‘ニュースレター’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.55 Guantanamo & Comfort Women

2013年2月1日 金曜日

SDHF Newsletter No.55 Guantanamo & Comfort Women

Guantanamo &Comfort Women 谷山雄二朗

谷山雄二朗さんがまたまた慰安婦問題の虚構をYouTube で訴えました。説得力のある谷山さんのスピーチを是非ご覧ください。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijYLNvUPU_A


これを海外に拡散するために、英文版Newsletter で下記の通り、4000ほどのアドレスに発信しました。    平成25年2月1日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

Guantanamo & Comfort Women

Mr. Taniyama, TV producer, journalist, writer & film maker, who was selected as a
finalist for 2009 in the “Democracy Video Challenge” contest, hosted by U.S. State Department, speaks out on the “Comfort Women” issue again on YouTube.

This time he stresses two important pieces of evidence: Ms. Kim Hak-sun, the first so-called comfort woman who came onto the scene and Ms. Mun Ok-ju, the second to come onto the scene. Ms. Kim confessed at a press conference in Seoul on August 14, 1991 that when she was 14 she was sold to a Korean sex parlor by her mother for 40 Yen. Ms. Mun came to Japan in March 1992 to demand that the Japanese government give her the contents of her bank account which had not been closed. The bank account record was found and the balance of her account was 26,000 Yen. She said she worked at a brothel attached to the Japanese military from 1942 to 1944. Thus, she earned over a period of two years more than 26,000 Yen, with which, at that time, she could have bought 5 houses back in Korea.

Both of them mentioned the one word “coercion”. They were just prostitute, as an official U. S. document (United States Office of War Information, Psychological Warfare Team Attached to U.S. Army Forces India-Burma Theater APO 689) records in the preface: “A ‘comfort girl’ is nothing more than a prostitute or ‘professional camp follower’ attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers.”

Here is Mr. Taniyama’s speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijYLNvUPU_A

We have previously discussed the “Comfort Women” issue in depth at our Web site;
*The Truth about The Comfort Women: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/84_S4.pdf
*No Forced or Organized Recruitment: Misconceptions about Comfort Women and the
Japanese Military: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/31_S4.pdf
*Behind the Comfort Women Controversy: How the Lies Became Truth

I wonder why the Western media have yet to report such historical facts and when they will finally begin to disclose the truth.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.54J 日本と中国 こんなに違う

2013年1月18日 金曜日

『ここまで違う 中国と日本』(加瀬英明・石平)


日本人必読の書であるが、日本文明の真髄、そして中国文明といかに違うかということを世界の人々に理解してもらうために、この本は極めて役に立つのではないかと考え、全編英訳し、発信する会のサイトにアップロードして全世界に発信するものである。同時に下記のように、Email Newsletter で海外のマスコミ、学者等4000の宛先に発信した。
     平成25年1月11日  「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

Japan and China: How Different They Are!
by KASE Hideaki and Seki Hei (Shi Ping)

Mr. Kase Hideaki, Japanese diplomatic critic and Seki Hei (Shi Ping), China born writer have extensive and insightful discussions about the nature of Japanese and Chinese culture in this book.
A prevailing notion by Sinologists, both in the West and Japan, is that as the wealth of the Chinese “middle class” rises, they will want more democracy and political freedom—they will want to be like the middle class found elsewhere. However, this notion is far from correct is sustained by the flawed belief that Japan and China are historically and culturally the same: the Japanese and Chinese think in the same manner, therefore, if Japan can be democratic, then democracy in China is inevitable.
In fact, as Mr. Kase and Mr. Sekihei point out with numerous examples, not only are Japanese and Chinese cultures distinct from one another, Chinese cultural elements assimilated by Japan were significantly altered to fit into a Japanese social context.
The changes are indeed marked in the authors extensive and insightful narration of Chinese history. It will be evident to the reader that historic Japan and China—and modern Japanese and Chinese—share almost no commonalities aside from perhaps a sharing of basic forms of kanji.

