‘ニュースレター’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.320J 相変わらずの日本の危機

2021年7月26日 月曜日



エッセー(原文): http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/crisisE.pdf
〃 (日本語訳)(発信する会訳): http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/crisis.pdf

令和3年7月26日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

A crisis of more-of-the-same Japanese leadership
By David Lee

In this essay, Mr. David Lee laments that under the novel coronavirus pandemic, unelected public officials, so-called medical experts, have been handed unlimited power in various countries worldwide.
In March 2020, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London predicted that in the US, without a mitigation strategy, the novel coronavirus would kill about 2 million people over a four-month period. From this scary and extremely flawed forecast, we heard tirelessly from so-called medical experts to lockdown the population, to close schools, businesses and so on in order to “flatten the curve,” and US and Europe dutifully complied.
One unelected public official is Dr. Omi Shigeru, called by the Japan Times and Western media “Japan’s Dr. Fauci”. Any perceptive Japanese hearing this should be concerned by this dubious distinction. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for more than 30 years, has had a horrible habit of saying one thing one day and then something else the next. For example, early in the so-called pandemic, he said that masks were not effective. Later, he stated that everyone should wear masks. After that, he doubled down and stated that everyone should wear two masks. He has also dismissed the notion that the novel coronavirus behind the current so-called pandemic could have escaped from a laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which, indirectly, received funding from grants approved by Dr. Fauci.
Dr. Omi loudly stated, much to Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide’s chagrin, that “it is not normal” to host the Olympics under the “current situation.” If Dr. Omi is in fact the “Dr. Fauci of Japan”, then Japanese people should be extremely concerned.
One other unelected modern Japanese leader is General Yoshida Yoshihide of the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force (GSDF), who loudly proclaimed to all who would listen that Japan will never “unsheathe the sword”. The Asahi Shimbun (June 27, 2021) gushed all over General Yoshida, calling him a “maverick,” a man with “affable and gentle looks”. Really, Japanese should be highly concerned that such an “affable” and “gentle” man is in charge of Japan’s last line of defense.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/opinion-article/1749/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/crisisE.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.319J 一次資料が明かす南京事件の真実

2021年7月19日 月曜日

『一次資料が明かす 南京事件の真実』(展転社)(改訂版)
池田 悠 著

その1 序 南京事件の隠れた主役、目次



令和3年7月19日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道拝

Primary Historical Sources Reveal The Truth About
The Nanjing Incident
(Revised Version)

Ikeda Haruka
Series No.1: Chapter 5: Introduction, Table of Contents

Extensive studies have revealed that the Nanjing Incident was not a gigantic slaughter as often depicted. However, a consensus has to be reached concerning the fundamental question of whether the Incident really took place, let alone the number of victims.
The current book adopts a new approach: to get back to the original point, to reconfirm present status and issues in question regarding the controversy over the Nanjing Incident based on internationally acknowledged records of the time.
An American missionary named Bates was the source of information for the first newspaper report of the Nanjing Incident. It was also American missionaries who provided records of the Nanjing Incident to the Readers’ Digest (July and October 1938 issues). Furthermore, it was exclusively American missionaries who later appeared before the Tokyo Trials and stated that the Nanjing Incident was an actual event. Records written by American missionaries accounted for an overwhelming part of the records that were submitted by Westerners.
Thus, the statements of American missionaries played a decisive role in substantiating the Nanjing Incident as factual. In other words, American missionaries were the lead figures of the Nanjing Incident.
Ikeda further shows that the American missionaries were group with a shared mission–of spreading the Protestant belief in China—and most of them lived together under the same roof in Nanjing, conducting various missionary activities in unison. Therefore, it is appropriate to regard activities of individual missionaries as parts of a larger undertaking by American missionaries who remained in Nanjing. By recognizing decisions and actions taken by organized American missionaries in Nanjing as such, we can envisage an overall picture of the Nanjing Incident.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1746/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Primary1E.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.318J 鯨は国を助く6

2021年7月9日 金曜日

小泉 武夫 著
その6 第5章 クジラの底ヂカラ、あとがき、ほか


日本語原文: http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Counting-5.pdf

令和3年7月9日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道拝

Counting the Blessing of Whales:
Insights from a Chopsticks-Wielding Patriot
Koizumi Takeo

