prostitution
*Chapter 4 content; http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-4.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.98-5J 韓国の米軍慰安婦はなぜ生まれたのか(5)

2015年9月4日 金曜日

崔 吉城(広島大学名誉教授・東亜大学教授)
(5)第四章 韓国における性倫理・貞操観念
 前回のNews Letter に対して、エディンバラ大学のザックマン (Matthias Zachmann) 教授から、他の国で同じような現象(それも日本よりはより非組織的な)があるからといって、日本軍のこれらの行為の卑しさを減ずることにはならない、という投書がきました。
 日本軍はこういうことが起こる可能性が高いことを予想して、事前にそれを防御するために、当時合法であった、遊郭などと同じ原理の「慰安所」を海外駐屯軍地区に開設したということです。これは、犯罪どころか、非常に人間性を理解した人道的な措置だったではないか、と教授に反論を送りました。もちろん遊郭と同じく、業者が自由に慰安婦を募集したものであることも付け加えておきました。また慰安婦の収入が非常に高額であること(新聞広告で300円と上等兵の30倍、アメリカ軍の尋問調書Office of War Information No.49では750円)であることも付け加えました。



平成27年9月4日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Origins of the US Army’s Korean Comfort Women (HEART PRESS) 
By Choi Kilsung,
Professor at University of East-Asia, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University
(4) Chapter 3 The Spread of Prostitution

In response to the last Newsletter, I received an email message from Prof. Matthias Zachmann, The University of Edinburgh.
I was disappointed in that he probably did not fully read what I wrote and what Prof. Choi Kilsung wrote in his book. My response was as follows:

“I didn’t say “See, there was also comfort women brothels for American soldiers in Korea! And not just in the case of Japan!” Far from it!
“The very point of this book is that in war time, in a village where American soldiers were part of the “liberating” US-led UN military, soldiers perpetrated dreadful acts of sexual violence against women in that village. The only solution open to the residents to solve this problem was to accept prostitution in the village. The author stresses that this is the story of the US Army’s comfort women, a story which neither Korea, Japan nor international society can ignore when discussing the comfort women issue.
“The Japanese military, in anticipation of problems that could occur, setup the so-called “comfort women stations”. To prevent dreadful acts from occurring, strict rules concerning the brothels were posted. So, no one in Japan (including Korea) viewed the “comfort station” at that time as an oddity. This was the prevailing “tone” of brothels prevalent throughout the country. Of course, the military never ordered, to say nothing of coerced, women to become comfort woman. They were recruited by brothel business dealers in the same way as other brothels. But there was one point of departure between comfort women and ordinary prostitutes and that was income. In case of the comfort women, they received much more money than normal prostitutes because of the potential risk of being near a combat zone. According to newspaper advertisements posted by dealers, monthly payment was usually 300 yen, 30 times the pay of private first class soldiers. We now know how much they were actually paid through a document from the US Office of War Information: payment was, on average, 750 yen, much higher than that cited in advertisements…”

I don’t know whether he understood what I wrote or not—I have yet to receive his response.

*Chapter 4 content: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Chapter-4.pdf
*Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/choi-kilsung

*Introduction & Contents: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Introduction-TOC-.pdf
*Chapter 1: The Korean War as I Experienced It
*Chapter 2: From Rape to Prostitution
*Chapter 3: The Spread of Prostitution

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.98-4J 韓国の米軍慰安婦はなぜ生まれたのか-4

2015年8月16日 日曜日

崔 吉城(広島大学名誉教授・東亜大学教授)
(4)第三章 売春の広がり


平成27年8月18日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Origins of the US Army’s Korean Comfort Women (HEART PRESS) 
By Choi Kilsung,
Professor at University of East-Asia, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University
(4) Chapter 3 The Spread of Prostitution

Sexual violence by the US Army during the Korean War fostered “prostitution villages,” which rapidly expanded as military brothels supported by the Korean government. But this does not mean that prostitution and brothels are things limited to war time.
 There exists both a society of sexual morality which controls prostitution as antisocial sexual deviancy, and one that seeks to reduce normal physiological tensions through the institutionalization of prostitution in the belief that it is not possible to satisfy the sexual needs of all society within the framework of legal marriage alone.
In this Chapter, the author gives his thoughts on “coffeehouse prostitution,” which became prevalent throughout Korea after the war, giving various perspectives of women’s lifestyles.
Details can be found here;

*Chapter 3
*Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/choi-kilsung

*Introduction & Contents: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Introduction-TOC-.pdf
*Chapter 1: The Korean War as I Experienced It
*Chapter 2: From Rape to Prostitution

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.99J 110人の日本学者の反論

2015年8月12日 水曜日





*開会挨拶 「日本人学者からの応答の基本的スタンスと論点」渡辺利夫(拓殖大学総長)

*声明文 「慰安婦に関する米学者声明への日本の学者からの返答


平成27年8月12日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道

Japanese Scholars’ Reply to the American Scholar’s
Comfort Women Statement
In search of a constructive dialogue based upon facts

On May 5, 2015, 187 American scholars issued their statement on historical understanding centering around “comfort women” issue, and pressured PM Abe to express his apology in his statement commemorating 70th anniversary of the end of WWII.
The American scholar’s statement has been reported repeatedly not only in the Japanese media such as The Asahi Shimbun or The Mainichi Shimbun, but also in the media oversea.
On August 6, 2015, at a press conference held at Foreign Correspondence Club Japan, 110 Japanese scholars’ Statement rebutting the above-mentioned American scholar’s statement was disclosed.