*Summary: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/96_S2.pdf
*Full text: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/96_S4.pdf
*Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/96_S3.pdf

Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.53J 韓国一流紙までが反日原理主義

2012年12月25日 火曜日

SDHF Newsletter No.53J 韓国一流紙までが反日原理主義

西村幸祐 評論家・ジャーナリスト

 たとえば、例のロンドン五輪で韓国サッカー選手が表彰台で竹島は韓国領という政治宣伝プラカードを掲げるというとんでもない愚行で国際的顰蹙を買ったことに開き直り、なんと「ロンドン五輪でも日本の体操選手団が旭日昇天旗を連想させるユニフォームを着て出場し、物議をかもした」(朝鮮日報)と書くありさまである。物議をかもしたなど真っ赤な嘘いであることはいうまでもないが、人の国の国旗にこのようなケチをつける一流紙とはあきれたものである。しかもその根拠というのが、慰安婦強制連行だとか、日本はナチス並みの戦争を犯罪を犯しただというこれ又真っ赤な嘘なのである。ウソが国是であるかのような国であるからといってこういう発言は徹底的に否定していかなければならない。 西村論文は必読論文である。
 この英訳をサイトに掲載し、下記の通り海外4000ほどのアドレスにNewsletter で内容紹介の情報発信を行った。  平成24年12月25日   発信する会  茂木弘道
Even First-Rate Korean Newspapers Are Plagued with Anti-Japanese Fundamentalism
Nishimura Kohyu, journalist and critic, suggests that the Korean mistrust and fear of the Japanese crosses over into the realm of paranoia. The Korean mindset is characterized as imagining Japanese demons lurking behind every bush and the over-the-top, unreasoned responses to perceived wrongs committed in the past by Japan. Such thinking is characterized by Mr. Nishimura as “fundamentalist,” akin to Muslim fundamentalism espoused by the Taliban. Indeed, Mr. Nishimura suggests that shrill anti-Japanese Koreans are currently engaging in “information terrorism,” comparing past and present Japanese acts, no matter how innocuous, to Nazi atrocities.
One aspect underlying Korean thinking is their previous status as “Small China”. Many Koreans have yet to discard the notion that they are “Small China,” an offshoot of “Big China” but still above all others, which gives them the right to view foreigners, including Japanese, as “subservient” and “inferior”.
One other aspect pointed out by Mr. Nishimura underlying Korean thinking is their cavalier disregard of the facts. Koreans have selectively ignored ugly aspects of their own history. Rather than acknowledge that Japanese annexation took Korea out of the dark ages of the Yi Dynasty and into the modern era, Koreans focus on how the Japanese “destroyed Yi Dynasty culture”. You can read Mr. Nishimura’s paper below;

Summary: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/95_S2.pdf
Full text:http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/95_S4.pdf

Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.52J日本はアジアの希望の光だ

2012年12月20日 木曜日

元ニューヨークタイムズ東京支社長 ヘンリー・S・ストークス

http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/The-Road-from_J.pdfをご紹介しましたが、引き続きましてストークス氏が12月6日、「第2回アジアの民主化を推進する東京大会」で行った講演「日本はアジアの希望の光だ」http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/Japan_as.pdf をご紹介します。
  平成24年12月18日    「史実を世界に発信する会」  茂木弘道

Japan as “the Light of Hope in Asia”

Following “The Road from Perry’s Arrival to Pearl Harbor: Why America started a War against Japan?” http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/93_S4.pdf , I would like to introduce you to Mr. Henry Stokes’ speech, “Japan as ‘the Light of Hope in Asia,’” which was given at the Second Conference for Democratic Asia, held on December 6th, 2012 at the Bunkyo Civic Hall in Tokyo.
The Conference was organized by the Committee for Democratic Asia (Chairman: Kase Hideaki), and the following people made presentations which appealed for the promotion of democracy in Asia, especially in countries suppressed by China and communist regimes.

Prof. OKAMOTO KOJI, Japan, as speaker
PAUL LIN, Taiwan
Prof. PEMA GYALPO, Tibet, as coordinator

You can read Mr. Stokes’ speech which describes how Japan contributed to the independence and liberation of Asian countries below;

Full text:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/94_S4.pdf

Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.51J ペリー来襲から真珠湾への道

2012年12月8日 土曜日

元ニューヨーク・タイムズ東京支局長 ヘンリー・ストークス


 これらの論は、唯一つ、ルーズベルト大統領が、12月8日の5か月も前に、日本本土爆撃作戦計画の実行にOKのサインを出したという、文書が公表されたことによって、完全に崩壊している。本質的にはアメリカこそが日米戦を望み、それを仕掛けてきたというのが歴史の真実である。昨年公刊されたフ―バー大統領の回顧録『Betrayed Freedom』に「日本との戦争の全てが、戦争に入りたいという狂人(ルーズベルト)の欲望であった」(833頁)と述べられていることによって、とどめが刺されたといってよいであろう。
 日本語原文は http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/The-Road-from_J.pdfです。
                  「史実を世界に発信する会」事務局長 茂木弘道

The Road from Perry’s Arrival to Pearl Harbor: Why America started a War against Japan?