Series No.6: Chapter 5: Potential Power of Whales, Postscript, etc.
The current book, up to Chapter 5, showed how whales are deeply connected with Japanese society and culture throughout Japanese history.
This last Chapter reveals the hidden strength of whales.
*The reason why whale meat is very tasty is that it contains more protein than either beef or pork. Chewing causes protease, an enzyme found in the saliva, to break down protein into amino acids. The amino acids impart umami, which makes protein-rich food tasty.
* Amino acids provide a source of vitality for all forms of life and eating whale meat not only satisfies the palate but also generates energy.
* Balenine is contained in abundance especially in whale meat. When whales migrate from their breeding waters to feeding grounds, they hardly feed themselves. They manage to breast-feed their children while fasting and travel about 5,000 to 6,000 km without resting to return to their feeding grounds. For a long time, what gave whales such stamina was a puzzled whale researchers. A special amino acid called balenine was found to be the answer. Accordingly, balenine was used in various tests of strength. As a result, those who took it showed less fatigue and showed more muscles momentum. Whales have balenine in massive quantities.
*Whale meat does not cause allergies, while other meats, such as beef, pork and chicken, cause allergy.
Finally, it should be recognized that from the view of marine ecosystem balance, anti-whaling dogma is causes marine ecosystem deterioration.
The amount of marine biological resources consumed by cetaceans in all oceans is estimated to be about 500 million tons annually, which is more than five times the present global ocean fishing production, approximately 90 million tons. This means that if the number of whales increased by 10% because of whaling restrictions, whales will eat 50 million tons more marine biological resources. This represents about half of the global fishing production! A balance of the marine ecosystem should be the solution. Zero whaling destroys the marine ecosystem balance.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1743/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Counting-5e.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.317J ラムザイヤー教授からのメッセージ

2021年7月5日 月曜日







令和3年7月5日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝


Urgently Assembled Symposium
“International Historical Controversy over Professor Ramseyer’s Essay”
Professor Ramseyer’s Video Message

International Research Institute of Historical Controversy (iRICH) held an urgently

assembled Symposium, “International Historical Controversy over Professor Ramseyer’s Essay,” on April 24, 2021, at the Seiryo Kaikan in Tokyo.
The program and the purpose of the Symposium can be found:

Program: URL:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Ramseyer0E.pdf
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1736/
Ramseyer message: URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1736/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Ramseyer1E.pdf

In December of last year, law and economics Professor Mark Ramseyer, Harvard Law School, posted a scholarly essay, “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War,” on the International Review of Law and Economics’ website. His aim was to analyze the relationship between comfort women and entrepreneurs in terms of “game theory,” based on the fact that comfort women were licensed prostitutes, which has been thoroughly demonstrated by academics in Japan.
Following this, fierce rebuttals erupted in South Korea and the US from scholars and activists. They published a “Letter by Concerned Economics Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics, which demanded that Prof. Ramseyer’s paper be withdrawn. More than 3,500 academics signed the letter.
It is rather obscene that academicians these days, rather than debate, shrilly demand that scholarly studies be immediately suppressed because the message does not follow their cherished beliefs. Amazingly, these same academics are the ones who shrilly demand freedom of expression. But when these fashionable academics see something they loath, that is, the truth, they become our guardians of human rights and attack and debase unpleasant truths. Critics of Ramseyer’s paper were thoroughly rebuffed during the April Symposium.
In a previous newsletter, we pointed out totalitarians disguised as scholars (No.314). An American professor sent me a letter, attempting to refute my view. He claimed that: “leading scholars have already clarified the flaws of flaws of Ramseyer’s troubling paper, and you may wish to follow relevant literature (see attached).”
What was attached was a 30 page missive which he wrote.
I asked him to show evidence of “forced conscription of Korean woman for comfort woman”. He cited a footnote, but his evidence was nothing of the sort. In the end, this professor’s 30 page manuscript failed to substantiate the all too common claim that the Japanese military forcibly conscripted Korean women. His references were based on nothing more than fantasy.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.316J アメリカは日本を疫病視した

2021年6月29日 火曜日


日本が「レベル4」に指定された理由は、米港疾病管理センター(CDC)によれば、日本のコロナ患者の数が「非常に高い」(Very High)ということなのだそうです。