*Opening Address by Representative of 110 Scholar’s Group:
“Basic Standpoint of Rebuttal from the Japanese Scholars”
By WATANABE Toshio, Chancellor, Takushoku University
“Japanese Scholars’ Reply to the American Scholars’ Comfort Women Statement”
In search of a constructive dialogue based upon facts

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.99J 110人の日本学者の反論

2015年8月12日 水曜日





*開会挨拶 「日本人学者からの応答の基本的スタンスと論点」渡辺利夫(拓殖大学総長)

*声明文 「慰安婦に関する米学者声明への日本の学者からの返答


平成27年8月12日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道

Japanese Scholars’ Reply to the American Scholar’s
Comfort Women Statement
In search of a constructive dialogue based upon facts

On May 5, 2015, 187 American scholars issued their statement on historical understanding centering around “comfort women” issue, and pressured PM Abe to express his apology in his statement commemorating 70th anniversary of the end of WWII.
The American scholar’s statement has been reported repeatedly not only in the Japanese media such as The Asahi Shimbun or The Mainichi Shimbun, but also in the media oversea.
On August 6, 2015, at a press conference held at Foreign Correspondence Club Japan, 110 Japanese scholars’ Statement rebutting the above-mentioned American scholar’s statement was disclosed.

*Opening Address by Representative of 110 Scholar’s Group:
“Basic Standpoint of Rebuttal from the Japanese Scholars”
By WATANABE Toshio, Chancellor, Takushoku University
“Japanese Scholars’ Reply to the American Scholars’ Comfort Women Statement”
In search of a constructive dialogue based upon facts

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.98J -3韓国の米軍慰安婦はなぜ生まれたのか-3

2015年7月20日 月曜日

崔 吉城(広島大学名誉教授・東亜大学教授)
(3)第二章 性暴行から売春へ



平成27年7月28日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Origins of the US Army’s Korean Comfort Women (HEART PRESS) 
By Choi Kilsung,
Professor at University of East-Asia, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University
(3) Chapter 2 From Rape to Prostitution
As described in Chapter 1, when the US Army came to the village there was an explosion of sexual violence, and when prostitutes flocked to the village, they became the saviors of the village.
Sexual violence and prostitution do exist outside of war. These things continued after the war ended and prostitution still exists in South Korea today, so much so that the country has even been called a “prostitution paradise”. According to a report by the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Women’s Development Institute, “There are one million women engaged in prostitution” in South Korea.
Given the situation in Korea, the author writes that neither he nor the many other scholars who had done field surveys throughout South Korea had ever heard of the so-called “comfort women”. And yet, the issue found its way into Japanese-language media and then became a political problem and human rights issue within South Korea.
In other words, the “comfort women problem” was made in Japan.
The US Army’s comfort women spread throughout the country and became part of the official policy of both the United States and South Korea. These comfort women were deemed by the Park Chung-hee government to be patriots who were ensuring the safety of the Korean Peninsula by satisfying the sexual urges of American servicemen. They were treasured by the Korean government because of their role as earners of foreign currency.
Details are here;

*Chapter 2:
*Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/choi-kilsung

*Introduction & Contents: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Introduction-TOC-.pdf
*Chapter 1:

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.98J -2 韓国の米軍慰安婦はなぜ生まれたのか-2

2015年7月6日 月曜日

崔 吉城(広島大学名誉教授・東亜大学教授)
(2)第一章 私が体験した朝鮮戦争

 国連軍がやってきた 朝鮮軍、そして中共軍の占領下にあった作者の村(ソウルの北40キロ)へ航空機による反撃から始まり、米軍が進駐してきた。最初村人たちはみんなてをふって、背の高いスマートな兵士たちを歓迎した。彼らはチョコレートやドロップ、ビスケットをばらまくものだから、村人の兵士に対する好感度は日に日に高まった・
 国連軍の性暴行 しかしそういう期間は非常に短かった。彼らはまもなく女性達を略奪し始めた。昼間目をつけた女性を夕方になるとジープを走らせてきて強奪する。女性達が隠れるようになるとシェパードを連れてきて探すなど、暴虐が広がっていった。
 歓迎された売春婦 こうした危機は2ヶ月ぐらいで収まった。それは村に売春婦がソウルから大量に入ってきたからであった。売春婦が村に安全と活気をもたらした様子が語られていく。


平成27年7月6日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Origins of the US Army’s Korean Comfort Women ( HEART PRESS) 
By Choi Kilsung,
Professor at Dong-a University, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University
(2) Chapter 1 The Korean War As I Experienced It

