‘ニュースレター’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.182J 南京事件48人の証言 2

2017年10月11日 水曜日

その2―第一章 ジャーナリストの見た南京 1.朝日新聞 2.毎日新聞

1. 朝日新聞 3人
2. 毎日新聞 4人


平成29年10月11日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

The Nanjing Incident: Japanese Eyewitness Accounts
-Testimony from 48 Japanese Who Were There-
By Ara Ken’ichi
No.2: Chapter 1 Nanjing, as Observed by Journalists
1. Asahi Shimbun Newspaper
2. Mainichi Shimbun Newspaper

We present No. 2 in this series, which contains Chapter 1: Nanjing, as Observed by Journalists, 1. Asahi Shimbun Newspaper (three staffers) and 2. Mainichi Shimbun Newspaper (four staffers). These two newspapers are representative of Japanese newspaper in terms of quality and volume.
On reading their words, you see that most of them said that they neither saw a massacre nor hear of a massacre. In their company group meetings, “massacres” were not at all raised as a significant news item.
Some staffers however did mentioned that they saw “massacres”. However, reading carefully, one will see that they saw corpses of Chinese soldiers, an execution of unauthorized plain-clothed soldiers and guerillas, killing of enemy soldiers by a single corporal, and so on, unfortunate yet universal phenomena on battlefields. If these are considered “massacres”, then all the battles are indeed “massacres”. The battle of Nanking was not an anomaly—it was just one large battle of many.
We invite you to read their testimonies.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1039/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Ara-Nanjing-2.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.181J 黄文雄の「歴史とは何か」

2017年10月2日 月曜日





平成29年10月2日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

A macroscopic analysis of the differences among the histories of
East Asian nations: Japan, China, Taiwan, and Korea
No.1- Foreword and Table of Contents

Ko Bun’yu’s historical perception is unique and macroscopic. Defining History presents his penetrating analysis, rooted in historical philosophy, of the features of and differences among the histories of Japan, China, Taiwan, and Korea.

Postwar Japanese history education has been heavily influenced by Russia (the Comintern historical perspective, whose objective is social revolution) and the US (the “IMTFE historical perception”). Since the 1980s the Chinese historical perspective has entered into the picture, with the PRC and Korea forming a chorus whose “message” is transmitted at full volume by gullible media representatives and educators, and used to brainwash our students. Our current reality involves unrelenting efforts on the part of China and Korea to force the correct historical perception (meaning their historical perception) down our throats.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to extricate ourselves from this deplorable situation has come to us in the form of Ko Bun’yu and his historical perception, which should be disseminated throughout the world. To that end, we would like to invite all citizens of the world to read the English translation of Defining History.

This installment includes the Foreword and the Table of Contents.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1029/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/KO-BUNYU-No.1.pdf
Profile of Ko Bunyu: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/72_S3.pdf
Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.180J 南京事件48人の証言

2017年9月29日 金曜日


南京事件を解明する本は沢山出ておりますが、当時南京戦の現場にいた人々の証言を大量に集めて整理した本といえば、阿羅健一氏のこの本に勝るものはありません。本書は昭和62年に『聞き書き 南京事件』(図書出版社)として最初に出版されたものを文庫版で再版したものです。

平成29年9月27日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

The Nanjing Incident: Japanese Eyewitness Accounts
-Testimony from 48 Japanese Who Were There-
By Ara Ken’ichi
No.1: Introduction, Preface and TOC

This book is highly significant in that it contains the words of military officials, journalists, diplomats and others who were in Nanjing in 1937. The so-called “Nanjing Incident” is a very controversy issue – even what to name it is controversial. The most obvious path to take to arrive at the facts is to listen to the people who were actually there that time. Therefore, Mr. Ara Ken’ichi adopted this approach for this book–the most forthright and honest from a journalistic perspective.
What did the Japanese do or did not do? What did they see? Was there anything that they saw that could be considered a massacre? After you read this book, you will see the truth.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1027/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Ara-Nanjing-1.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.179J 新しい歴史教科書ーその8(4章3節、4節)

2017年9月19日 火曜日

英訳シリーズ その8-第4章「近代の日本と世界(I)―幕末から明治時代」


    58 条約改正への苦闘
    59 自由民権運動と政党の誕生
 第4章のまとめ 近代(I)とはどんな時代か

平成29年9月19日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

New History Textbook for Middle School Students
Series No. 8, Chapter 4: Modern Japan and the World (Part 1) – From the Final Years of the Edo Shogunate to the End of the Meiji Period
Sections 3, 4

Series No. 8 contains Chapter 4, Sections 3 & 4.