エッセー(原文): http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/diseasedE.pdf
〃 (日本語訳)(発信する会訳): http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/diseased.pdf

令和3年6月29日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝


America diagnoses Japan as diseased
By David LEE

On May 24, 2021, the United States State Department imposed a “Level 4: Do not travel” advisory on Japan, the highest level used to advise US travelers against traveling—in effect, a quarantine. One is reminded of Franklin Roosevelt’s “Quarantine Speech” delivered before the outbreak of World War II.
A “Level 4” advisory, according to the State Department, means a “greater likelihood of life-threatening risks”. One country currently at “Level 4” is Haiti: it is at “Level 4” because of “civil unrest,” “kidnapping or hostage taking,” and widespread violent or organized crime.”
The ostensible reason for Japan’s “Level 4” designation is that its number of COVID-19 cases is “very high,” according to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). Very High? What about the US itself? On May 25, Japan had about half as many COVID-19 cases per capita as the US. Isn’t it bizarre that a government can designate a country with half as many cases as it has as “Level 4” (very high) and advise its own citizens to avoid traveling?
More bizarre is that the Japanese government neither protests nor demands a reason for the US action. Another strange thing is that no Japanese media raised questions or protested the US government’s arbitrary declaration. The Japanese media usually berates the government, but in this case, they actually followed the government’s cowardly stance.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1731/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/diseasedE.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.315J 中国ガンとの最終戦争その3 第2章中国癌が生み出した世紀のウィルス

2021年6月21日 月曜日


その3—第2章 中国癌が生み出した世紀のウィルス


第1節 ウィルス犯は蝙蝠なのか

第2節 生物兵器の専門家が出動した裏事情

第3節 武漢ウィルス研究所の実態

第4節 ワクチン開発原動力は「貪欲と恐怖と無知」

第5節 習近平の「戦略的機遇」という表現の意味

第2章 英訳文:http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/CancerE3.pdf

令和3年6月21日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

(Bensei Publishing Inc.)
Lin Kenryo

(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Facts)

Series No. 3: Chapter 2: China Cancer Delivers the Virus of the Century

Suppose that physicians who consider themselves China specialists had examined the agglomeration of cancer cells that is China in the past. Nine out of 10 of them would have predicted a rosy outcome for their “patient.” They would have said, “Oh, don’t worry! China is experiencing growing pains now, and there is still an imbalance between the mental and the physical. We just need to provide nutrients (capital and technology). As intellectual growth proceeds, China will become a fine adult. Just wait and see!”
But recently a growing number of physicians have begun to wonder: “This patient’s behavior is abnormal. Could this be cancer?” “After all this time the patient’s condition should have returned to normal.” Even some Japanese physicians are now skeptical. But most of them, when examining the patient, conclude that it is best to adopt a wait-and-see policy. Why? Because even when confronted with Chinese-style tyranny, most Japanese ignore it, confident that it will not affect them directly. Unfortunately, the Wuhan coronavirus burst onto the scene, and spread through the world at lightning speed. It has affected every inhabitant of this planet either directly or indirectly; it is impossible to ignore.
What did the Chinese do in the early days when the discovery was made that a contagious disease had erupted in Wuhan? They did not take immediate steps to control the epidemic, as one might expect. What they did was embark on a cover-up campaign. Officials were fully aware that the disease could be transmitted from person to person, but they sat back and watched it spread. To make matters worse, instead of taking steps to combat the virus, the Chinese began putting pressure on the WHO (World Health Organization). They browbeat the organization’s officials, persuading them to refrain from using language that would reveal the place where the disease originated or its characteristics, like “Wuhan pneumonia” or “Wuhan coronavirus.”
Corona virus has exposed China’s true nature this time!