Japan-American war officially started on December 8 (Japan time), 1941, 71 years ago, by the Japanese naval attack on Pearl Harbor. However, deep historical review of this war leads to a conclusion that it was rather America which caused the war basically.
While there are a number of historically proximal events that culminated into the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, one should also consider distal events. Mr. Henry Stokes’s this article suggests that the journey to Pearl Harbor began with the arrival of Commodore Mathew Perry and his ships into Edo Bay on July 8, 1853. Based on the Japanese perspective of this intrusion, one could conclude that a conflict between Japan, as the soon-to-be first independent Asian nation to industrialize, and America, a white nation with an evangelical foreign policy, was perhaps inevitable.
The article suggests that the true purpose of Perry’s visit was to secure a permanent base for the US Navy. The article gives an overview of European rule over Asian colonies, clearly showing why native peoples saw the Japanese as liberators during the Great East Asian War. Again, perhaps it was inevitable, given the injustice perpetuated by Europeans in Asian countries, that a clash would occur between European colonialists and Japan.
While Japan suffered defeat, Asian countries rose up and declared independence from their European masters. Thus, Japan offered hope in the midst of tragedy. Here is his essay;

Summary:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/93_S2.pdf
Full text:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/93_S4.pdf

Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.50J かくも卑しきコリアン根性

2012年11月27日 火曜日


慰安婦、竹島など韓国のウソを世界中の人々に明らかにしていくとともに、なぜこんなウソを言うのかも知らせていくことが必要である。英訳文をサイトに掲載し、Newsletter で下記の通り、海外メディア、学者など4000ほどに発信した。
     平成24年11月27日        発信する会 茂木弘道

The Base National Korean Mind is Utterly Incomprehensible to Japanese
By Kou Bunyu(Gao Wen–xiong)

At one point, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak spoke of improving relations with Japan. The Japanese welcomed Lee’s statements with optimism, as a dramatic shift in attitude compared to previous South Korean administrations, which were stridently anti-Japanese, anti-American and pro-communist. However, President Lee’s recent actions, his visit to Takeshima and calling on the Emperor of Japan to apologize to those who died for independence, while highly distressing, should not be entirely unexpected to level-headed Japanese.

Taiwanese author and commentator Kou Bunyu (Gao Wen-xiong) explains that such conflicting behavior is indeed inevitable, given Korean denial of their own history and of their tendency to fawn to those who are of greater military and political strength. Because such behaviors are deeply ingrained in the Korean psyche, especially within the youth (the “Hangul generation”), Mr. Kou expects that irrational behaviors, such as virulent anti-Japanese protest and repeated demands for apologies, will persist for some time.

Mr. Kou suggests that Koreans need to know more true Korean history, more than the empty rhetoric (“we have been invaded a thousand times and beaten back the invaders each time”) that currently passes for deep understanding. Here is his essay;

Summary:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/92_S2.pdf
Full text:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/92_S4.pdf

Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.49J: 中国の尖閣領有権に一点の論拠なし(中文版)

2012年10月30日 火曜日

SDHF Newsletter No.49J: 中国の尖閣領有権に一点の論拠なし(中文版)




皆様のお知り合いの中国人等に知らせてあげてください。   発信する会 茂木

   Not a single basis for China’s Claim over Senkaku Islands

As is well-known, China had never claimed sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands
until 1968, when the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far
East published its survey findings, which noted the possible existence of huge
resources below the seabed surrounding the Senkaku Islands.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, in his address made at the United
Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2012, reiterated that Japan “stole”
the Islands.

This, however, is a sheer lie, without any basis at all in historical fact and
international law. This is fully verified by a paper below, which has been
uploaded to our Website.

* The Senklaku Islands Constitute an Intrinsic Part of Japan
Now its Chinese language version is now available.

众所皆知, 在1968年, 联合国远东经济委员会(ECAFE)发表尖阁海域埋藏着巨大资源的
可能性之前, 中国从来没有主张过拥有尖阁的领有权。

然而现在的中国不仅厚着脸皮公然主张尖阁的领有权, 外交部长杨洁篪甚至在联合国
总会(2012年9月27日) 的演讲中一再强调「日本窃取了尖阁」。

这样的说词完全没有史实和国际法可作依据, 简直是「一派胡言」。以下是登载于
「史实向世界传播之会」的网站上, 针对中国所捏造的谎言提出整体性论证的论文。


Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.48: China Invades Senkaku Islands

2012年10月22日 月曜日

SDHF Newsletter No.48: China Invades Senkaku Islands

October 22, 2012

Mr. FUJII Genki is a journalist and author of 46 books on Japanese and the
global economy, politics, and international relations. He was an associate of
the Program on U.S-Japan Relations, Center for International Affairs, Havard
University. He is now a visiting professor at Takushoku University, Tokyo.