Chapter 4, Section 3: Constitutionalism and the wars with China and Russia
Topic 58– The struggle to revise the unequal treaties
What strategies did Japan employ in order to renegotiate the unequal treaties signed with the Western powers during the final years of the shogunate?
* French Food and Black Mourning Dress
* An Excerpt from Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu’s Speech to the Diet on
Treaty Revision (1893)
* The Long Road to Treaty Revision
Topic 59 – The Freedom and People’s Rights Movement and the birth of political parties
How did the Freedom and People’s Rights Movement start and in what way was it connected to the formation of Japan’s first political parties?
* An Excerpt from Itagaki Taisuke’s 1874 Proposal to Establish a Popularly Elected Assembly
(as recorded in Itagaki’s book The History of the Liberal Party)
* Reading Groups and the Draft Constitutions of the Freedom and People’s Rights Movement
 Topic 60 – The Meiji Constitution and the foundation of a constitutional state
What principles were enshrined within the Meiji Constitution?
* A Constitution Praised Inside and Outside Japan
  * The Imperial Rescript on Education
* The Major Articles of the Meiji Constitution
* Fukuzawa Yukichi, Author of An Encouragement of Learning and Leaving Asia
Topic 61 – The First Sino-Japanese War and the Triple Intervention
What sort of conflict was the First Sino-Japanese War?
* Kim Ok-kyun and the Kapsin Coup
* Japan’s First Party Cabinet
Topic 62 – The Anglo-Japanese Alliance
Why did Japan favor an alliance with Great Britain to protect its national security?
* The Disadvantages of a Russo-Japanese Treaty
(according to Komura Jutaro’s opinion paper)
* The Advantages of an Anglo-Japanese Alliance
Topic 63 – The Russo-Japanese War: Japan’s riskiest gambit
How was the Russo-Japanese War fought and what impact did Japan’s victory have on the world?
* The Japanese People who Fought the Russo-Japanese War
Topic 64 – Japan takes its place among the great powers
What were the consequences of Japan having joined the ranks of the great powers?
* America’s Gunboat Diplomacy Towards Japan
* Ito Hirobumi, Political Workhorse of the Meiji Government
Chapter 4, Section 4 – The evolution of modern industry and shaping of modern culture
Topic 65 – The development of modern industry and its consequences
How did Japan’s industrial revolution unfold?
* Model Government Factories Sold to Private Citizens
* Shibusawa Eiichi, The Man Who Made Japanese Business What It Is Today
Topic 66 – The formation of a modern culture
How did Japan’s acceptance of Western influence affect traditional Japanese culture?
* Japanese Scientists of the Meiji Period
* How the World Saw the Russo-Japanese War

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1021/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%204%20Section%203,%204.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.178J 金正浩の筆写本「大東輿地図」の于山島

2017年9月13日 水曜日

拓殖大学教授 下條正雄






Usando Was Not Takeshima:
An Analysis of the Newly Discovered Reproduction of
Kim Jeong-ho’s Map of the Great East Land
By Shimojo Masao, Professor at Takushoku University

On August 2, 2017, the online edition of South Korea’s Yonhap News reported that a hand-drawn reproduction of Map of the Great East Land, a map of Korea originally created by the famed nineteenth-century cartographer Kim Jeong-ho, was discovered in Japan. According to Yonhap News, this reproduction included the island of Takeshima, known as Dokdo in Korea, as Korean territory, apparently strengthening Korea’s claim to the island; ownership of the island is today disputed between Japan and Korea.

However, Prof. Shimojo Masao at Takushoku University makes a comprehensive rebuttal against this baseless assumption:
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1022/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Usando-Was-Not-Takeshima.pdf

In 1711, government inspector Bak Seok-chang surveyed the island and produced Map of Ulleungdo (Ulleungdo Dohyeong in Korean), which includes Usando, called Jukdo, an island located about two kilometers east of Ulleungdo. Since then, Jukdo was an island designated in Korean maps as Usando. Takeshima, which is 92 kilometers south east of Ulleungdo, was never called “Usando”. So, the belief that Usando=Takeshima=Dokdo is based on a complete false notion.

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.177J 新しい歴史教科書ーその7(4章1節、2節)

2017年9月7日 木曜日

英訳シリーズ その7-第4章「近代の日本と世界(I)―幕末から明治時代」


    47 市民革命と産業革命
    48 欧米列強のアジア進出 
    49 ペリーの来航と開国
    50 尊王攘夷運動の展開
51 薩長同盟と討幕運動
    52 明治新政府
    53 廃藩置県と四民平等
    54 近隣諸国との国境画定
    55 岩倉使節団と征韓論
    56 殖産興業と文明開化

平成29年9月7日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

New History Textbook for Middle School Students
Series No. 7, Chapter 4: Modern Japan and the World (Part 1) – From the Final Years of the Edo Shogunate to the End of the Meiji Period
Sections 1, 2

Series No. 7 contains Chapter 4, Sections 1 & 2.