HTML: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1729/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/CancerE3.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.314J 米国の押し付け憲法の呪縛から日本はなぜ逃れられないのか

2021年6月7日 月曜日


ジェイソン・モーガン氏(麗澤大学准教授)は『日本国憲法は日本の恥である』(悟空出版)という著書もありますが、このほど Japan Forward に、文明論的な観点からする日本国憲法論を寄稿しました。

エッセー(原文): http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/ConstitutionE.pdf
〃 (日本語訳)(発信する会訳):http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Constitution.pdf


令和3年6月7日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝


Why Does the U.S.-Imposed Constitution Continue to Frame Japan as a Nation?
By Jason Morgan

The real face of the present Constitution of Japan is, as described by Professor Jason Morgan: “Drafted on the assumption of Western civilization superiority, the postwar Japanese constitution is not an artifact of Japanese political will or self-determination, but a monument to what is arguably America’s greatest hour of military glory.”
The Constitution is largely unchanged since 1947 because historical context and the emergent alliance system locked it in place. The context of the Japanese constitution is that one Asia-Pacific empire, Japan’s, fell entirely under the power of another empire, America’s.
However, I think there is another important factor which blocks the amendment of the American-imposed constitution: it is that the Japanese, especially intellectuals, academics and journalists, accept the very notion or assumption of the superiority of Western civilization. This whole-hearted acceptance is really wrong, a racially insensitive slur disguised as a universal truth.
As Professor Morgan writes, the crusading Americans imposed other constitutions on other defeated peoples long before 1945. Perhaps most famous is the “Bayonet Constitution” foisted upon King David Kalākaua of the Kingdom of Hawai’i in 1887. Like the Japanese constitution, the Hawaiian constitution was drafted entirely by Americans, and in less than one week. The United States dispatched governors-generals to the Philippines and imposed constitutions, twice, upon its colony.
American academics hold the same belief in the superiority of the West. A recent example is their attitude toward Harvard University Professor Ramseyer’s article on the Japanese military “comfort women”. In his article, “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War,” to be published in the International Review of Law and Economics, he verifies that comfort women made contracts, of three to five years, with the owners of the comfort stations and received cash advances. More 3,500 American academics signed a letter demanding that the article be withdrawn. These academics have yet to demonstrate proof of “forced conscription” or coercion was used to “force” then to work as comfort woman. These so-called academics have also failed to demonstrate that the “brutal and criminal” Japanese military, as standard practice, “forcibly conscripted” and “coerced” women into prostitution. The academics’ high-mindedness betrays their so-called anti-racist and diverse outlook. Really, these academics are childishly self-centered.

URL:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1717/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/ConstitutionE.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.313J 中国ガンとの最終戦争その2 第1章中国という名の癌細胞

2021年6月3日 木曜日



その2—第1章 中国という名の癌細胞


第1節 アポトーシスという自己犠牲の欠如

第2節 癌細胞の欲望は無限大

第3節 際限なく膨張する癌細胞

第4節 生体を食い尽くしモザイク現象が現れる


第1章 英訳文:http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/CancerE2.pdf]

令和3年6月3日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

(Bensei Publishing Inc.)

Lin Kenryo

(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Facts)
Series No. 2: Chapter 1: The Cancer That is China
The world turned upside-down when the coronavirus pandemic spread from Wuhan.
Dr. Lin predicts that historians will now refer to the period before 2020 as “B.C.” (before the coronavirus) and the period after 2020 as “A.C.” (after the coronavirus). At the same time, China’s predisposition to cancer will be remembered for a long time within the context of the coronavirus pandemic.
What exactly, then, is China’s predisposition to cancer? The first characteristic is the lack of apoptosis, a natural cellular process—in fact, cellular suicide. For instance, when a tadpole transforms into a frog, its tail disappears, and limbs grow out of its body; these are the results of apoptosis. Since the tail is no longer needed, it is sacrificed, or absorbed into the body in the manner of programmed cell death.
If this biological process went awry, so would every other natural process. Cancer cells do not adhere to normal biological processes. Present-day China bears an eerily similar resemblance to cancer cells. Every characteristic seen in cancer cells can be seen in China.
The spirit of give and take, as seen in apoptosis, results in the nurturing of new life. But that spirit is totally foreign to cancer cells because they are self-centered. This self-centered spirit, this selfishness, is the same spirit we find in China, wherein, “What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine.”
Since the spirit of self-sacrifice is absent from Chinese thinking, when confronted with a crisis, they resort to behavior unimaginable to a rational human being. In a normal world, even the most harsh peoples want to leave a legacy behind them after death in the form of descendants. Not the Chinese. They have been visited by severe famine hundreds of times. What did they do then? They have resorted to cannibalism and practiced yizi ershi, a form of barter in which families exchanged their children for others’ and ate them. When we look at the history of cannibalism, a practice particular to China, we realize that self-sacrifice is foreign to Chinese culture.