In this Chapter, the author vividly illustrates memories of what he experienced at the age of ten during the Korean War.
The arrival of the UN Army In summer of 1951, fighter planes came to attack the Chinese army which occupied the village the author lived and then UN army entered the village. Villagers welcomed its tall, smartly dressed soldiers. They waved at them as they passed by. Soldiers liberally distributed chocolates, candy drops, and cookies to the villagers. Villagers liked them more and more with each passing day.
Sexual violence by the UN Army Unfortunately, the uneasy peace did not last long and soon enough, just as the villagers had feared, the soldiers began attacking women. Unfortunately, the uneasy peace did not last long and soon enough, just as the villagers had feared, the soldiers began attacking women. The soldier even brought shepherd dogs to sniff out hided women.
Embracing prostitution The crisis actually only lasted about two months, at most. After many prostitutes were brought into the village from Seoul, sexual violence by UN Army disappeared. It is illustrated that the prostitutes returned peace and also loveliness to the village.
Details are here;

*Chapter 1
*Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/choi-kilsung

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.98J 韓国の米軍慰安婦はなぜ生まれたのか

2015年7月2日 木曜日

崔 吉城(広島大学名誉教授・東亜大学教授)
(1) まえがき


平成27年7月2日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Origins of the US Army’s Korean Comfort Women ( HEART PRESS) 
By Choi Kilsung,
Professor at Dong-a University, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University
(1) Introduction
Recently I had a one hour interview with ZDF German Television at my office.
I was amazed, that at the outset of the interview, the correspondent raised a question concerning the comfort women issue, “What do you think about the Japanese Army’s war crimes of rape and violence?”
I told him that the comfort women system had been introduced in order to prevent possible “rape and sexual violence.” I explained to him that the comfort women made their business as prostitute, earning a lot of money, so there was no “rape” to speak of.
I have once again realized how far the misconception about the comfort women has spread overseas.
This book was written by a Korean professor, who experienced the Korean War when he was ten years old. He lived in a village about 40 kilometers north of Seoul when the Korean War erupted. He encountered the goings-on of the liberators-to-be US-led UN Army. They perpetrated dreadful acts of sexual violence against women in the village. The only solution open the residents to solve this problem was to accept prostitution in the village.
The author stresses that this is the story of the US Army’s comfort women, a story which neither Japan, Korea nor international society can ignore when discussing the comfort women problem. Based on his own experiences, the author discusses war, sex and prostitution from a wide range of viewpoints.
The contents of the book will be introduced chapter by chapter as a serial with this Newsletter. The first part is the Introduction and the Contents.

*Introduction: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Introduction-TOC-.pdf
*Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/choi-kilsung

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.97J187人の歴史家声明への反論

2015年6月12日 金曜日

拓殖大学客員教授 藤岡信勝







平成27年6月12日 「史実を世界に発信する会」事務局長 茂木弘道

A Counter Response and Proposal to the “Open Letter” written by 187 Historians
Fujioka Nobukatsu, Visiting Professor, Takushoku University

June 12, 2017

On May 5, the “Open Letter in Support of Historians in Japan” was published and rapidly circulated around the world. This Letter was signed by 187 historians and researchers mainly in the field of Japan studies from the United States and western countries. The Open Letter made allegations concerning Japan’s military comfort women system before and during World War II.
The “Open Letter”, even though written by historians, is fundamentally based on misconceived historical reality.
Professor Fujioka pinpoints the false and baseless descriptions of the comfort system in the open letter in his essay below.
Also, he proposes that a series of rigorous academic conferences be held between Japanese and American scholars in order to have a dialogue on issues such as the nature of the Japanese Army’s comfort women system, international comparisons on how nations managed their soldiers’ sexual activity on the battlefield, and serious human rights problems plaguing the world today, such as human trafficking.

Prof. Fujioka’s Essay: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/A-Counter-Response-to-CWLetter.pdf
His profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/fujioka-nobukatsu

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.96J 台湾人は漢民族ではない

2015年6月3日 水曜日

「台湾の声」編集長、医学博士 林建良(りんけんりょう)






平成27年6月3日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝


Lin Jianliang, Ph.D. in Medicine
Editor, Voice of Taiwan

Many people think that the Taiwanese belong to the same ethnic group as the mainland Chinese. Not only ordinary people, but also scholars and researchers studying Taiwan labor under this false impression. They believe what they’ve heard, i.e., that 2% of the Taiwanese population are aborigines, 13% are natives of the mainland who fled to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-Shek in 1949 (and their descendants), and the remaining 85% are natives of the mainland who arrived in Taiwan prior to World War II. Therefore, they reach the conclusion that 98% of Taiwanese are Han Chinese.

This impression, however incorrect, is widely embraced. And it does not help that Taiwanese born in the postwar period were taught that they are Han Chinese. But this is completely wrong from the viewpoint of the genetic make-up of the Taiwanese. Dr. Lin Mali, professor of hematology at Mackay Memorial Hospital in Taipei discovered that the genetic make-up of the Taiwanese is completely different from that of the Han Chinese.

How was this difference occur? Dr. Lin Jianliang elaborates the historical process. Read Dr. Lin’s essay.

Dr. Lin’s essay: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/418
Dr. Lin’s profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/lin-jianliang

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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