He expresses his opinion on the Chinese Invasion of Senkaku Islands based
on his deep insight on this issue on YouTube. Since he is one of Directors of
the Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fcat, I would like to introduce
his video speech on as below.

China Invades Senkaku Islands
Chinese Military Expansionsism Threatens East Asia


For your reference, you can read following articles on the Senkaku issue at
our website:

* The Senklaku Islands Constitute an Intrinsic Part of Japan
http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/79_S4.pdf * It’s a sheer lie that the Senkaku Islands have been Chinese territory since
the Ming Dynasty
http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/87_S4.pdf * Incontrovertible Evidence: Five pieces of documentary evidence attests to
Chinese recognotion of Japanese Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands
Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.47: 中国人はなぜ平気でウソをつくのか

2012年9月24日 月曜日

SDHF Newsletter No.47: 中国人はなぜ平気でウソをつくのか





いる。 [動かぬ証拠5点]:

これらの情報を英文で下記の通り世界にEmail発信した。 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木

      Why Is It so Easy for the Chinese to Lie?

Kitamura Minoru, professor at Ritsumeikan University and Lin Sinyu, who holds
a Ph.D. in engineering, discuss Chinese psychology and how it relates to Chinese
interaction with Japan. Chinese thinking of course can apply to countries beyond
Japan. Understanding the Chinese way of thinking is critical not only in
understanding their current and past actions, but to forecast their future actions.

The key behavior is “bihui,” preserving stability of the state and the good name
of the group: “the reputation of your group can’t be dishonored”. For this purpose,
facts can be easily ignored. In other words, lying is allowed and even patriotic.
Drs. Kitamura and Lin’s paper explains this behavior at length and in depth.

You can read their paper and its summary at the links bellow:

*Summary: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/90_S2.pdf
*Full text: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/90_S4.pdf
Now the Chinese government is claiming its territorial right over Senkaku Islands.
This claim is based on nothing, considering that a Chinese state authorized map
published in 1960 clearly depicted the Senkaku Islands as Japanese territory.
Indeed, the Chinese government has clearly stated its position on the Senkaku
Islands in the past such as in the “People’s Daily” (the authoritative organ of
the Chinese Communist Party) January 8, 1953: “it (Okinawa) comprises seven group
of islands, including the Senkaku Islands, …”
For more details, please read this article at our Website:

*Incontrovertible Evidence: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/77_S4.pdf
Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.46J: 谷山雄二朗氏による誤った慰安婦論への徹底反論

2012年9月15日 土曜日

SDHF Newsletter No.46J: 谷山雄二朗氏による誤った慰安婦論への徹底反論

「慰安婦性奴隷説」が間違っていることをすごい迫力で英語で説得している YouTube があること


いますが、2009年にはアメリカ国務省が主宰する”Democracy Video Challenge” というコン



本当はアメリカの公文書 APO 689 も取り上げてほしかったですね。なにしろここには、「慰安婦は
と納得するのではないでしょうか。             発信する会 茂木弘道

         Geisha, Tony Blair & Comfort Women

An extremely distorted historical fact prevails in regard to the “Comfort Women” issue.

Mr. Taniyama, TV producer, journalist, writer & a filmmaker, who was selected as a
finalist in the “Democracy Video Challenge” contest hosted by U.S. State Department
dor 2009, has boldly expressed his view on the “Comfort Women” issue on YouTube:

I think his presentation really grasp the gist of the “Comfort Women” issue, and I
invite you to listen to his speech.

We have previously discussed the “Comfort Women” issue in depth at our Web site;

*The Truth about The Comfort Women:
*No Forced or Organized Recruitment: Misconceptions about Comfot Women and the
Japanese Military:
*Behind the Comfort Women Controversy: How the Lies Became Truth:
http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/39_S4.pdf etc.

An official U. S. document (United States Office of War Information Psychological
Warfaire Team Attached to U.S. Army Forces India-Burma Theater APO 689) records
in the preface “A ‘comfort girl’ is nothing more than a prostitute or ‘professional
camp follower’ attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers.”
This shows the core of the comfort women issue.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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