HTML: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1714/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/CancerE2.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.312J 韓国で「河野談話」撤廃要求の声!

2021年5月31日 月曜日



慰安婦法廃止国民行動 金柄憲代表


声明文(原文・ハングル): WithK.pdf (sdh-fact.com)

〃 (日本語訳)(宮本富士子訳):With.pdf (hassin.org)
〃  (英語訳)(史実を世界に発信する会訳):WithE.pdf (sdh-fact.com)

令和3年5月31日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝


Koreans Voice Withdrawal of the “Kono Statement”!

Does Japan really want to terminate the comfort women issue?
If so, withdraw the Kono Statement!

Kim Byung-heon, Representative of National Action to Abolish the Comfort Women Act

On May 19, 2021, National Action to Abolish the Comfort omen Act (Representative: Kim Byung-heon, Director of the Korean History Textbook Research Institute) held a press conference I front of the Comfort Girl Statue in Seoul appealing the Withdrawal of the “Kono Statement”, for it distort the truth of comfort women.
“The Statement” emphasizes that “The Kono Statement” is playing most influential factor for the issue of the comfort women in not only in Korea but throughout the world. However, former Secretary Kono made an incredible error. He wrong-headedly confused the case of the Dutch women, who were actual war crime victims, with Japanese military comfort women, who were recruited and managed to prevent war crimes against women in Japanese-occupied regions.
“The Statement” mentions that Japan operated the “comfort women system” strictly abiding to the law. Before the start of the contract, women received an advance and put their seal on the contract. At the expiration of their contract, women were to return home immediately. However, some had their contract extended or moved to other comfort stations. Among these comfort women was Moon Okuju, who lived as a comfort woman near the Burmese front, earned a lot of money and sent money home.
“The Statement” concludes that;
If Japan does not recognize former Korea comfort women as war crime victims, then withdraw the Kono Statement immediately! Immediately withdraw the Kono Statement!

Korean text:
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1712/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/WithK.pdf

English translation:
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1710/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/WithE.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.311J デレク・ショービン裁判の教訓

2021年5月18日 火曜日




エッセー(原文): http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/LessonE.pdf
〃 (日本語訳)(発信する会訳): http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Lesson.pdf

令和3年5月18日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝


The real lesson of the Derek Chauvin Trail.

By David LEE

David Lee states that “Western civilization” is today an oppressive hegemony that is ruled by orthodox intellectuals and the mainstream media. “Multiculturalism” is the dominant ideology of post-modern Western civilization. The core tenants of multiculturalism include all ethno-cultural groups are equal, marginalized groups should be held up to be idolized and that it is one’s duty to do embrace other groups at the expense of one’s own group. This sounds very noble and humanistic. Actually, this ideology embodies hypocrisy.
For example, look at the recent conviction of a white former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, for the death of a black American, George Floyd. An April 21, 2021 article in the Mainichi Shimbun gushed that Chauvin’s conviction “gives hope to Black American.”.
The media claimed that Floyd was a “gentle giant” and that he was “turning his life around”. At the same time, the media studiously ignored his previously arrests for drug possession and theft and his armed robbery conviction in which he and his gang lied his way into a home and Floyd threatened the female victim with a gun. According to the official autopsy report, he was on fentanyl, methamphetamine and marijuana. He also had signs of significant heart disease. Despite signs of ill health and an abundance of narcotics in his blood, the Mainichi Shimbun stated with a straight face that “one white police officer” was held “accountable” for an “unambiguous act of murder.”
The post-modern role of the media is not to report facts but to elevate the marginalized.
An “autonomous zone” was set up by black activists around the site where Floyd died in May 2020, “George Floyd Square”. Since then, police have been prevented from responding to emergency calls within the “autonomous zone” because of barricades set up by black activists. Special instructions “for white people in particular” concerning behavior within the “autonomous zone” have been prominently displayed at the entrance. Minneapolis officials have so far declined to close down “George Floyd Square”.

URL:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/review-article/1707/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/LessonE.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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