Chapter 4, Section 1: The encroachment of the Western powers in Asia
Topic 47 – Industrial and people’s revolutions
What events led to the birth of Europe’s modern nations?
Topic 48 – The Western invasion of Asia
How did the Western powers advance into Asia?
Chapter 4, Section 2 – From the end of isolationism to the Meiji Restoration
Topic 49 – Commodore Perry and the opening of Japan to the West
What events forced Japan to open its doors to the outside world?
* What Did Perry Think of the Japanese People?
Topic 50 – The rise of the sonno joi movement
How did the sonno joi movement arise during the waning years of the Edo shogunate?
* Excerpts from the Treaty of Amity and Commerce
* The Tsushima Incident
Topic 51 – The Satcho Alliance and restoration of imperial rule
How did the Edo shogunate come to an end?
Topic 52 – The Meiji Government
What nation-building principles did Japan adopt at the time of the Meiji Restoration?
* The Charter Oath
Topic 53 – The abolition of the domains and equality of all citizens
How did Japan achieve social equality and establish a centralized state under the Meiji government?
* The Key Figures in the Great Council of State (The Meiji Government)
* How Did the Samurai React to the Abolition of the Domains?
Topic 54 – Groundbreaking educational, military, and fiscal reforms
How did the Meiji Government implement its three greatest reforms?
* An Excerpt from the Imperial Proclamation on the Encouragement of Education
*The Meaning of the Meiji Restoration
Topic 55 – Defining Japan’s national boundaries
How did Japan demarcate its national borders with neighboring countries?
* An Excerpt from the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Friendship (1871)
* The Tributary System Versus the Rule of International Law
* The Annexation of Ryukyu
* The Ainu and the Modernization of Japan
Topic 56 – The Iwakura Mission and the “Debate on Punishing Korea”
How did the Iwakura Mission’s observations of the world impact Japan’s subsequent nation-building efforts?
Topic 57 – Industrialization and westernization
How did government policies designed to promote industrialism and Western culture progress?
* An Excerpt from Okubo Toshimichi’s Official Address on the “Increase Production and Promote Industry” Campaign (1874)
* From the Lunar Calendar to the Solar Calendar
* The Lifestyles of the Japanese People in the late-Edo and Meiji Periods

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1019/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%204%20Section%201,%202.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.176J 新しい歴史教科書ーその6(3章3節、4節)

2017年8月22日 火曜日

英訳シリーズ その6-第3章「近世の日本―安土桃山・江戸時代」



平成29年8月22日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

New History Textbook for Middle School Students
Series No. 6, Chapter 3: Premodern Japan
– The Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo Period –
Sections 3, 4

Series No. 6 contains Chapter 3, Sections 3&4.

Chapter 3, Section 3: The spread of education and culture and the growth of manufacturing
Topic41 – Tsunayoshi’s Government of Law and Reason and the Genroku culture
What were the distinguishing characteristics of the Genroku culture that flourished in the Kyoto area?
* The Samurai and the Spirit of Loyalty
* Ninomiya Sontoku and the Virtue of Diligence
Topic 42 – The development of agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation
In what ways did Japanese agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation develop during the first half of the Edo period?
Topic 43 – The spread of education and culture
In what ways did education and modes of culture spread throughout Japan during the Edo period?
* Education at the Temple Schools
* Ino Tadataka, Creator of the First Accurate Map of Japan
Chapter 3, Section 4: The political development of the Edo shogunate
Topic 44 – Political reform of the shogunate
How did the shogunate react to the changing economic situation in eighteenth century Japan?
* Aoki Konyo(1698 – 1769)
* Uesugi Yozan(1751 – 1822)
Topic 45 – The Kasei culture
What were the distinguishing characteristics of the Kasei culture that flourished in the Edo area?
* Kabuki Created by Townspeople
* Edo, an Eco-Friendly City
Topic 46 – The shogunate in crisis
In what ways was the shogunate undermined by both the intrusions of foreign ships and internal rebellion and famine?
* Ukiyo-e and Japanism How did the culture of Edo Japan spread worldwide?

