‘ニュースレター’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

SDHF Newsletter No.7: Japan’s territorial dominion over Senkaku Islands

2008年10月1日 水曜日

掲載しました。 また、下記の案内状を外国人特派員協会メンバー、海外メディア、アメリカ国務省アジア関係

A new article on Japan’s territorial dominion over Senkaku Islands has been uploaded in our site.
The article, written by Mr. Takahana, president of TEIKEI Inc., explains the gist of this controversial issue,
based on historical facts.

Mr. Lee Teng-hui, former President of Taiwan, in his September 24, 2008 meeting with Okinawa Prefecture
leaders including Governor Nakaima, asserted that, without doubt, the Senkaku Islands belonged to Japan.
It should not be surprising that he dared to express his frank opinion, against the present official view
that the territory belongs to Taiwan, because he was only being faithful to the historical facts mentioned
in this article.

Any questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi
Deputy Chairman and Secretary General
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.5: Nanking supplements

2008年9月1日 月曜日

Following Newsletter No.4: “Top Secret Documents Reveal the Truth about Nanking Incident”
I would like to inform you that further information on the Nanking Incident is available on our website.

*THE NANKING MASSACRE: Fact Versus Fiction
*Analyzing the “Photographic Evidence” of the Nanking Massacre
*What Really Happened in Nanking
+Open Questions to PRC President Hu Jintao
+Open Questions for Prime Minister Wen Jiabao: Can You Prove There was a Massacre in Nanking?
+There Is Not a Single “Real Photograph” Documenting the Nanking Incident
+After All, the Nanking Incident Was Propaganda Warfare
+American Missionaries Who Played a Significant Role in Anti-Japanese Propaganda Warfare
(Note: *Book; +Article)

Sincerely yours,

MOTEKI Hiromichi
Deputy Chairman and Secretary General
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.6: Letter to President Bush on Takeshima

2008年9月1日 月曜日



Attached (also available at http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_3/20_S1.pdf ) is a letter we sent to President Bush requesting a fair and historically based revision of the country code of the island group Liancourt (Takeshima or Dokdo).

With this two page letter and 8 paged attachment, we demonstrate that our request to change the country code to Japan is fully justified.

Any questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi
Deputy Chairman and Secretary General
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter No.4: Top Secret Documents Reveal the Truth about Nanking Incident

2008年8月26日 火曜日

In January 2003, official documents that demolish ? once and for all ? the “Nanking Massacre” myth were discovered. Marked “top-secret,” they were compiled in 1941 by the Chinese Nationalist Ministry of Information under the title Outline of International Propaganda Operations. The documents are detailed records describing counterintelligence activities implemented by the Nationalists in 1937, when war with Japan broke out, and thereafter. Nanking was the seat of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist government in 1937. The documents are preserved in Taiwan, home to the Nationalists since 1949. Prof. Higashinakano discovered them at the Museum of Chinese Nationalist Party History in Taipei.

An examination of those documents reveals that the provenance of accusations that Japan perpetrated a massacre in Nanking is wartime propaganda initiated by the Nationalist intelligence organization. They also expose European and American Nationalist agents who were intimately involved in the concoction of “Nanking Massacre” propaganda.

According to the documents, between December 1937 (the time when the massacre is supposed to have been committed) and October 1938, the Nationalist government, now operating from Hankou, held a total of 300 press conferences to which members of the foreign press were invited. However, there is no evidence showing that mention of a massacre in Nanking was made at any of those conferences.

An exhaustive analysis is made on the Nanking incident based on the newly discovered official documents by Prof. Higashinakano of Asia University in a book;
“Top Secret Nationalist Documents Reveal the Truth about Nanking Incident”
You can read the full text and download it at;

Sincerely yours,

MOTEKI Hiromichi
Deputy Chairman and Secretary General
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter #3 Hitler and the “Nanking Massacre” Exposed in Rabe’s Diary

2008年5月29日 木曜日

A new article, which reveals a striking facts on the Nanking Massacre has been uploaded in our site. http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/52_S4.pdf

John Rabe, chairman of the International Committee for Nanking Safety Zone, is illustrated as a humanistic “good man” by Iris Chang. However, he was actually not a “good man” at all. He was a merchant of death, engaged in arms dealing, not only for Siemens but also for the German military industrial conglomerate in close cooperation with Alexander von Falkenhausen, military advisor to Chiang Kai-shek. A new article uncover this facts based on verified records.

For further information on the Nanking Massacre, please refer to;

The Nanking Massacre: Fact Versus Fiction
What Really Happened in Nanking
Analyzing the “Photographic Evidence” of Nanking Massacre
There Are No Real “Photographic Evidence” of the Nanking Incident
American Missionaries Who Played a Significant Role in Anti-Japanese Propaganda Warfare
Open Questions for Prime Minister Wen Jiabao: Can You Prove a Massacre in Nanking?

Sincerely yours,

MOTEKI Hiromichi
Deputy Chairman & Secretary General
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

SDHF Newsletter #2: Open questions to PRC President Hu Jintao concerning the Nanking Incident

2008年5月14日 水曜日

Mr. KASE Hideaki, chairman of the Committee for the Examination of the Facts about Nanking,
announced that a letter of open questions concerning the Nanking incident had been submitted to PRC President Hu Jintao at a press conference held at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo on May 8, 2008.

He stated the following at the meeting:

Recent research reveals that the so-called Nanking massacre was invented for use as wartime propaganda campaign. The events that actually transpired in that city bore no resemblance whatsoever to a massacre. Accordingly, we submitted a list of open questions to PRC Prime Minister Wen Jiabao on the occasion of his visit to Japan in April 2007. In addition to indicating the utter irrationality of the claim that 300,000 Chinese were victims of a massacre in Nanking, we solicited the PRC government’s opinions on six statements of fact accompanying our questions, which proved decisively that there was no massacre.

To our great regret, Prime Minister Wen did not respond to our questions. Moreover, notwithstanding its statements regarding the importance of friendship between our two nations, the PRC has insulted the Japanese people by expanding the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall to three times its former size, therby reviving the massacre propaganda campaign. In the face of such behavior, we have no choice but to construe Chinese pledges of friendship with Japan as mere lip service at best. Needless to say, our fervent hopes for genuine friendly relations between Japan and the PRC for all generations to come have been shattered.

Since PRC President Hu Jintao is visiting Japan, we have prepared another list, this time of five open questions. Because we wish to convey the substance of the letter to the Japanese people, the Chinese people, as well to all the other peoples of the world, we have presented our questions in three languages: Japanese, Chinese and English.

*The open questions can be seen at our site;
http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/49_S4.pdf(English version)
http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/50_S4.pdf(Chinese Version)
http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/51_S4.pdf (Japanese version)

*Books and articles concerning the Nanking Incident are also available at our site;

The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/9_S4.pdf
What Really Happened in Nanking http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/9_S4.pdf
Analyzing the “Photographic Evidence” of Nanking Massacre
There Are No Real“Photographic Evidence”of the Nanking Incident

MOTEKI Hiromichi
Deputy Chairman & Secretary General
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Historical Facts: SDHF Newsletter #1

2008年5月5日 月曜日

Our group wishes to provide historical facts concerning modern Japan to all those who love truth, through our website http://www.sdh-fact.com.

Prof. NISHIOKA Tsutomu, professor, Tokyo Christian University and Deputy Chairman of the National Council for the Rescue of Japanese Abducted by North Korea, is a well-known specialist on Korean issues. Last year, he published “Yoku Wakaru Ianfu Mondai” (Soshisha, Tokyo), a book about the comfort women, which draws upon his broad expertise on Korea and his direct contacts with Koreans concerned with the comfort women issue. The book concludes that the U. S. House Resolution adopted in July 2007 is political propaganda and that not one of its accusations is true.

We are happy to announce that an English translation of this book, “Behind the Comfort Women Controversy: How Lies Became Truth” (English title) is now available on our website (http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/39_S4.pdf). We are confident that the book will be an eye-opener on the comfort women issue, and therefore of great interest to all those who, like us, have embraced the universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

If you have any questions concerning the contents of this book or our website, please contact me.

Sincerely yours,

MOTEKI Hiromichi
Deputy Chairman and Secretary General
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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