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/1016/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%203%20Section%203,%204.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.174J 日本人の目から見た大東亜戦争への道

2017年8月14日 月曜日


本論文の英語原文は、The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies,
Volume 42, Number 1, Spring 2017 に掲載されたものです。出版社の許可を得て、原文・日本語訳を「史実を世界に発信する会」 のサイトに掲載したものです。



平成29年8月14日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The Buildup to the ‘Greater East Asian War’
from the Japanese Perspectives
By Aldric Hama
Reviewed by Sugihara Seishiro, Former Professor at Josai University

Aldric Hama’s essay, “The Buildup to the ‘Greater East Asian War’ from the Japanese Perspective,” notes how differently the people of Japan and the West view the origins of the so-called Pacific War, and attempts to explain this vast discrepancy in perceptions.
The Western image is, in a word, a regurgitation of the opinions put forward at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (the IMTFE or Tokyo Trials) that World War II was an illegal war of aggression launched by Japan’s militarist faction in order to dominate East Asia and the rest of the world.
Although it is true that Japan did ultimately initiate the Greater East Asian War, the series of events that led Japan to the war were not at all conveyed in an accurate manner by the IMTFE. Mr. Hama’s essay makes this point very clear.
Prof. Sugihara’s review of this essay will be a useful introduction to this long essay.
The essay was first published in The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Volume 42, Number 1, Spring 2017. The essay has been uploaded to our website and now presented here.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1011/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater-East-Asian-War-from-Japanese-Perspective1.pdf *Review:
URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/review-article/1013/PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Review-of-the-Aldric-Hama.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.173J オバマ大統領の広島訪問の歴史的意義

2017年8月6日 日曜日






平成29年8月6日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

The historical significance of President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima
—The U.S. freed from the spell of the atomic bomb
By Sugihara Seishiro, Former Professor at Josai University

On this day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, I would like to present Prof. Sugihara’s thoughtful essay on the meaning of President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima on May 27, 2016. The following is the translator’s introduction, written by Mr. Norman Hu:

Few have commented on the importance of President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima on May 27, 2016. But among these, Sugihara Seishiro discusses its significance as an act of reconciliation between Japan and the United States, even while he decries the atomic bombings as crimes against countless innocents. Sugihara emphasizes how important it is that this reconciliation was born from the use of the atomic bombs, and how it is a critical and bold statement in the 21st century, when it has become all too commonplace for nations to criticize each other without regard for the long-term consequences.
Japan is the only nation to have experienced the impact of an atomic bomb, and the United States is the only one to have dropped such a weapon in an act of war. Western scholars often discuss Hiroshima with a view to justify what the U.S. did to Japan at war’s end, while Asians may see that action as excessive and entirely preventable. While many Americans argue that the atomic bombs shortened the war and saved further loss of life (both among the Japanese but in particular those of American troops), Japanese people continue to regard the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a supreme tragedy. President Obama highlighted “the remarkable transformation” in relations between the U.S. and Japan inasmuch as seventy years ago, “it would have been very difficult to imagine given the hostility between our two countries.”
This essay was recognized in 2016 for its contribution to modern and contemporary history by the APA Group’s 9th Annual Essay Competition. It is presented here in English for the benefit of readers outside of Japan. Sugihara presents the case that these close ties between erstwhile bitter enemies are a testament to humanity’s ability to reconcile given even the most virulent of enmities. Crucially, it is a clear statement that one not only needs to acknowledge and learn from history, but above all, to look forward.

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/1005/
PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Sugihara_ObamaHiroshima4.pdf

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.172J 新しい歴史教科書ーその5(3章1節、2節)

2017年7月27日 木曜日

英訳シリーズ その5-第3章「近世の日本―安土桃山・江戸時代」



平成29年7月27日 「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝

New History Textbook for Middle School Students
Series No. 4, Chapter 2: Medieval Japan
– The Kamakura and Muromchi period –
Sections 1~3

Series No. 4 contains Chapter 2, Sections 1~3.

Chapter 2, Section 1: The start of samurai rule
Topic 21 – The rise and fall of the Taira clan
What events brought about the triumph and the collapse of the Taira clan?
Topic 22 – The samurai government of the Kamakura shogunate
What were the distinguishing characteristics of the Kamakura shogunate, Japan’s first samurai government?
Topic 23 – The Mongol Invasions of Japan
Why was Japan able to repulse the Mongol Invasions?
Chapter 2, Section 2: The evolution of samurai rule
Topic 24 – The Kemmu Restoration and the Northern and Southern Courts period
Why did the Kemmu Restoration prove to be so short-lived?
Topic 25 – The Muromachi shogunate and the protector-daimyo The Taiho Code and Heijo-kyo
What were the distinguishing characteristics of the Muromachi shogunate as a samurai government?
Topic 26 – Sino-Japanese commerce, Korea, and Ryukyu
Why did the tally trade begin and how did East Asian commercial networks develop?
Topic 27 – The Onin War and gekokujo
How was Japanese society changed by the Onin War?
Chapter 1, Section 3: Medieval society and culture
Topic 28 – The transformation of medieval cities and villages
How did life in Japan’s cities and rural villages change during the medieval period?
Topic 29 – Kamakura culture
What were the distinguishing characteristics of the culture of the Kamakura period?
Topic 30 – Muromachi culture
What were the distinguishing characteristics of the culture of the Muromachi period?

URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/998/PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_2/Chapter%203%20Section%201,%202.pdf

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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